Wednesday 23 January 2013

Jade, on the news... old and new!

I chose to speak about the re-election of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States, even if it's not completely new anymore.

(yet the inaugural ceremony has just taken place, so it's still the news- Mrs P)

Obama was set against Mitt Romney who is a mormon. He was the Republican party's nominee for the election and he was also the 70th governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007.

Barack Obama overtook the fateful helm of 270 presidential electors to obtain a second mandate.

Indeed he obtained 303 votes against 2000 for Mitt Romney.

Furthermore, this tweet of the "Four More Years" of Barack Obama to announce his victory became the message the most shared since the creation of the social network (more than 420,000 tweets in 2 hours).

At the same time, it collected more than 1,3 millions of "Likes" and 186,000 sharings on Facebook.

In my opinion, it's a good thing that he was re-elected. and you? What's your opinion?



  1. I agree with you, it's a good thing
    It's a bit funny that a president share things on tweeter or facebook, it give to us a nice view of this man. Perhaps it's the reason he is enjoyed a lot in the world.

  2. I don't really have an opinion about this because I'm not very interested in politics (I know, I should be ..), but this election was important for everyone, not only the USA, I think. In my opinion, re-elect Barack Obama was a good idea, he looks very close to the Americans and he didn't do big mistakes during his first mandate.

  3. I'm not very fan of Obama Because he have forget promises of his first mandate. (for exemple close the jail Guantanamo.)

    But i think, it's a good president for U.S.A. Better than Mitt Romney for severals reasons

    (For example the idea that we have things in our genes already written. I find it really stupid .. But it's my opinion)

  4. I agree with you but disagree with onche-onche !
    onche-onche I think he didn't forget his promises but it's very difficult to do everything in 4 years ..


  5. It's the only president who have the boldness to enter in a meeting room in skate or by kicking in the door!
    He doesn't take himself too seriosly: He is the président of the USA, but he's a people like other too and I'm olmost sure that it's what he want to show.
    In brief, Ilike him :)
    ( I'm agree with you Onch-onch: The idea of Mitt Romney are really stupid.)


  6. Obama it's the most famous president, i prefer him than our president

  7. For me, Obama is the best of president in the world.

    The furious skyline.

  8. In my opinion Barack Obama is a very good president..
    Maybe, the best president in the world.
    I like his speech.
