Monday 8 April 2013

Let's sing in Indian, thanks to Holysnail!

First of all, I'd like to dedicate this article and the following song to Lil Mama.

Last time, I was talking to you about an indian crazy young man, who had opened a store in India, called Hitler.
After that article was published, I was like : « Oh god, they will think that indian people are mad ». And that made me feel a bit bad, because some people generalise a lot... and the thing is that I really like India.

 So, as Miss P. asked us to talk about a work we like, I chose a song, to show you that the indians are not that much crazy.


They're are crazy. I mean, totally.
But in a funny way sometimes...
If once you get the chance to go to India, I bet that you'll get shocked by something.
Well, no. By MANY things actually.
But here I'm not talking about the heat, or the cows in road, or the indian trafic. In fact, if you're sociable enough to start a conversation in English with one of these smily-indians, you will certainly notice the... soft...and gentle... accent they got.

So I'll give you some clue to you, so you will have a chance to understand what they say, and who know's... maybe one day you'll be able to talk english like a brilliant indian !

The main differences are on :
R -> is a bit rolled
D and T-> are tough
Wh-> will be prounounced like « V »
Th → prounounced like « D »
On that you may add some « u » at the end of some words.
And at the top, add the intonation and the cordialty singular to the indians (which is difficult to reproduce for amateurs, I'm warning you).

So now, I think you're ready to listen the following song. Actually Indians are conscious of their accent, and they make fun of it, cause they're cool people ! So the title is « why this kolaveri di », which approximatively means « Why this anger, girl » ? (By the way, this song has made the buzz on youtube without any expectations)
Check it out;)

In fact, in our western societies, most of time, that's the girls who are complaining about the men in relationship, saying that the men are cheater, that they want sex only blahblahblah. I don't know if you can understand, but in India, it's the opposite... And it become obvious in the movies : the young men are always complaining about the girls, because « gals » (girls) don't love them as much they do, they say. So generally, in these movies, there is a song where the hero, a alcohol glass in his hand, will sing about his distress and will make lame philosophy about relationsip between boys and girls... but it's just for fun.

So I love this song, because I found it very funny and intelligent that they mixed the indian beats and instrumental with this self-mockery of their english. It shows, in a way, that we can laugh of our weaknesses. Let's laugh about ourselves as individual, or as nation, or as human... ! We are too much serious most of time.. we are all different, and even some of us are totally zany, and that what make our world interesting and appealing. Holysnail stops its deep analysis of humanity here, because it's getting too long.

So, to sum up, be yourself, and try to taste chicken tandoori once in your life.



  1. I like the song it's funny like you said :) And I also agree with you, on the last parts of your article.

    PS : Tandoori chicken tastes so good *-* !

    1. YES IT DOES ! *drool*
      I'm glad to see that some conoisseurs are in this blog !


  2. Thank you for this magnificent lesson Holysnail ...
    I hope I can, one day, speak like you in Indian thanks to your article! ;)
    ( Do you have other song like this one to make us discover ? )


    1. You're welcome Cinnamon, I'll give you private lessons if you want (and pay me).

      Yeahhh, there is a lot of super indian songs (that I will show you during the private lessons i was talking about)


  3. This article is very intestins

    1. Oh u look very interested Lil !

    2. Thanks... Lil. (Why are you talking about guts ?! Oh. Let me guess, you were imitating the indian or afro accent ? Or you were so interested that under the pressure of your emotivity, you couldnt write it properly ? I'm perplexed.)


    3. Yes Of Course I imitating the afro accent

      PS : It could be a "lapsus" written for my love of pooh/shit "
      JOKE or NOT !


  4. I found this song very cool and the accent is very funny and charming :)

  5. First of all, Holysnail told me to check this blog.
    And it's really interesting.

    Second is about the article, being an Indian, i do agree with some parts, like we are really cool ;)

    And about English, accent varies according the places in India. You cannot find such variety of English in any other places, other than India.

    I don't want to write more, as i am suppose to comment here rather than writing another Article :D

    So that's all from..........DEVIL...............;)

  6. You told-u me to coming soon-u so me come-u (AHAHAH)
    It was a really intersting article, girl, jokes and true things at the same time.
    Btw the man in the video is really cute. Want his number.

  7. I love indian accent, it's so funny! I'd like to go to India one day because the indians seems to be very nice!

    1. And we'll be very pleased to greet you my dear Cockatoo ! Make sure you come with your family, we love people ! <3


  8. nice article Holysnail!
    and thank you for giving tools to speak english with an indian accent... I've always wanted to add this accent to my accent-list... and thanks to you, I'll work on it ahah

    1. Thanks Agie, I have a lot of respect for your skills.


  9. If u have problems holysnail we can talk about it if u want ! ;)

    1. huh ? Problem about what... ?


  10. Hum, I have got to admit, it is a nice article but I still hate you and you know it .
    "They're are crazy. I mean, totally.
    But in a funny way sometimes..." --> It proves a lot of things coming from you.


    1. Jules, nothing is more precious to me than your hate.



    2. Jules, nothing is more precious to me than your hate.



  11. Holysnail, I loved your article, I found this song a bit strange at first but I really liked it at least!
    The accent is unusual but funny, and a little, just a little dificult to understand ^^'
    Thanks a lot for shared this article with us!


  12. And I liked the instrumental, it make me think at sun, holidays... ;)


  13. nice song ! I'm blue tiara's ant. ;-) 8>

  14. So sexy!!! blue tiara's cousin.

  15. my sister forced me to come on this blog, however it's fun ! Blue Tiara's little brother. :-)
