Saturday 30 November 2013

BlueTiara's plan...

Hi everyone, it's Blue Tiara! Today we are supposed to talk about our plans for the future, but I must confess that mine is absolutely not planified! Indeed, I think it's for the best: it must be so boring to expect every day of your life. Life isn't all about plans.

In these conditions, I will talk about what I currently want to do with my life. I am pretty sure that I will go in foundation degree next year and then, I will probably get into an interpreting and translation school in Paris.

 It should allow me to travel as I want, which is my real aim: I can't stand to stay in the same place more than a few years, it would drive me mad! And when I will finally be retired, when I will have traveled as much as I wanted, I intend to hide myself in the deepest part of Quebec...




 Or maybe in a polynesian island lost in the middle of nowhere, I haven't decided yet!



That's it, I hope my 'plans' distracted you ^^

See you in a while!

Friday 29 November 2013

SweetLisa's plans...

What are my plans for the future?

In ten years, I guess I’ll have finished my studies, I’ll have a job, I’ll be settled in an apartment, maybe with my boyfriend or husband.

In twenty years, I imagine myself picking up my children at school, going home with them, to the house my husband and I just bought. I’ll be cooking while I wait for him to come back from work.

In thirty years, I wish I’ll still have a job that I love; I probably will fight with my kids because they’ll be in their “teenage crisis”. But I know my family will be there to help me.

In forty years, I’ll be close to retiring, I’ll be planning the trips I could make with my husband, now that the kids grew up and left the house.

In fifty years, I finally would have gone to every country I dreamed of going in. I’ll be a grandmother who takes care of her grandchildren, I’ll make them marmalade and talk to them about the life I’ve had.

In sixty years, I would realize I had an amazing life, full of happiness thanks to my family and friends. I’ll be thinking about my high school years, watching photos of my youth, of the senior year. Then, I’ll pick another album photo, and another one, and again, and again until the last one.

In seventy years, I imagine myself sleeping, forever, calmly, knowing that I had succeeded in life.

 Cliché; this plan looks like a TV series script, that’s exactly what TV makes us think, that life is easy.

The truth is I don’t know what I’ll become or how I’ll turn out.

I may die in a plane crash, or become famous. I may work at McDonalds my all life, or known the success of a big career. I may never be married, or get divorced three times. I may have triplets, or be sterile.

For the moment I know nothing about my future professional life, I don’t even know where, what and how I want to study after getting my bachelor degree. I also have no ideas about what would be my personal life; I don’t even know what I’m going to eat tomorrow.

No one can honestly say what will be their future life, because life is not easy, it is full of impediments, anything could happen tomorrow.

The only thing I really know is that we should enjoy our senior year, work to have a nice life, avail our friends and families before we leave them next year… 

The only thing I can tell is that I don’t know what I’ll become, but “Carpe Diem”, anything could happen, let’s not be afraid of the future, anyway we’ll have to face it someday so go ahead and like Patrick Bruel sings, we’ll meet in ten years and see what we’ve become.


SweetLisa, the future IDon’tKnowWhatYet.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Fafa's plans for the future...


        Hello, I'm Fafa ,I'm again in the extra English group this year, so it's my third year in extra English.

        My plans for the future is first to have my Bac, because last year I didn't have the chance to have it. And may be I hope to have a mention with it!!

        So after my Bac I would like to continue the studies and I would like to go to Tours or Châteauroux to do a LLCE in Spanish because I would like to be a Spanish teacher. But if I can't be a Spanish teacher maybe I can be a translator in Spanish.

        After my studies I would go to Spain during 1 year to continue to practice more and more the language and to know more about Spain ,about the culture, about people...

        I don't want to promote Spanish in the extra English group but it's one of my plans for the future.
(It's fine!^^   Mrs P.)


Wednesday 27 November 2013

Brainbow's plans for the future.

 I said that if I survive until my thirtieth birthday  I could consider myself lucky . Cause the job I intend to do is dangerous !

I dream of becoming a zombie hunter ! This is the coolest job in the world !
(I tend to disagree: teaching is the coolest job in the world. Zombie hunting comes 2nd.  Mrs P.)

