Tuesday 15 January 2013

About The Mystery of Mr Reinfield and Count Dracula: a collective article by the Extra English 1st years

Last Thursday, we went to the theatre, to see a play in English, by the Théatre en Anglais Company.

Most pupils were a bit worried about not understanding the play but after the show, they were all pleasantly surprised to have been able to understand the plot  and more importantly, to enjoy it !

So , pupils, what did you like best?

"The play was a great success: we had a good time!

We were surprised there were not more actors as there are many characters in the play.

It was well done and easy to understand for the French audience.
It was a good adaptation of the book.

The story was captivating although a bit slow by moment but it was cool, we liked it.

Our favourite part was when Dracula went to London, it was exciting to see the following events.

Lucy was beautiful but excessive.

Mina was very well played too. The best for us. She was present physically AND emotionnally.

We also liked Jonathan Harker and Dracula, but he seemed a bit tense.   "

Wolfgang and Blackman

"We all thought that the play was very good and funny. It was also captivating.

We thought it would be boring but it wasn't!

All the actors acted well , the emotions of the characters were very well transmitted . The special effects were simple but great and they were clever!

Our favourite part was at the end , when Mina was saved, because it would have been sad if she had died...

We liked all the actors, especially the man who played Jonathan, because he was very funny!

And before the play, all the actors were very funny and nice with us!"

Nomika, Googoo and Tsitsa.

"Let's talk about Thomas Svaldi!

He comes from Denver, Colorado. He was born in 1984. 

We really enjoyed the way he played, because he was able to change characters very quickly and with various expressions. 

Besides, he was kind of funny. 

Even before the beginning of the play, he put us in the mood.

We liked the way he made us share another universe, with all the parts he played (Jonathan; a doctor; Arthur...)"

Rider, SweetLisa; Amazilena and YMCMB

"From the start to  the beginning  the show was fun, even before the beginning of the play! We enjoyed when the actors sat in the theatre and talked with us. 

Their play was great because they were only five to play more than ten characters.

When they were playing and going backstage to change their costume, they were quick and well dressed. We didn't even realize they were changing clothes.

The videoprojection, the sounds effects and smokes were very synchronized and very well done. 

We especially liked Renfield!

 During the play, we liked the beginning because it was quite crazy, and also when Lucy and Mina are talking about Lucy's fiancés.

Another thing, Mina's scream was loud and terrifying and it made our flesh creep!

PS: You all played very well!"

Folt; K-za; Somethingintheway and Imnotyou

"As for me, I really enjoyed the show and I'm delighted the pupils liked it too (to their surprise, for most of them!).

 I don't really know what to make of the song at the beginning and I'm still in two minds about the girls playing the horses (oh what a lively debate we had about that afterwards!!!), 
but everything was very well played (a special mention to Mina -who was very moving- and to Dracula, who was really frightening..."

Mrs P.

Ready to go and watch another play in English next year?

For additional information, we recommend:

and also

Thanks to Lucille O'Flannagan for the use of the Website photos.


  1. Of course we are ready to go and watch another play next year Mrs P. !!!


  2. I realy enjoy I think I can play like them but if I can see them again it's ok ^^

  3. I think we (almost) all want to see another play next year ! ;) Personally I'm in !

    But I think you made a little mistake in the article before the last one, it's Folt and not Tsitsa who wrote it with the others !

  4. how amazing it was :) I really enjoy it :)
    it was not really difficult to understand all that they say .... that was GREAT!!!!! Thank you Mrs P :D

  5. As the director of the play, I have to say a big thank you for your article. I am thrilled you liked my part in the action too. So often the role of the director is not felt. I look forward to your article on our next production. I will also reply by facebook, but I just have to take part in your blog. Well done all of you for the english & this site ! Keep up with your english and don't hesitate to use the textes on our website (see Archives for previous productions). We keep them there for you. Take care, Lucille O'Flanagan-Le Cam

  6. Thank you Lucille for your message! I was also pleased to see the pupils saw "behind" the acting and noticed the directing ideas.
    These kind of projects are so time consuming for us (organising a school outing in France is complicated!) but it's so rewarding. It gives us an impulse, some fresh motivation and this has been much beyond my expectations. Thank you again!

  7. Yes we are ready for another one, it was great.

  8. I found that the actors played well, but i'm not a great fan of vampires stories, so i didn't really loved the play itself.

    But I really appreciated and enjoyed the energy of the actors during the play, and especially before it started, I had a lot of fun!
    I'd love to see another of their play, so they could have a chance to convince me (yeah I know how much important my opinion is for them..)


  9. It was well done and easy to understand and I liked this adaptation.

    The furious skyline.
