Monday 4 February 2013

SailorGirl, on the Newton School Shooting

I have choosen to write an article about the shooting of friday, December 14.

Twenty seven people among which twenty children were killed in the morning of friday in a school of Connecticut in Newton.

Barack Obama, the president of the United States, very moved, said that the victims, of the school of Sandy Hook in Newton, were "as a majority old from five to ten years".

The spokeman of police explained that the tragedy had taken place "in a sector of the school, in two classrooms", specifying that another adult had been killed in Newton an another of murder.

The mother of the killer was teaching in the school of Sandy Hook and is among the victims of the massacre, like many her pupils.

According to testimonies, the children and the staff of the school heard "hundreds" of shots, then, the teachers told them to find a safe place.
The children hid in the wall cupboards of the gymnasium.

The CPE of the school explains to be hidden under her desk and to have seen the legs of the killer coming near her and to leave again.

Teachers  died  protecting their pupils !

Then, the police  evacuated all the children, survivors.
The children ran to the barrack of firemen.

A mother of a pupil explains not to understand how the killer could enter since it was compulsary to ring to be able to enter.

An incomprehension reigns in the quiet small town of Newton, located in New York.

Nobody knows what could pushed the young Adam Lanza, only old about twenty to act.
 Habitants are under the impact and  wonder how such a tragedy could occur, a few days from Christmas.
That seems unreal.

Eighteen children died in the school, place where they are suposed being in security, and two children died later in the hospital.

It's intolerable that such things occur.

I think that it is necessary to "re-examine" laws concerning the carrying arms in the United States.

Adam Lanza would not have have been able to enter  the school, and would not have to carry weapon in view his young age and his disease.

Indeed, he was affected of autism.

I think it's necessary to work over again the laws concerning the carrying of weapons!!!!


  1. Like I said in another article's comment, if an insane people wants a weapon, he will get one and probably kill other people, even if carrying weapons is forbidden. On the other hand, if a normal person have a weapon in his house just to protect himself, he won't shoot someone just like that ..
    So yes this story is horrible but in my opinion, carrying weapons isn't the real problem.

  2. It's very terrible for the family.

    I think weapon is maybe good to defend. BUT The government should make REAL test to see who is able to take.In addition, there should be regular follow.

  3. for my point of view, I think we may stop selling weapons ... that's horrible but if there were not so many weapons on the market, there will not have this kind of things...

  4. This event is terrible. The government should have forbidden weapons a long time ago. Now, it's too late because many persons will not want to return their weapons.

  5. during the afternoon i was with LIL and she said me that she must to have sponsorship because it's the last hour .

    I think the guns should be forbidden because when persons become crazy, there are enormous problems

  6. the united states it's the coutry best weapon in the world, an accident happen quickly

  7. It's a tragedy!

    The Furious skyline