First, I would have a warrior quickdraw! Rangers , trellis, a torn tank top for the girly side ,  dust and blood on my face.

Secondly, I would have lots of weapons : a machete is a bit basic , a little sniper for relaxing on the balcony of a building in ruins (Radio with the country's station ON and cigarette optional) but I have a preference for the shotgun and chainsaw!

And third, I would kill lots and lots of zombies ! I would protect damsels in distress , and I could go shopping for FREE !

Anyway, this is in case of zombie Apocalypse . (With all GMOs , pesticides, fast food, animal experimentation and pollution, I think we're on the good way for that to happen !)

If it does not happen , I have a fallback : Straightening little ponies !

No link with zombies but it's matching with my hair! Glitter, pink and rainbows , strawberry syrup and marshmallow , a dream life!

More seriously, I do not really have a plan . I want to travel , move, meet thousands of interesting people ... And maybe tie me to a tree in the Amazon.

No matter what I would do, I hope to live with my ideals. And taking fun as much as I can .

Cause our existence is ephemeral.

To finish, for quote the songs of bands "Ghost" or  "Muse": time is running out.




Tuesday 26 November 2013

Somethingintheway's plans for the future...

My plans for the future


Hi everyboby it's Somethingintheway ,

In this  article I'm  going to present you my plans for the future.

-      My first objective for the future it's to obtain my high

 school diploma (That does not seem much but without it I could not do much.

- Then my objective is certainly the same as everybody , that is to make a success of my life


But I think that we don't have the same way to  achieve this objective, for my part  before starting to work I want to do a journey (certainly in Ireland   and in Australia ) and  I want to take advantage a little before beginning my active life.

 - Next to that I will become a profesisonal fireman  dog- handler specialized in the animal team, with this job I hope that I will travel in the world . 


- Finally my last objective (maybe the most inportiant) it's to be happy in my future life because without this objective all that I said before makes no sense .

Here  it is finished, hoping that this article will have pleased you.


Monday 25 November 2013

Starting tomorrow: a new series of articles!

The 2nd years will tell you about their plans for the future!

I guess it will be inspirational for all our readers...

The last but not the least...

Shake's aticle on seasons.
Hey guys! I'm going to talk about 2 seasons. Autumn and winter. As for me, I prefer winter but everyone has his opinion. In autumn, it's raining everyday, there isn't a lot of sun and sometimes it's hot. On October 31st, it's Halloween! We can eat some sweets, scare people... I love this celebration...
Winter is my second favorite season after summer. Why? Because the landscape is completely changed. There is snow!
But it is very cold and I don't like that.
Even if I'm 16 years old, I do snow fights like a kid with my friends.
It's funny...
Finally Christmas is one of the best moment every year for presents, and great food.
I'm always greedy this day.
The New Year is the best celebration of the year because it's between friends, and the parents are not here to Watch us.
Let's go for the party!

Sunday 24 November 2013

Jacquees, on the seasons...

October, November and December are a time of year that I like little.
However, some events appear at this moment.
In October, there is Halloween, it's cool when you're Young, but from a certain age, I find this pseudo celebration bogus, especially as most people do not really know the basis of it.
On the other side, October is good to go pick mushrooms, nuts, hazelnuts. I liked to go with my father when I was a child, but the weather détériorâtes, withy falling leaves.
In November, is the arrival of cold. We don the warm clothing to fight against the weather. This month also tells the end of the first term and so we know if we will be rewarded or not for Christmas!
I'm kidding of course!
At last, December is a special month because it is important for the Christian Faith, because it commémorâtes the birth of Jesus, with Christmas. It also begins the winter cycle, with snow.
At this moment of the year, families gather around a good meal, and that's what I like most.

Saturday 23 November 2013

YaYa-TamTam on the season...

