Sunday 21 April 2013

Onche-Onche, who's a free spirit, has invented his own type of work!

[Remember: I had asked the 2nd years to write an article on a piece of art (book, music, painting...)  that moved them. Therefore Onche decided to write an article on the News!^^]
I chose to present the government's problem about Jerome Cahuzac. It's very present in the media.

On December 4th, the newspaper 'Médiapart' published  an investigation. It was said that since 2010, he had a bank account in Switzerland precisely in UBS bank.
The evidence advanced by Médiapart is an audio recording between his lawyer, Michelle Gonelle and himself in which he said " It pisses me off to have an open account over there, UBS is still not necessarily the most stashed banks".  Mid December, Jérôme Cahuzac filed a new complaint against Mediapart.

On 27 December, the director of Médiapart Edwy Plenel, asked   Paris prosecutor, to open an investigation into the case. On January 8th, an affair for "laundering tax evasion" was opened by the DNIFF (National Division of Fiscal and Financial Investigations).

On March 16th, witnesses identify the voice of Jerome Cahuzac on recording Mediapart.

March 19, Jerome Cahuzac leaves his job as ministry of the budget. Seeing that he has no escape. Le Canard Enchainé, a newspaper, with new evidences initiated against him. He prefers to take the lead and April 2, he announced on his blog that he took an appointment with the judge because he has, indeed  a Swiss bank account.

It's something very ironic, for a budget minister responsible to tracking tax evasion... Over the controversial aspect. It is also a very serious crisis for the government of Francois Hollande already weakened by the polls. Cahuzac said in his blog that he was caught in the spiral of lies. And he could not get out. But he lied to the French and to the center of excellence of democracy, the National Assembly. Only the future will give us an answer. 

My opinion: This man betrayed France. I don't believe his apology. And that, he did not go to jail.  As to Médiapart, I personally think they go too far. They got lucky this time. However destroy the career of a politician on mere suppositions and "proof."
I find that it's not respectful.

[I don't understand the ending: you seem to contradict yourself, don't you?   A very puzzled Mrs P.]


  1. I didn't really understand this case because I didn't follow the news about it but now it's clearer.
    However, I think there are problems which are more important than this.

  2. Sure, every politics men do this, they said about Cazuhac but there's other people who have an account there, without counting Switzerlanders.

  3. I misunderstood, I thought we were doing what we wanted to ... Sorry!

    In the end I don't contradict me! I meant that even if Cahuzac was a crook, I don't think Mediapart should have done what they did. If another future: Cahuzac was innocent: his political life could be destroyed because of accusations of Médiapart!
    I respect Mediapart, but it was a risky move.

    off topic:

    The white "oral" it is Monday of the season?
    Room 136-10 hours?

    I forgot where I wrote. And I have lost your email ... Again ...


    1. Maybe you should get my email tatooed or something!!!^^
      For the oral it's 10:15 (but you must be ready to start immediately: there's no preparation time).

      As for the article, Mediapart had proof, so why should they have remained silent????? I still don't get it!

  4. Yes I should think

    Agree thank you!

    I wanted to say that the proof was not necessarily real. It's very simple to change voice on a phone call. When I read articles of Mediapart, I just felt that there was no presumption of innocence. This is what bothered me!

    Of course, it's normal to disclose what they had.

    If the proof was false, it would have been different,

    but this is not the case!

  5. I do not really have followed this affair over time but we hear so many thing at the end it's not respectful I think !


  6. Rich people make their money on the back of poor.. It's always like it.


  7. I don't understang everything about this case because I didn't follow this one over time, but I think like Tsitsa!


  8. I have notfollowed this story too, every year we know something about the politicians (ex : DSK), force it does not surprise me ^ ^

