Monday 7 January 2013

Commenting on the news: Holysnail's article.

Holysnail, like Cinderella, waited until midnight to send her article on the due day, but it finally arrived!

Okay people. Today is a very sad day for Holysnail. Holysnail isn't going to point out its nose of its shell anymore.

Holysnail is ashamed...ashamed of the stupidity of people. And Holysnail is even more ashamed when the stupidity is from
someone who's from a super wonderful and great country like India.
How can the birthplace of Chicken Tandoori  have such ignorant people ?
Actually I don't know if its ignorance or stupidity, but the following facts can shock some of you. So if you're either pregnant or the oversensitive type, don't read.

Okay, so, to sum up:
A man named Rajesh Shah, has opened a store.
Haha. I'm Kidding. I mean, I have no problem with that.
 The problem is that he called his clothes store "HITLER".
 And on the "I" of "Hitler"he put the Swastika symbol, as you can see in the photo below.

Obviously, the Jewish community complained.
Mister Shah, explained that he hasn't done that to annoy them, but because his partner's Grandpa nickname was "Hitler" because of his "strict personality".
He added that he DIDN'T KNOW all the terror the Fuhrer has done, and that he discovered that recently on the net.

Yes, this is totally absurd, ridiculous.
 I don't want to excuse this man, but one of the reasons, which can explain this ignorance, is that in India, they don't teach
the history of Nazism as well as in the western countries.
 So maybe he didn't really realize.
But another possibility is that Shah and his partner wanted to do the buzz... I mean, a marketing strategy.
And I guess it worked, at least a little.

So, Shah accepted to change the name of his store, but he claims 40 000 rs, (about 570 french euros), because he has no money as he said, to pay for a new store sign.

What I find worrying, is to see Rajesh Shah wearing a Gandhi tee shirt in front of his Hitler store.
Seeing that, I feel like he has killed Gandhi a second time !

I hope you're all fine. Personally I found that very shoking, maybe you don't.
But If you do, I understand.
But I just wanted to add something: Don't think that all the indians are like him.
There are very nice and perfect people from this country.
Of course, Holysnail: we know some of them... Mrs P.


  1. I think the worst thing is that he's wearing a Gandhi t shirt, Gandhi is not fashion way of dressing yourself, I think wearing a Gandhi t shirt is killing what he has done, he's message of peace.

    1. Well, wearing a Gandhi tee shirt is actually not enough to kill what he has done. I mean, as far the India is independant, Gandhi's work is not killed (and, by the way, that's not the only thing he changed). Sorry, I know that you didn't meant the reverse, but i just wanted to precise it. And to have +0.5 for my mark.(oh hello mrs.P!)
      But anyway, yeah I agree with you, this is, in my opinion, quite unrespectfull to what this icon of peace and freedom has done.


  2. Ok. First I thought it was a joke but after reading this article I realised it was a serious story. Now I ask myself... Even if they don't really talk about Nazism at school in India, how can you be ignorant of that part of History or even of the name of Hitler? Moreover the swastika symbol... I'm not really sure I understand this man and I also don't believe in the business strategy you suppose. Anyway I find it unacceptable and I think (or hope) I'm not the only one!

    1. As for the swastika symbol, it's interesting to know that you find it on a lot of buildings, like temples, in India, in sculptures. Before being chosen by the nazis, it was an Indian symbol (a symbol of auspiciousness)...

    2. Agie: If he hasn't done it neither because he's ignorant nor for a marketing purpose, what do you think his motivation was ? Do you think he has done that because he loves Hitler ?


    3. Ok, right. I didn't know that before but it doesn't really change my way of thinking. If the symbol was without the name "Hitler", I would understand. But there, the association is quite striking and reminds me directly of the nazis.
      Moreover he's wearing a T-shirt with Gandhi on it... I don't want to judge him but he seems to be ignorant and not so smart.

    4. Well... Holysnail that's not what I meant! You know I said I couldn't understand this man, so I can't answer to your question "what do you thing his motivation was?". I'm not in his mind and I would never be.
      Be provocating was maybe a strategy or maybe he's actually an ignorant. I just wanted to say that he could have had another idea after getting some information about reality or even just more think before doing such things. I'm sorry but it seems to be too much and too obvious for it to happen just by chance. That's only my point of view.

  3. Astrid told me to come there to discover this nice blogspot. And gandhi is not dead in my heart ! Therefore he can't die twice !

    1. Welcome to our blog, Agie's friend!

    2. Dear Agie's friend,if Gandhi isnt dead in your heart, it actually means that he can't die even once.


  4. This article is very interesting! We can see the paradox between the peace with Gandhi and the opposite extreme with Hitler. The name of this store is commercial and made for shoke us and he made a success. A lot of indians are not like that, you for example! ;)

    1. Thanks Cockatoo, I'll give you a cookitoo. haha am funny.



    2. Mmmmmm cookies! x) I love cookies because I'm a cockatoo. I'll remember that you owe me a cookie!

  5. I completely agree with you! It's crazy, I'm shocking..
    It's sad to see that in India, they don't teach history of the Nazism...


