Thursday 4 April 2013

"Love me if you Dare" ("Jeux d'Enfants" ), by Lil

Hello Bloggers !
I choose to talk about a film that moved me : Love Me If You Dare

The film begins in Liège in Belgium, where a little girl, Sophie, is being bullied by other children. Only a bus driver and a boy, Julien, help her collect her books that the others have thrown into a puddle.
To cheer Sophie up, Julien gives her a small tin box, a gift from his fatally ill mother. Because it is important to him, he asks her to lend it back to him from time to time.
 As Julien wants the box back at the moment he gave it to her, Sophie demands proof of how important it is to him. Julien disengages the handbrake of the bus without hesitation, and the bus full of children rolls down a hill. Their game has begun: the box changes its owner after each completed dare.

Between the son of wealthy Belgian parents and the daughter of poor Polish immigrants a lasting friendship develops. As children they misbehave in school, wreak havoc on a wedding, and ask silly tasks of each other. As teenagers their lovers have to suffer because of their dares. Meanwhile, the two friends ignore any consequences or punishment during their game.

While they are always looking for the next kick, a love is slowly evolving between the protagonists. Not wanting to admit it, they divert their attention from it by even more extreme dares.
As young adults, Julien tells Sophie that he wants to get married, only later revealing that he means to someone else. The climax is reached when Sophie interrupts Julien's wedding, after which he is cast out by his father and Sophie is nearly killed during another game. Julien returns to marry his wife, and Sophie declares that they will not see each other for ten years.

Ten years pass, and Julien is married with two children. Sophie has also married, her husband a famous soccer star. A successful Julien admits that he has not forgotten Sophie, though he assumes that she has forgotten him. On the night of Julien's tenth wedding anniversary, Sophie sends a message to him, indicating that the game is back on. Julien and Sophie meet for a brief moment in the midst of another dare, yet it is enough to remind Julien that their game is "better than life itself." After a dramatic accident, Julien and Sophie finally reunite, despite the protestations of their spouses.

I think this movie touched me because it is a romantic film in which time passes, life passes but their love is always with the time
My favourite quotation is "That's how we won the game. Together. Happy. And there, at the bottom of the concrete, we finally shared our childhood dream: the dream of an endless love ...
Love Me If You Dare, Julien."


(a personal favourite of mine is: "Holly, here's your f****** landing light. WHOOO"..... from Die Hard II!- Mrs P.)


  1. I don't really have a favorite quote from this movie.
    I like the music, and the whole story, but I think the end is not really good, and well, I have been disappointed :/


  2. And I've forgot, I like the actors very well, especially Marion Cotillard ! :)


  3. I love this story it's beautiful

    1. Ghost Wolf is definitely a romantic lamb!^^

  4. The quotation you wrote is very beautiful ! I loved this movie for the same reason as you. It's about something that affects me a lot so I think that's why this film moved me :)

  5. I adore this film but the end always leaves me unsatisfied ...

  6. Beautiful quotation...
    I enjoy this film, and it mooves me a lot, because of the characters, the game. And i like when love starts in childhood and continues even many years later.

  7. Oh yes! I also loved this movie.
    The quote that I remembered is that one : "No, wait... Where was I? The problem is, that... even if you said, "I love it," I wouldn't believe you. Julien, I no longer know when you're playing or not. I'm lost. Wait, I'm not finished. Tell me you love me. Tell me, because if I tell you first, I'm afraid you'll think it's a game. Save me... I beg of you."

    Good choice Lil' :)

    P.S: I also love both protagonists !!!

  8. I think that one of my favourite quote is at the end of Shutter Island when Di Caprio says :"Which would be worse? To live as a monster, or die as a good man?"

    1. I think it represents you well


  9. I haven't seen this movie but I feel like watching it after what I've just read. I wish you didn't tell us the end though...
    Mrs G

  10. hey, I'm one of Agie's sister :)
    this movie is so cute really!!
    it's one of my favourite for sure!!

    Do you know PS : I Love You? if not, you should watch it :)

    1. Yes , I have already seen

  11. This film is amazing ! I could watch it like a thousand time without boring ... I love it ! Marion Cotillard is an incredible actress.

  12. In my opinion, this is a superbe awesome amaaazing movie, I specially loved the kids dialogues... but one thing bothered me -> the climax is creepy in my opinion. I don't know why, but it really disturbed me to see how easily Antoine was going away from her wife and children (well, it's quite logical as he has never loved them)... Even after the movie I was saying to myself "oh poor lady... that's really not cool for her".


  13. what a beautiful film it is!!!!!
    I hate love stories but this one is an exception! <3

  14. Amazing film, perfect actors, moving story... just one of my favourite movie!!!

    - Sailor' girl

  15. My favorite quotation is : " reste d'or "
    ( the end of you movie is so ... I can't find the good word !)

  16. I think it's a good film :)

  17. It look like interressing, I mean that I look it.
    A Cackatoo's friend

  18. I can't remember if I ever seen this film but it's possible I ever seen it a long time ago, I have to watch it again!

    1. You must watch it again if you don't remember to have seen it ;)))


  19. THE movie to see!

    I am a friend of Cinnamon.

  20. I loved this film because of the story, but because of the actors of course! I love french actors! Guillaume Canet and Marion Cotillard are really good actors!

    1. By the way, I'm Bobbie ^^'

  21. Ohhhhh! It is too well this film! I love it!

