Saturday 21 June 2014

Hello everybody!

It's Carter, we had to do a new article about something unusual happened in our life or in the life of someone we know.
I chose an event in one of my best friend's life, it was a funny one!

My friend ( I don't give her name because she is ashamed ) was in a fair during the summer holidays.

 She was walking with her dog and her parents, when she saw a cow. 
The cow was a little scared because there was many people and my friend understood that the cow would have been able to be dangerous for her and the other tourists. 
The owners held the cow with ropes, but she struggled and she charged straight ahead at my friend. 
My friend just had time to rise one the scene nearby and to pull her dog to escape the cow.
 But the cow stay front of the scene. 
My friend was scared... 
Her father filmed everything x) 

She said me at this moment she was petrified, she didn't know what to do. Fortunately, her dog  jumped off the scene and pull her at the same time.

I hope one day she gives me the video of this «amazing» event, it would be awful! 

Sorry for this worthless anecdote but I had no other idea!

                                                                               Thanks for reading, bye!


Friday 20 June 2014


Hi ! It's Grapefruit--- and I'm going to speak about something unusual that happened to me.

        To begin, you have to know that I'm a lucky girl.

Last year, I went to New-Caledonia to spend some time with my family. 
A day, we decided to go on an island, next to Nouméa (the capital) to enjoy a moment together. 
The morning, we swam on the ocean and we saw many things like dolphins, turtles, many fishes and see devils. 
On the beach, we did sand castles of course, and on a moment, I push my cousin on the water, it was a brilliant morning. 
After, at 12 o'clock, we decided to go to lunch. 
Arrived to the restaurant, we saw a man, that we have already seen before... 
He was eating with an other man, his producer I think (You ask yourself when I'm going to tell you who he was... I like the suspense :p). 
It was this famous funny man who make us laugh. 
It was impressive to meet him on this little island very lost. 
So, we decided to talk to him. 
He told us that he was in New-Caledonia because he had a show to do. 
He invited us to lunch. 
We have left very happy to have seen Kév' Adams !


Thursday 19 June 2014


Hi ! I’m Kiwi and I will tell you something unusual that happened to my friend!

It was a long time ago, a winter day. 
We were precisely in 6e (I don’t know how to translate it in English).
 Every Friday from 2:00PM to 4:00PM, we had the opportunity to do an extracurricular activity.

In the second cycle, I chose to pick the "Calligraphy" activity (besides, it hasn’t served me so much. I still have a bad handwriting  ) ! 

 Although that was at the "Hameau de la fraternité" it’s was not far from my college.
 That day, we couldn’t return to our school by bus because the snow was deeper until our knees, or less.. 
So we walked despite the cold weather. 
I was talking to my friend when suddenly I saw her with my own eyes take €20 banknotes covered in a snow pile !  
I wondered in my head, "Holy crap, what's wrong with me ? Am I blind ?" 
Can’t you find this quite normal ? €20 banknotes dragging in a snow pile in the street, OF COURSE ! 

But I told her: “Waw you’re so lucky !”

 In the end, I don't even know how she spent it !

What about you ?


Wednesday 18 June 2014


One day a friend told me a story which happen to him when he was in the USA.

One night he was drinking some alcohol with friends. Quickly he became very drunk. 

The day after, he woke up with an horrible headache, on a bench by the side of the road. He hadn't any memories of the party. 

He looked his phone to watch the hour and saw 36 missed calls. He decided to call his friend. 

He was so eased when he heard his voice.

He told him that during the night they stole a luxurious car and they went to Las Vegas. 

They went in nightclubs, met people, drunk, smoked.

 Finally they decided to play in a casino but they had some problems with men so they left and stole some money. 
The men became very angry and kidnapped the boys. They struck them. 
They gave them dangerous works: search some arms. 
They are very bad men.
 After they released them in the city and they lost my friend. 

Now they came back in France and have a good memory of their trip :)

Thank you for reading 
- Yaya Tamtam 

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Oton Tik's

I was in Lille a few years ago. Unfortunately I didn't know the city. We were in family, we thus decided to make a small night-walk.

Everything seemed normal until I met a special man in the street.
 He had a kind of caravan, he told us that he was a mentalist or medium, something like that. 
There were a lot of people around his caravan.
 However he told us that it was free and that we could try without problem, when we got there, I was pretty excited, a little bit nervous, didn't know what to expect.

He asked us to write down 3 questions and nothing more. 
Being  curious, of course I wrote down three questions and went in. 
He told us to wait for about ten minutes. 

He was in front of us and he was closing his eyes. He had put the questions in a hat. 

He removed papers, he looked us. He opened it one by one, until there nothing weird.

 Then, he said " Ok, it's done, I'm ready Jonathan, Brian and Jeremy..  