    1. I'm Shocked ;)


    2. Yes, you can be shocked :p


  6. For me, the most interesting article of this blog !
    It's actually a shame. I think this man isn't ignorant because the second world war touched a lot of countries, and everybody from 12 years old knows a minimum hitler, what horror he did, nazism and what mean the swatiska symbol. Besides he's wearing a t-shirt with Gandhi, an insult for humanity.
    And it can't be for the buzz, because it's quite logical that people wont aprove things like that.
    I didn't know this actuality but because of you i'll search more information on the net. I'm very shocking too, i agree with you !
    Thank you

    1. Amazilena, dear: you're shockED, not shockING (not that I know!)^^

    2. Sorry, i was very angry when i wrote this,
      so i did mistakes..

    3. To have this judgment from such a famous commentator of this blog you are, is an honnour Amazilena! Thank you !

      About "And it can't be for the buzz, because it's quite logical that people wont aprove things like that. " -> yeah, I agree with you. But in fact, i have read what some other journalists wrote about this news, and one said that in India, people may not realize who Hitler was, and the "horror he did", as you said. Some people in India actually think that Hitler was a dictator, and some people even think that he was a man who knew how to head well his country... Yeah, that's kinda weird. Actually, I can understand that for an old people, but not really for a young man like him, who normally use internet.

      I don't know why you said thanks... maybe you like to be shocked ! but you're welcome anyway :p


    4. Famous commentator ?! Aha a good joke. I just enjoy to give my opinion about everything.
      I said thanks for learn me an actuality i didn't know before, and because i liked very much what you write, and your reflexion about it.

  7. Thie story is quite weird, it's true. Maybe he ignored many things about Hitler and what he did, but I think that when someone wants to open a store, he should do searchings about it's name and logo ! In this case, I think whether it's a buzz attempt like you said, whether it's just that this man is very ignorant.


    1. Yeah, I agree with you, this man shoul have search info about the name of his store. But about the logo, actually in india, you can see swastika symbol everywhere, cause it's basically an hinduism symbol. But yeah, the combo of Hitler and swastika.... too much.


    2. Ooooh yes, true ! I knew about the link between the svastika symbol and hinduism but I didn't remember ! Thanks for refreshing my memory .. But it's sure that it's weird to associate Hitler AND the symbol even if for hindus, it has a totally other meaning than for us ..

      (It's nice to finally put a face on your username, by the way ! Because I didn't know any of you, ahah.)


  8. Sorry to insist miss, but even under the title, for the line in yellow, i'm a snail, and an holysnail only...

  9. What such a stupid thing!
    Does he never gone to school or watched movie or read a book??? THis man is the stupidest man on the world! World guiness book you have a new record in the dumb category!

    1. Hahaha. The "dumb category"... sounds good!


  10. you are right in last few lines......there are good people in India like Gandhiji and even people like Shah.......;)
    so its just some people with ugly character, in simply awesome place called India :)


  11. Why is there people like that while there are amazing Indian girls like us?!

    1. Exactly 22h22! WHY? WHY? WHY this kolaveri ?
      Don't worry, we're gonna transform these guys this summer.


  12. To be honest, What else do you expect from an average Indian?
    What to expect from people of India whose 60% population lives below poverty line,Where new born baby girls are killed on daily basis,most corrupt folks rule the country!
    No need to justify India or its people just because you are Indian!

    1. OH Zaidi, as I told you, "WHY SO SERIOUS?"

      I think it was very late when you wrote your comment... Okay, seriously, your analysis may be not wrong, yes there is bad things in India, it's a fact.

      But here, that's not the question. That's not because the babygirls are killed that people don't know about Hitler.
      Rajesh Shah said that he didn't know who Hitler was. That's the official version. But maybe he did that just to bring attention on his store or whatever.
      And I'm not justifying India, you pagal! Otherwise I wouldn't have write an article about this guy.

      I think you wanted to say these thigs about India since a long time to someone. But you couldn't found anyone, so you wrote it there. But you're talking about something else... off topic... :p

      BUT thanks to telling your opinion. (I'llbreakyourteeth)


  13. Oh and nice to have met you today Holysnail :)

    1. MY pleasure Amazilena ! :D
      It was a very touching moment to see you in real!


    2. Touching moment lol...

  14. Aren't you sweet, meeting each other!^^

    1. Yeah actually I didn't go to the play to watch the actors, but to meet Amazilena!


    2. Ahaha ! I think the actors were more interesting than me ! ;)

  15. I think this man is a liar. Big liar. Because, extra, how he explain the gammadion on the "i"'s locus ?
    It's totally absurd, and thank you to Holysnail for this interessting article !

    A friend of Tsitsa, Aurélian. ( I come for her )

  16. It's just, there are very perfect people from this country!

    The furious skyline.
