Monday 7 January 2013

Commenting on the news: by Jules


We all heard about the adoption for homosexuals, well I think people should stop talking about it .

Many men and women had children before discovering or revealing their homosexuality, well they bring them up and most of the time they do it well. The homoparenthood exists and the homosexual adoption exists and a lot of country aloud it, but why not France ? I mean for me the adoption for homosexuals is a logical right and common sense and people can not say that « the homoparenthood is horrible ». There are hundreds and thousands of children born with a mother and a father and one day, during their life, one of the two parents discovers that he or she is homosexual, it's not a disease but it's the daily life and nobody can juge it, it's just like that.

The fact that two persons bring up children together,having adopting them together, giving them all the love they need, helping and protecting them is enough and homosexuals can do it. I'm mean it's not an obligation to have a mother an a father and it's not a flaw to have two mothers or two fathers . Who knows ? The homosexuals may be more able to bring children up than some heterosexuals persons …

Moreover, a lot of mothers bring their children up alone without a father to help and they do it very well ! So we can not say that it's not acceptable to not have two parents of the opposite sex . If a child has a mother and a father well it's a chance for him but it is not always possible and it doeasn't mean that he will more suffer .

To be homosexual or heterosexual is a way of life, people of the 21stcentuary have to bear it mind . Mentalities have to change .


  1. Don't take me wrong Jules, but how can you start an article with the topic of adoption for homosexual by "we should stop talking about it" ? :P


    1. I had the same thought! But we recognize here a somewhat bossy side of Jules! "Stop talking about it people"!^^

    2. "the bossy side of Jules" ! Lol, exactly !
      One day I'll open a store after her name... :D


  2. Jules, I completely agree with you in this article, it is ralist! Mentalities have to change!! Homesexuels people are like you and me, so why, why? couldn't they have childrens??!


  3. you're right Jules. They shouldn't make a fuss about it... they are many things more important or serious we should worry about, instead of doubting of the love that two persons could give to a child (whatever their sex)

  4. I agree with you. A lot of homosexual couples are more balanced than heterosexual couples. An homosexual couple can take care as well of their children as a heterosexual couple.

  5. Happily we're in a secular country!
    I'm for the adoption by homosexual parents, they are normal people, they pay their taxes, they work... so they can adopt children 'cause they are people like any other one!

  6. I know some people who say that children need a mother and a father (have an example of each gender) because if they don't have, they won't grow up as well as the others .. In my opinion this reasoning is quite stupid. Anyway, the " examples " for a child aren't necessarily his parents, there are always the parent's friends or family, or whoever else. So I think this argument is nonsense !
    So as you can imagine, I'm for the homosexual adoption. I don't even know why we have to talk so much about it because the right for homosexuals to get married and adopt children should already exist !
    Some people are just very narrow-minded, if they weren't, nobody would say things such as being homosexual is a weird thing. But unfortunately, there are a lot of people who think this.


  7. I agree. I know what i am talking about;
    I prefer to see a family composed of two fathers or two mothers who still live together and give love to their childs rather than a mother and a father who divorced, or make their childs sad.

  8. Homosexual and Hetero? What is the differences? It have others serious problem in the world.

    Let them marry and adopt boys or girls.

  9. I'm agree with you and I think people talk about it because it can be a sort of choc for them. But all people can live and adopt children if they want and do want they want to do.

    1. Fafa, please: say "I agree", you don't need the verb BE... it's a big mistake!

  10. Homosexuality is a big subject of debate of today. Personnlly, I think that the gay wedding and the adoption by the same sex parents are just a qmatter of time that these events enter into the behaviours.
    I'm totally for the adoption by the same-sex parents, I think just that the people are too narrow-minded, unfortunately..
    I like very well your article !


  11. This morning (5am) the text to be written over it's left us waiting for the vote!


  12. It would be good that the mentalities of the world change!

    The Furious Skyline.
