Sunday 14 April 2013

Ghostwolf is a Tarantino Fan!

It’s a movie of American gangsters, produced by Quentin Tarentino in 1994.
Tarentino used for this movie the nonlinear narrative.
It’s the narrative process which is used when an author recounts events without respecting their timeline.
In this movie we can see some stories of gangsters of Los Angeles like Vincent Vega (John Travolta) and Jules Winnfield (Samuel L.Jackson ), two gangsters who work for Mr Wallace (Ving Rhames) who is married with a former actress Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman).
There too in the first plan, we can see a man and a girl who are talking,sitting at   a table (Tim Roth and Amanda Plummer).
We have too a story with Bruce Willis, it’s a boxer who accept money to fake a boxing match

            This movie had a budget of 8, 000 ,000 dollars.
This movie won lots of awards.
 The initial inspiration for what would become Pulp Fiction is The Three Faces of Fear (1963), episodic film in three parts of Mario Bava.
Quentin Tarantino and Roger Avary decided to write a film in three parts, each part wrien and the third remaining to determine.
The provisional title of this project was Black Mask, based on the pulp magazine of the same name.
But the story written by Tarantino eventually became  Reservoir Dogs, his first film, while the one written by Avary in the Fall of 1990, entitled Pandemonium Reigns, will form the backbone of the story The Gold Watch in Pulp Fiction.

            I chose this movie because I think it’s a revolution for the generation of the 90’s.
 It’s a great film which is about the dark reality of the bizness in Los Angeles.
I grew up with this movie and it’s this movie that made me love the cinema and mainly Tarentino who is a genious for me.

The path of the righteous is filled with obstacles which the selfish and the tyranny that is the work of the devil. Blessed is he the man of good will on behalf of the charity, shepherds the weak through the shadow of death and tears valley ... Because it is his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. I will strike down the arm of a terrible anger, furious and terrible vengeance upon the ungodly hordes chase and nullify God's sheep. And you will know why my name is the Lord when on you will fall the vengeance of the Almighty!”
Jules Winnfield


  1. My favorite Tarantino is Tueurs nés!

    1. He just wrote the script for Natural Born Killers! Oliver Stone directed it

  2. I never saw this movie (shame on me, I know, it's a classic) but I saw an extract of it which was funny !

  3. Great film ! Love the part when they dance, it's just an incredible dance !

  4. I saw it only once and it was a long time ago, but I remember I liked it a lot !

  5. Hehe, this movie perfectly matches with you Ghostwolf ! ;)


  6. I like Tarantino's films too, I hope that you saw Django Unchained, his last film, it is really amazing !

  7. I don't like all Tarantino's film but Pulp Fiction is my favourite. And the photo of the film ? Sticked on my bedroom's door :p.

  8. I'm not really fan :(
    (Ilona, Amazilena's neighbour)

  9. Tarantino rules! I like the actors choice for this film, especially Samuel L. Jackson who's one of my favourite actor.

  10. I'm really fan of Tarantino's movies ! Kill bill, Django Unchained.. His films are very good *-*
    I don't have memories of pulp fiction, but your description makes me want to see :)


  11. I'm Tsitsa boyfriend, I come because she told me to come. I agree with her and with Ghostwolf, Tarantino's films are very very good.

  12. I liked Pulp fiction.
    Last Tarantino's film I saw was "boulevard de la mort" I didn't like it because it was to hard and bloody!


  13. I'm too a Tarantino fan !
    - YMCMB
