Monday 4 February 2013

The end of the world? It's soooo "last year"!, by Agie

For this new article I chose to talk about the so-called « end of the world ».


Today (the day I am writing) we are on December 20th  (ok, I must admit it took quite a long time to publish! Mrs P.) and if we rely on the Apocalypse rumours, it could be my last day and more precisely the last day of the humankind's existence. 

According to the rumours, most of the time based on the Mayan calendar, the end of the world is expected tomorrow on December 21th 2012.

Moreover the film “2012” (published in 2009 and produced by Roland Emmerich) has multiplied the fear of  the Earth's destruction.
However that's not the first time that something like this is planed; it was also expected for example during the transition to the year 2000... but apparently it didn't happen!

Other theories or I should say other interpretations were spread all around the world: the end of a cycle, a pole-switch, the beginning of a new era or also a zombie attack (especially in the United-States).


Otherwise there are some places which would be spared and where you could be protected from the apocalypse. Among them we can find the mountain of Bugarach (a village in northern France). Moreover every access to this presumed refugewere blocked since the Wednesday before "the end".


Anyway, if you believe in it or not, the businesses won't have lost everything: it enabled them to sell every kind of survival kit.  

From my point of view, the end of the world won't happen, rather not yet. And even if it happens, so what? We won't be there anymore to realize. Moreover I think it's just useless to hide in a bunker to survive or whatever. And all this apocalyptic movement was probably only a commercial aim.


Now, if you're scared (and even if you aren't) the only thing to do is waiting till we see if something happens or  better living as nothing was expected. Let's see on Saturday if we're still alive.



(I'm glad we made it!!! )


  1. We all survived!!
    And we will survive!


  2. We shouldn't even bring attention to it. It is exhausting to hear.

  3. I agree .. Luckily, it seems like no one talks about that anymore !

  4. Don't be so unpleasant "Onche-Onche".
    My article wasn't complete and if you're "exhausted" as you said, don't pay attention and don't take the time to post a comment.

    1. He's not unpleasant! It's a misunderstanding!!
      He's talking about the non-stop talking about that non-event last year, in the media!
      Not about your article!
      Don't tell any pupils not to post comments, Agie, you touchy girl (^^)!, they might end up doing it!!!!^^

    2. who knows mrs P. ?! It was just in case ahaaah ( and I could have been meaner... :))

  5. Agie I must confess that I didn't want to read your article because it is long but I took my courage with both hands
    I find it cool
    I didn't know there were other theory about the end of the world
    and imagine that we are all dead, but without knowing :DD


    1. Such a touching confession we have here :')


    2. Actually I didn't believe in that, but still, I was secretly hoping that at least something will happen somewhere !
      And don't be shocked by my honesty ! I'm sure I'm not the only one lol


  6. I find your article interesting. The end of the world is a stupid myth. If people keep food in security(for them) and there is the end of the world, they will not can eat their food because they will die before.

  7. we survived, i heard that the end of the world will happen in december 2013, again a joke i think

  8. I like very well your pictures ! These are funny !
    And the end of the world was a BIG JOKE, I was laughing about peoples who believed in that ! x)

  9. The Mayan calendar never said it's a end of the world, just their calendar was finished.

    The Furious skyline.

    1. I agree, there were many many different (mis)interpretations... and it has been misrepresented!!

  10. The last picture is beautiful.
