Wednesday 9 January 2013

Guigz18 on South Korean elections

My article is about the election of the first female president in South Korea.

Park Geun-Hye was the candidate of the conservative party, she has dedicated her life to politic and she is the daughter of Park Chung-Hee who reigned on the country from 1961 until 1978.

She won 51,6 % of the vote against 48 % for Moon Jae-In.

60 years single, childless, Park played this status, presenting herself as a modern and free woman to seduce left voters tired of business favoritism benefiting to political economy's large families of the country.

She thinks that her election will help to improve the economy of the country.

Ironically, Ms. Park will be able to finish at the top of the polls by defeating one of the historical opponent during the regime of her father, Moon Jae-in, "face" of the dark years who paid for his freedom its commitment to human rights .

The brutal reign of his father on the "Republic of Korea" lasted eighteen years, until his assassination in 1979.

Park Geun-hye has been very popular with the old electorate and conservative who credits his father's economic miracle South Korea after the Korean War (1950-1953).

This is something surprising because this is a first in this country but I think it's normal that it does not have an impact like the election of Barack Obama in 2007.
The context and the power of the country are not the same.
 Nevertheless I think it's encouraging for the future of the country.


  1. Another good thing for the world ! :)
    Ps: i can't read this article whitout say... Oppa gagnam style !

  2. (The following comment may be a bit cheesy.)

    She's toooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuute >_<.
    I think yeah, it's a big step for the country, and therefore for the world.


  3. I think the president had a luck in this country!

    Good luck for her!

  4. Finally a woman as president!
    Hope she'll encourage more women participate at the country life! But she isn't the first woman in the world to become president, I think in Argentina there was a woman as president.

  5. The opening minds starts!

  6. In my opinion, it's good that a woman is elected because it's always the men that are elected. It is injust because the men and women have the same rights.

  7. I think it's a beautiful victory because she has dedicated her life to politic
    And she follows her father's footsteps !

  8. I'm agree with Cockatoo, more high. It's very good that a women is elected, and it's uncommon too ! It would good that a women is elected in France, for exemple, too.
    We will soon see if it's different, a women in power.

  9. It's good that women become president, especially in Korea!

    The Furious Skyline.
