Monday 29 February 2016

Picadilly's article...

When I grow up I want to protect the childhood in Africa. 

Especially the « soldier children  ». 

I think that's an horrible thing to kidnap a child from his parents.

Today there is more than 120,000 children soldiers in Central Africa and in the world there are between 250,000 and 300,000 children soldiers in the world.

 The first NGO (ONG in french ) is «  Save the children » . 

There are children which are kidnapped and in some cases they are paid by the men who kidnap the children. 
They accept because the poverty is very important in these countries.  

The children the most implicated in this tragedy are the orphans or refugees.

Today therearemany ways to help the children. 
We could sponsor a child on the Internet and give money to their family.

We have to leave  the children their counsciousness , they cannot be used like pawns because its easier to manipulate a child for an adult.

It's for these reasons I would like to protect the children from the conflicts.

We have to leave at the children their counsciousness , they cannot be used like pawns because its easier to manipulate a child in case of an adult. It's for these reason I would to protect the children to the conflict.


Sunday 28 February 2016

Pompom's article...

When I’m an adult I would like to work in an organization that helps children to study in poor countries like in Africa or in Brazil. 

The children have difficult living conditions sometimes they have no parents or family, they sleep in the streets that’s why it’s important to help them to have a good level at school so they can have a good work and a good life out of their villages or districts and make of them good person. 

Because without this help they can begin to do illegal things to win money or go work with their parents to help the family. 

It’s not difficult to help a kid at school and make him happy in his life but it’s a very important work, the childhood is a decisive moment and I would like to help the kids appreciate theirs as much as I have appreciated mine.

Saturday 27 February 2016

Phi's article...

Today, I've decided to talk about “Les restaurants du Coeur” because if I were an adult this would be the first case where I would  get involved. 
This association helps all year poor persons. They distribute packed lunch, hot meals to homeless and distribute medicine.

Firstly because the story of its creation is quite banal.

 One day in 1985, Coluche by signing a check for taxes said: “You realize, with all the money I give, if all the guys that have the money as I put it, we could fix the problem”. 

He realized that with money from taxes it could provide 200,000 meals. 

Coluche was already involved in associations and had revolted against food waste! 

He denounced the consumer society. 

On December 21, 1985, the first “restaurants du Coeur” opened under a tent in a waste ground in Paris. “Les restaurants du Coeur” are now found in all cities among which Bourges.

And this project worked because since its creation the number of meals served has exceeded the billions! There are several ways to rally  this cause: we can be a donor, volunteer but also artists because lots of singers or actors sing in the group of “Enfoirés”.

If I was an adult I would have chosen to be a volunteer because unfortunately I sing very badly. ;-)

More seriously, what I like about being a volunteer is contact with people with such great reward just a smile!  

This must be quite moving but a good action to help people in difficulty. 

And there will be more volunteers “Les restaurants du Coeur” will continue to grow and help people in trouble and I think it's a great charity.

Friday 26 February 2016

Nour's article...

If I  worked for a charity  I think that I would join "Médecins sans frontières", in english "Doctors without borders". 

I admire what  these people do because they are so courageous. 
They help people around the world who  really need help like in war countries or very poor countries.

If I don't wanted to be an interpreter (or something like that) I think I would take a Scientific section to be a doctor or nurse, I find it very interesting because we know everything about everything. 

It takes a lot of motivation to achieve this goal ( nearly 8 years ).

I think I would favor the children, I can not stand that they have a bad and sad life.

The association that does many things for children is UNICEF

All children need education and love. Would my mother's side comes out ?


Wednesday 24 February 2016

Nausicaa's article...

It would be hypocritical to say "Yes, of course I would like to work for a charity cause" because it's not true.
I don't say that it's not a good thing but for me, it's useless. 
What can only one person do ? If I work or get involved it's not gonna change anything.
Same thing if I don't.
 It's really not what I want to do. 
I don't say it's not important and hopefully some people working or do something. 
They fight against global warming, they help the homeless or they give money to help the research against cancer but who actually does something which has a real impact?
 It's the scientists, not us.
I respect people who try to change the world but…
Maybe it's a bit pessimistic but when I see people act for something and be "proud" of themselves, I just find that very selfish. 

They don't act for people; they act for themselves, to keep good conscience. 

In that case, it's only interested actions. 

