Sunday 8 June 2014

Bernabear's adventure...


Hello everybody!

 I'm Bernabear and I am going to tell you about something unusual that happened to me last year.

 It's not something really incredible, but it was surprising (to me).

It was during the last 'Printemps de Bourges', after the 'Rock'n'beat party'. I was with some friends and we were coming back home.

 I remember, we were cold and tired, and we wanted to come back quickly.

 But at one moment, we saw two or three cars of police coming very fast and stop around one car.

 The policemen went out, threatened the man in the car and told him to get out slowly.

 It was exactly like in the movies, when the bad guy is arrested by the police. 

During one second, I thought it was a shooting, but no, it was impossible. 

Then the man got out, and put his hands on the hood of his car and a policeman handcuffed him. 

After that, they all came back in their car and left. 

I don't know what happened exactly and why was he arrested so brutally. 
But that was pretty incredible. 

My friends and me left again and talked about it during all the way. 

(Dedicated to my friend Chaton who was there with me.) 

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