Thursday 14 February 2013

There was a missing article! At long last, commenting on last year news, by Destiny!

The end of the world
- Asteroids, perhaps even a new planet (it already has a name: Nibiru) are hidden for the moment in the orbit of the Earth, our planet will come knocking on that day.
- Trinary system: The binary system coming to an end (ex: blue-ray dvd) the trinary system will be provided by aliens and will revolutionize and update all our scientific knowledge and mathematics acquired until today.
- Excessive activity of the Sun will destroy all communications systems (that will not happen until December 21 but will start before)
- The planet Venus will pass for the last time during this century in our sky.
- There will be many natural disasters, storms, floods, earthquakes and super volcano (it will not happen until December 21 but will start before)
- There will be many wars (this will not happen until 21 12 2012, but will start before)

- The Earth will change axis.
- The thirteen crystal skulls Mayan (made in the nineteenth century)  will issue a message December 21, 2012 they are all together.  (obviously, they were not!)
- The aliens will come down to Earth and will take the best of us (finally some good news)

- The Earth will leave its orbit and drifting in the universe for 26,000 years (unlikely).

- Following the financial crisis, the money will have no value and will trade with shells, it is best to stock shell now.

- The Earth's magnetic field will reverse. Protect your mind with a magnetic puzzle ball and especially buy a compass in the southern hemisphere if you
live in the northern and vice versa.

Why so many scenario about the end of the world?
One that attracts the most public attention is based on the disaster movie "2012".

synopsis of the film:

Maya, one of the most fascinating civilizations that Earth has made, sent us a prophecy: their calendar ends in 2012 and our world too. Since then, astrologers have confirmed, numerologists had predicted, geophysicists find it dangerously obvious, and even government scientists eventually came to the terrifying conclusion. The Mayan prophecy has been discussed, debated, minutely analyzed. In 2012, we will all know if it's true, but few have been warned long ... When the tectonic plates begin to slip, causing earthquakes and destroying multiple Los Angeles passage, Curtis Jackson, novelist, and family threw themselves headlong, like millions of people in a desperate journey. All can not be saved ...


Because of the movie  thousands of nuclear shelters were sold. Those who were most concerned stock up on food for two or three years.

This is not a joke: in order to reassure supporters of the end of the world December 21, NASA released a video dated December 22 ..... or post-apocalyptic.

With 10 days advance, NASA wants to defuse the panic that exists among Americans who send them daily letters to express their concern.

The title of the video? "The proof that the world has not ended yesterday."

The agency hopes to prevent suicide, waves of panic and paranoia, construction of fallout shelters and other desperate acts.
Those who retain a doubt can buy a kit of the end of the world.




















  1. Hello, I'm a comment.


  2. I think I'll never watch the film "2012" because film about the end of the world doesn't interest me. Maybe, I'll watch it in the end of my life to laughing about a film like that which is all exept reality and interesting.

    1. i've never watch it too :) that makes me laugh a lot because of all poeple who are afraid of the "end of the world"

  3. Generally, I don't love american movies and this one is not an exception! ^^