For example, there was at one time the ice bucket challenge to make known the SLA (sclérose latérale amyotrophique) on the Internet and some people insulted the youtuber Pewdipie because he didn't do it.

But he made a real help giving money to association and he never talked about it. (but we are stalkers so we know everything.)
How can we choose only one association? 

How can we decide this one deserves more intention than the others?

They are all important and sometimes they really can change people lives. By the way, some causes are unknown and why ? Because we don't pay intention to them but it doesn't mean that they are less useful.
Of course, we can not compare the research against cancer to other charities, or even to other associations against diseases.

And what about excision? People don't hear about it or don't care because it's not in "our culture".

I really thing that only one person even with the better feelings can not change anything. 

But of course, if all people think like this it would be harder for anybody. There would be more inequalities and it would be a darker world. 

It's a good thing that people try to do real actions.
(Of course it's easier to help when you are JK Rowling and you have a LOT of money you can give to charity! -She really did that; Harry Potter's mother is a good person and a good writer!-)

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Blondy's article...

Once upon a time, a 18 year-old-girl met a career adviser to talk about her future projects. 
It was
difficult for her to guess  how will be her life would be but she tried.

– Hello! I'm Blondy.

– Good morning. If I asked you to attend,it was to understand your future projects and to give you
So, have you got an idea?

– I haven't only one idea; I have a lot of wishes. First and foremost, I would like to become a
lawyer because I love to defend the others.

 Afterwards, maybe I would like to travel to Africa
to help motherless and fatherless children.

– How did this interesting idea come to your mind?
– I'm a nostalgic person. I don't want to forget my memories. For old time's sake, when I was a
little girl, I remember that my mother wanted to adopt an unfortunate black child and to offer him
all which he was lacking.
 That's why I would like to take example. I'm grateful because I had a
fairy-tale childhood. 
My parents were and are always present to help me to fulfill my dreams. This
complicity which I have with my parents, I would like to share it to unfortunate children. 
To my
mind, all children have to be spoiled. 
Indeed, I would like to offer them a real christmas because it's
the feast dedicated to kids.

– Have you got any memories about christmas?

– Absolutely! Family was here and it was warm. We cooked together. For example, we made
some pancakes. The smell filled in the air and I loved this sensation. I had my motherly
support at anytime. These memories haunted my thoughts.

– Your family looks very important for you.

– I think without family, we can't do all we want and I often take example on it. Most
certainly, my grand mother loves getting involved with a charity. She visits prisoners and
makes them smile. I admire her courage and also the strength of all my family.

– Why?

– They overcame life's most difficult challenges.

– Which ones?

– They endured  poverty,  disease and even death.

– Could you explain?

– Of course! A few people who surround me were touched by a F***ing disease: cancer.

– Would you like to work for the International Union Against Cancer when you are an adult?

– I think we don't need to be an adult to get involved with this charity. I hope I could restore
the smile to the patient care. If I had been older when my grandfather had
cancer, I would have  helped him more. That's why I want to pay homage to him.

– How do you think of getting involved?

– First, I would like to raise money to advance research against  cancer. I could organize
some ballet because I love dancing. Money from the shows could pay the care and the
medical treatments. Then, I would like to spend time with the patient.

– Have you ever heard about the World cancer day?

– This initiative takes place on 4th February.

– What is the purpose of this initiative?

– This event takes place every year. It unites the world’s population in the fight against cancer.

Besides, nowadays, thanks to the social networks it's more simple to make awareness

This year, the tagline reminds of Obama's slogan (which was Yes we can): "We can,
I can".

– Why is World Cancer Day important?

– Currently, 8.2 million people die from cancer worldwide every year, out of which, 4 million
people die prematurely (aged 30 to 69 years). World Cancer Day is the ideal opportunity to
spread the word and raise the profile of cancer in people’s minds and in the world’s media.

– Why do you think that there are more and more people touched by cancer?

– The environment where we live is less and less healthy. The pollution increases, the people
smoke a lot, we work so much that implies stress.

– I agree with you: it's a sad time!

– Indeed but I hope that one day we shall find an effective treatment against the cancer even if
nowadays, a few person who fought succeedeed. 
In my opinion, we have to take example
instead of grousing about everything.

– It's an interesting message. I think you don't need my help to have an idea about your future,
hopefully success!

– Thank you and Bye.

– Good luck Blondy!