Wednesday 30 January 2013

Onche-Onche's view on French politics

I chose to present the battle in the political party : UMP
What's the problem ?
The candidates François Fillon and Jean François Copé do not agree about the elections.
And The two candidates proclame victory for themselves.
After the departure of Nicolas Sarkozy, The UMP had to  elect a new candidate between Francois Fillon (former Prime Minister to Sarkozy) and François Copé.
The day of elections was on November 18, 2012.
 The election was really complicated.
Because we didn't knew the name of the winner.
The votes are too similar, and maybe there was cheating.
After a first deliberation, François Copé was elected president of U.M.P.
But two or three days after, François Fillon announced that the Overseas Departments had been forgotten
And with the voices of Overseas allow to win the election. The battle continues.
The majority of activists were exceeded by this situation.
Article written when we didn’t know the outcome of the election… Well, do we know more today, really?
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  1. I didn't follow very much this election but in my opinion, these two men had a childish behaviour .. It's kind of ridiculous, I think.

  2. Good article but when actualities like that are everyday on TV, it bore me a lot.

  3. I personally don't understand a thing to polotics. I actually don't really care as long as the president isn't racist...

  4. Yeah it's a same for people who are in the ump. Them who had criticized the elections to the left...Funny paradox!

    Amazilena: I agree with you especially stories like this that do not want people to take an interest in politics, so it is really important for the country.

    Sweet: Good point!

  5. I didn't follow very much this election ever but we can wonder if they want power or act as it should be for the society because they are in the same party politcs.
    in my opinion the conflict has weakened the party


  6. This election is cheating!

    The furious skyline

  7. I don't understand the politic

  8. and I don't like the politic..
