Tuesday 19 February 2013

Sweet Lisa admires someone and explains why...

I don’t know if you already heard about the person I admire but you must have, because the Medias talked a lot about him two years ago.
Let me introduce him and his story to you.
His name is Loïc Sécher. In 2003, a teenage girl pretty confused at that time, accused him of rape, he has been condemned for sixteen years in prison.
During seven years, he tried to make people understand that he was innocent, but no one believed him until the girl who blamed him finally admit the truth: no one had raped her, she had invented this story because she felt bad in her body and her teachers were worried about her so they asked her what was wrong with her.
She didn’t know how to explain it, so she just said that she had been victim of sexual violence.
When the teachers asked her who it was, she described a man, who doesn’t even exist but who, as her description, looked like Loïc Sécher, her neighbor.
She didn’t want to be seen as a liar, so she officially accused him.
But in 2008, seven years later, she felt too guilty so she admitted the truth.
Loïc Sécher was released two years ago.
When he finally got out of jail, he met the young girl who made him spend seven years in prison.
But he was absolutely not mad at her even though he had no money because of the costs he had to pay to the justice, even if his father died while he was confined, even if his family was ashamed, he forgave her.
That’s exactly what I admire about him; he had the strength, the bravery to forgive this girl who ruined her life.
He lived in hell for nothing during seven years, and he still stays calm when people talk to him about this part of his life.

I admire him because I could never forgive someone who would make me go through all of it.
I would probably want to get revenge but he doesn’t.
I wonder how you guys would have reacted if you were in his case…?


  1. I certainly would be very mad at her ! Like you said, I couldn't forgive a person who made me spend seven years in prison, for nothing. But I don't think I would take revenge on the person, simply because I don't like revenge .. And imagine if this revenge takes you to jail again ? It would be a little bit stupid when you just got out of it ..

    1. I agree with you nomika, revenge would be a bad idea but if it happens to me, I think I'd like her to understand what she made me go through. But I wouldn't probably get revenge too because like you said, I wouldn't want to go back in jail.
      But I could never ever forgive something like that !

    2. Of course, it must be horrible to spend all these years in jail while you haven't done anything .. ! So I could not forgive that either !

  2. It is really a striking story ! And I find it although you speak about it!!


  3. If something like that happened to me I probably couldn't forgive the responsible of my confinment in jail!!
    Well it depence how many time I stayed in prison.


  4. I'm not sure I understood the whole article but I believe that, in his case, I would get angry each time one people speak about that and I would like to take a revenge to this girl, jail having become familiar to me. I think this girl is mad too.


  5. When I think again about this story, me always ask me and still how he stays calm after so much year in prison while he was innocent, it is really something incredible!!


  6. I think, if I was him, I'll find her and I'll torture (or kill) her during 7 years because she's stupid to create a wrong story just to make her better!
    But I understand why you admire him, stay calm and peacefull is very brave.

    1. I suppose you don't really mean that as we can't support violence on this blog.
      I think you mean you would be driven by a sense of revenge, which can be understood.
      But please don't talk so carelessly about torture (some people are totured everyday) and killing people: life is not a tv series. Every person who dies has friends and family who are left devastated...

  7. This is really someone a good and brave. I don't know and I don't think I'll reacted like him.


  8. What a story. This man is brave, courageous and wise I think.


  9. The girl is very stupid, spend a man in jail because she's don't feel happy is crual. I could not forget it. Loïc Sécher is very brave and have a good heart.

  10. I do not know what to say .. The girl is not smart. Yet ..

  11. revenge is a bad thing, make endure of the suffering to somebody will not give you back what you loose. what would you win if you get a revenge? you will just give sadness to someone else
