Sunday 10 February 2013

Another article on the news, by Sundays


A land wich became a stake for the world peace.


Since many centuries, this land had been desired, it underwent a lot of conquests, it welcomed various religions and communities.
Since many centuries, it represented an important place for three religions : Muslim, Jewish and Chrisitians, in particular in Jerusalem, city three times holy.

In Europe, after the Dreyfus affaire, Theodor Herzl, a journalist and writer wrote : « If even France of the lights wants the death of the Jews, then we have to have a ground to us. »

In 1897, he chairs the first Zionist congress in Swiss and gives itself for objective the purchase of ground in Palestine.

In 1909, the first Kibboutz, collectivist village developed by the Zionist movment was born.

In 1914, the war ravaged Europe, Mehmed V, an Ottoman sultan in loss of power, enters the war, pushed by the government.

In 1915, the British call in for help Hussein ben Ali, cherif of Mecca, stemming from a powerful family to overcome Turkish, in exchange they promise him a big close and independent Arabic kingdom.

Laurence, agent of secret services sent there arabie promises the throne of Syria to Fayssal, the cherif's son.

In 1916, he attacks then the Turkish, far from imagined that France and England were already divided the Arabic lands by forgetting their promises.

In 1917, the British army enters Palestine and monopolize Jerusalem. This is the Declaration Balfour. The England envisages the establishment of a Jewish nationalist home in Palestine, what is taken as a treason for Arabic living in this region who decide to get organized.

In 1922, the England shares the region, Syria and Lebanon confided in France and the Irak for the England.

It creates a new emirate for his brother Abdallah, the international community approve the Declaration Balfour, a national home takes place in Palestine.

In 1929, the Arabic commemorate the agreements of the treaty Balfour by a general strike, the same year, violence propagates in the country killing 133 Jews and 116 Arabic.


In Germany, Hitler took power in 1933, we count 37 000 jews in Palestine and 65 000 in 1935.

The revolt rose in 1936 and asks for « a change of politics because its preservation would have result to replace Arabic by the Jews ».
A general strike of 6 months and confrontations with law enforcement took place every day.
 As a consequence, the controls, the arrests, the searches multiply, what instigates even more the anger of Arabic, a wave of attacks strikes the Zionist installations.
The Jews built during this time new colonies.
The population militarized and the children learnt to use a rifle.

In 1938, Arabic villages were totally bombed by planes, the leaders  deported and the partisans executed by hanging without judgment.

To keep the loyalty of Arabic, England betrays the Jews by letting free choice in Arabic welcome or not the Jews in Palestine who do not know what it takes place in Europe.

In 1941, ignoring his intentions, a Palestinian leader becomes allied with Hitler to overcome the English, his enemies sworn. It is only in 1945, after the German capitulation that we discover the scale of the Nazi genocide.

After the war, the Jews prefer to stay in Palestine rather than to return to their country of origin.

In 1946, 500 000 Jews live in Palestine, it is a question no more national home but independence. Not having to forget the English unreliability, the Jews turn to the United States, winner of the war to rest their independence.
The too heavy Palestinian burden for the British, them leaves it to United Nations.

A Palestinian and a Zionist are going to discuss face to face in the UNO.

A committee decides of divided on the Palestian state into two and Jerusalem « will have an international status ». The Jews establishing the third of the population have more than half territory and the government will be Jewish what will have the effect of provoking the anger of all the Arab countries and of creating Arabic riots in jerusalem which will make of numerous died, it is not a riot but a war which begins.
Ben Gourion, a Zionist protagonist wants to attack the bordering Arab countries.
He makes knife 250 men, women and children in the village of Dir Yassine what frightens hundreds of thousand Palestinians who go away on both sides of Palestine while waiting for the end of the fights.

Other Arab countries wait for the end of the British mandate to arrange according to their interst with the Zionists and from years to years, the borders widen in favour of Israel. Jerusalem is cut in two, the West becomes its capital, the East is under Jordanian domination.

Gaza Strip is put back in Egypt and Cisjordanie annexed by Abdallah king, instead of creating in the Palestinian state, the UNO create aunts' camps to welcome more than 800 000 Palestinians.

Israel in taken the angagement to allow the return of the Palestinian refugees but finally one of the first laws voted in summer to appropriate all the properties of the absent decreed owners.

Everywhere, Jewish immigrants put their suitcases in the residences of Arabic. There will be 150 000 Arabic in the State who cannot circulate without pass, nor even if to express.

Today, in camps we count more than milions 2,5 million of Palestinians fed in the rations.
In my opinion, Palestine should be free.
(A very comprehensive article that may be of interest to our readers who hear about that place all the time in the news but don't really understand the situation there.   Mrs P.)


1 comment:

  1. I didn't know there was such a problem on this earth
    I agree with you, everyone has the right to freedom !!