We were amazed. We did not know how he was able to have our first names.
 I looked at my cousin and we began to be afraid.
 The continuation is interesting.
 My threes question were phrased in a way that there was neither any clear concrete answer or any possible way of him being able to know of any such future event in my life. 
This was without a doubt "impossible" time has shown that the answers he gave eventually came true, and once again, even I myself, at that moment in time, didn't know the answers to my own questions. 

Then, we went out, we were perturbed enough, he answered our 3 questions correctly. 
And people all around had just spoken also about his exploit.

A lot of people wanted to know the way it deducts certain things but without answer. I am not surprised that in this world people have a "power" or ease to be known about things. 
In any case this event made me like supernatural things but it does not mean that I believe in.
Since this day, I actually do not understand how he did that, but now, when I'm thinking about this, It makes me laugh, I don't know why.

Monday 16 June 2014


if i could talk of some event which choked me in my past,I would like to tell you in very brief story about that

In2012 I lost a most important personne who was my main part in the earth of the alive.

she stills foerver in my mind untilmy death.It sadness to loose the mosti important personne in the life.
this most personne is my grandma.

here is what I can tell you in brief story and I save you the details of her death.

to finish I also knew which also shocked me notably the war in east of my country the women, children, girls are raped, men massacred.

nowadays the confluctuality become the most veritable money around the world and natural catastrophe it is very hard to stand.

what do you think about my article?

Sunday 15 June 2014


The event which  shocked was yesterday.....

I was in Paris XIV at Marriot's hotel from a national conference between 8AM and 6 PM, there were an American leadership named Max Knowles.

I very appreciated his speech because this man shares positive attitude, how become best everyday, with posture etc.... And he said " Persist until something happened " and I was very troubled.

Also, he said " To achieve own dreams, we should to be an example " and I agree with him.. For me, It is the way of being for success.

Then, he tall us history of eagle, I will sum up it quickly ;

" At the age of 40 years, the eagle should to choose between live or die, because his wings, his feathers, his beak are used. Then, If he wants live, he makes renovation of himself during 5 weeks, and during this time, he got pain, more pain. But after that, he can live 30 extra years and fly and hunt. This is a rebirth. "

This story shows that for have success, we should suffer and make sacrifice for becoming that we wanna be. 

Saturday 14 June 2014

Teddy bear's adventure...

When I was young, like 7 years old, I saw a little boy at the end of my bed on a little chair which was in my bedroom.

It was the night, my bedroom was totally dark, and suddenly I opened my eyes because I felt observed.

I looked at the end of my bed and I saw a little boy.

He looked like my little brother, so, I said " Alan, what do you do, why are you sitting on my chair now ?", but he didn't aswer me so I was very scared, I hid myself under my cover and I turned the light on to know if he was still on the chair.

I got my head out my cover, but the boy was not there. I was so scared but I fell asleep.

I forgot a little bit about this strange night but one year ago ( in 2013) I was at my neightbour's house and I told him my story.

He is 52 years old so he has lived next to my house for 40 years.

He said to me " Alicia, don't be afraid but I've known a boy when I was 10, his name was Olivier, I don't know if he is alive".

I just answered to him " Yes and ? Was he brown haired" and he said yes.

I was not afraid because I know that there is a presence in my bedroom.

So often, I say " Hey Olivier " when I come into my bedroom, it's kind of funny.

I've never seen again Olivier because when we grow up we can't feel the same sensations, we are less  open minded. 

We don't believe in ghosts...

Weird story I know...

Teddy Bear xxx

Thursday 12 June 2014

Tommo's adventure...

Hello everyone !

I had to tell you about something unusual that happened to me or someone I know. 

As nothing unusual happened to me, I chose to talk about two persons that I know.

At my training period that I did during april holidays, our coach told us the most unusual thing that happened to him… 

He went to a party and a big storm arrived. 

On the way back, a policeman arrested him on the side to control him… 
He was in his car, wet and in boxer shorts because of the storm.

Both were ill-at-ease…

Then, still at my training period, a friend told us that one day, she was walking in the street when a mad person(I think he had had too much to drink) arrived. 

He followed her and cried with a hammer in his hand…

 She had the fear of her life (I find it very funny but I wouldn’t want it to happen to me !)

I hope you liked these anecdotes. 

Bye !

Not your average English lesson...

On Wednesday afternoon, we had class (well, some of us...^^) and Daffy Duck presented his passion and future job to us.

He's in the Reserves for the army and he explained to us what it implies and what he has to do.

We could even try on the equipment:

Can you recognize Oton-Tik in camouflage?

And this fierce woman warrior?^^

Thank you Daffy Duck for this very inspirational presentation. 

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Daffy Duck's adventure...

I’ve to say something unusual which happened with me.

It was half past a year ago. 

I was in my Special Military School in class.

