Monday 4 February 2013

Commenting on the news, by Ghost Wolf

 China anti-censorship hopes rise after state TV airs V for Vendetta
The state of China was surprised by the diffusion of V for vandetta, it’s a movie talk about an anarchist rebel who fights a totalitarian government to incite a popular uprising.

The governement was shocked by a famous citation of this movie "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
 The airing of the movie stunned viewers and raised hopes that China is loosening censorship.
The communist party says the movie was censured in China but the spokesman for the agency that approves movies said he was not aware of any ban.
The diffusion of this movie was a revolution in a state which is totalitarian.
This is not just a story of an anarchist, for the people of  China it is a hope for a total liberty.

To understand this story I'll sum up the movie: a journalist is saved by an anarchist with a mask on his face, the anarchist and the journalist want  to discard the government of England which is totalitarian.
The anarchist with the help of the journalist succeeds in raising people against the policy totalitarian.

I chose this article because I think every people in every states should be free.
In China, a state which is considered modern, it’s intolerable that the people can’t watch a movie freely or express themselves freely too.

 I don't approve of  the  Chinese policy so I feel personnaly committed.

(NB: Before being a film, it was a Comic Book.


  1. I agree with you, every people of every state should be free, at least to watch movies or say their opinion without fearing the government. Nevertheless, freedom isn't anarchy. Anarchy and totalitarism are both harmful for populations, I think.

  2. Good article, this movie is good too. Chinese people should be able to see the movie.

    Chinese people don't have luck.

  3. V for Vendetta is really a good movie but is unfortunately badly used by some people . ( Anonymous )
    I thinks too that all people must be able to see this movie, but It can be badly used or Misunderstood .
    Moreover, there are a lot of other movie that people must have to see like " Agora" or other ...
    So, I'm agree with you, but it's not all .

  4. the politic of china it's horrible mainly for the population which not have a free access for the culture

  5. The plot inspires me a lot.
    It could be very interesting.
    Moreover the history of China is important for me and the ideas of anarchists are sometimes good. We can understand China to have forbidden the film because it's a dictature and the ppulation has to do what the government says.
    I find that cruel but it's the reality.


  6. China is a country in late! This movie is old!

    The furious skyline

    1. "in late" = french!!!!
      "China is late" would be better.

  7. I've seen this film several months ago and I love it. The scene I prefer is when people wearing masks are walking in the road.

  8. I've read the comic book, but I still have to watch the film.