Me, and my classmates had just done a maths test and like every time I thought I had failed

But something absolutely unusual happened. 

When I received my copy, I noticed a very strange number at the top of it: 12/20. 

My first reaction was a single word: DAAAAAAAAAAAMN!

 I checked once, twice to a thousand times if the written 
name was mine, and it was incredible! It was! I felt like a

For me, it was impossible to have more than 02/20, imagine what happened in my head when I learnt I had 12/20…

Yeah, I was a little disturbed (not just a little).

My mom bought me a ring with this sentence written on: Lord of the maths.

It was half past a year ago, the first and the last time I had got a good mark at a math test ‘cause yes, since this day, I never had better than 0.5/20 in maths.

It was DaffyDuck for an unusual event of my life!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Stuffed Rabbit's friend's adventure...

I am going to talk about something unusual that happened to one of my friends.

He told me that one night, he was driving and two other friends were with him in the car when they saw a strange woman. 

They were on a bridge and the woman was sitting on one side of the bridge. 

It was dangerous, indeed she could easily fall and die even if it wasn't very high from the ground. 

The girl was wearing a white dress and was moving her head like if she was bumping into something. 

She didn't pay attention to the cars or anything else. 

She probably was insane but my friend was really scared as well as his friends. 

Moreover, it was very late so it was even more scary to see a woman like that in the night.

Anyway, they have never seen her again.

I think that it is very unusual because it isn't the kind of thing that you can often see. 

Who would do that in the middle of the night and what if the woman was about to commit a suicide ? 

That is frightening, it reminds me of the White Lady. 

If that happened to me, I really would freak out.

Stuffed rabbit. 

Monday 9 June 2014

For the 2nd years, whose orals start tomorrow...

And you know I wish you no harm with this idiomatic saying!!!!

Mickael.J-King is (almost) a Star !

Hi everybody, it´s my last article on this blog ! 

[for this year dear, for this year!^^ Mrs P.]

That´s why I'm going to talk about something unusual that happened to me.

It´s very recent because it happened last Cannes ! 

Indeed, I was in Cannes last week for the film festival because I was invited by a Soda brand. 

To begin, I arrived on Sunday morning on the "Croisette" and the day started very well because I saw very big tanks on the road, I was intrigued. 

Afterwards, I sneaked among the crowd and suddenly I saw all the most famous actors of Hollywood in the tanks : Sylvester Stallone, Harrison Ford, Antonio Banderas, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Statham, Wesley Snipes... it was incredible ! 

Theywere doing that for the promotion of the new movie "Expendables 3" (Big casting).

Then, I approached  a Luxury Hotel to try to see celebrities. 
There was a lot of people in front of the hotel when I perceived a familiar face : it was the famous vampire "Edward" in the movie "Twilight". 
In the real life, Robert Pattinson is cool but sorry girls I don't find him very beautiful...

Moreover, I went on an enormous boat where there was a place called "Villa Schweppes" : it was wonderful, there was a swimming pool on the boat, there was a DJ and many  good delicious cocktails and I met the french singer Patrick Bruel...and all this under the sun of Cannes !

After this real party in broad daylight, I decided to return on the Croisette.

When I returned, I tried to approach the red carpet to see the famous rise of the steps of the Cannes film festival but there were so many people et and I didn't see much.
Many flashes, photographers, glitter, dresses, costumes, stars... I was impressed ! 

Later in the evening, I went on the beach to look at a movie about the Soccer World Cup with the French / Belgian / Russian actor : Gérard Depardieu !

The evening was almost ended but I went on Magnum beach where I had many(free) ice creams... it was great !

Finally, the evening ended and I took the plane to return io Bourges (It's not the same world ^^).

I lived a kid's dream and I hope to return to Cannes next year...

Thanks bloggers and a big **** for exams ! 


Sunday 8 June 2014

Bernabear's adventure...


Hello everybody!

 I'm Bernabear and I am going to tell you about something unusual that happened to me last year.

 It's not something really incredible, but it was surprising (to me).

It was during the last 'Printemps de Bourges', after the 'Rock'n'beat party'. I was with some friends and we were coming back home.

 I remember, we were cold and tired, and we wanted to come back quickly.

 But at one moment, we saw two or three cars of police coming very fast and stop around one car.

 The policemen went out, threatened the man in the car and told him to get out slowly.

 It was exactly like in the movies, when the bad guy is arrested by the police. 

During one second, I thought it was a shooting, but no, it was impossible. 

Then the man got out, and put his hands on the hood of his car and a policeman handcuffed him. 

After that, they all came back in their car and left. 

I don't know what happened exactly and why was he arrested so brutally. 
But that was pretty incredible. 

My friends and me left again and talked about it during all the way. 

(Dedicated to my friend Chaton who was there with me.)