Hello everybody ! Today I'll  talk about this season ! :)

I like this time of year because it's the end of autumn and winter is coming.
For me Autumn iis forest walks with family during week end and holidays, and we take mushrooms to make soups on winter, it's very great !
During the  holidays, there is the changing of time, and I like this one because we can sleep one hour more.
There is Halloween too, it's a good party but in France people think it's a little uncool, so few people celebrate it; but I would like to celebrate it in the USA or Great Britain, it's certainly different and better :)
In autumn, the weather changes: leaves become orange and fall down, it's cloudy and it's becoming cold.
I like winter too because snow is coming and it's cold, so we make fire in the fireplace and it's warm! Sometimes, when there is a lot of snow, cars and buses can't travel, so we don't go to school .
In the end of november it's my birthday so it's one of the reasons that I love winter :)
But "end of the year" rhymes with "end of the 1st term", so we have a lot of tests that we must pass with success.

There are holidays again, during these ones there is Christmas and it's fantastic!
I celebrate it with all my family, I receive a lot of presents and we eat a lot of good food.

Friday 22 November 2013

Grapefruit's article...

Hello !
 First, I want to tell you that I love winter ! It's my favourite season ! It's wonderful when snow is falling on the ground, it's magic...
The landscape becomes wonderful with the snow.
 In streets, trees are decorated, there are Christmas baubles too.

When I lived in Paris, I went to the Champs-Elysées every year and at Christmas it's beautiful because there are decorations, foodlit garlands, and Christmas markets where we can buy pancakes, waffles, churros...
Then, we can do snow men, snow angels and snowball fights too ! Go  skiing, and  sledding , even if I often fall... sometimes I eat snow when my fall is very powerful !
And, It's a good season to spend unforgettable moments with our family, and have giggles with them. I like playing in the snow with my friends too, it's amazing and funny. It's a real moment of happiness.
Furthermore, I like the cold, because when it's too hot, it's unpleasant to sleep !
Secondly, October the 31th, it's HALLOWEEN !
We are going to visit houses to have candies, frighten people in the street, laugh with my friends.
So, take out your disguises and eat not too many candies :p !

Thirdly,  with my friends or my family, we like to pick mushrooms in the forest, go walking and eat some meals together. Indeed, Christmas is  coming, we will prepare the turkey, and the yule log of Christmas... Yummy !

And, naturally we are impatient to receive our presents like a new phone, tickets for concerts for example. And I try to see Father Christmas  ! But I have never seen him...
 Then, don't forget the New Year too ! We are going to drink some champagne, some cider... Have fun, make firecrackers *-* !  Get ready to listen to the 12 knocks  of midnight !
To finish, it's for these reasons that I like winter, for me it's the best season of the year because there are many things to do, it's one of best moment of the year that I spend with my family and my friends.
So, I wish you a Merry Christmas and good holidays too !



Thursday 21 November 2013

Oton-Tik doesn't like this time of year...

Hello everybody,

So, I do not appreciate this time of year because for me, it symbolizes the changing time. The weather becomes bad with the rain and cold, I have to take care of me,  not to be sick.
Also, during this period the travels are more difficult, the snow slows the traffic and sometimes they don't have bus to go to school or go out. It's annoying!

I really don't like Halloween, I don't know why, I imagine that is because I'm growing or something like that.
But I really enjoy the end of the year, with Christmas, family gatherings, dinner with them.

And of course, giving and receiving gifts make me happy and also the party for the New Year.
For the school, it symbolizes the end of the 1st term and maybe I will face up to reproach. (Eyes of the tiger-Survivor haha!)

To conclude, I like this time of year only for the party period (Christmas, New year) , to meet my family but I do not appreciate the rest, the changing of time make me nervous and work at school becomes hard.

Thanks for reading me.


Wednesday 20 November 2013

Daffy Duck was made to write on these seasons!

The Teacher asked me what I think about 14th October to 18th November…
And I have to say, I don’t think a lot of thinks about it…
But let be a little poetic!
So, during the second part of October, the flowers begin to disappear, trees become orange and brown, and the swimming pools become cold.
Well the holidays arrive in France for two weeks of pleasure, the time to see family, make the jackass with friends, and stay quietly with your girlfriend. (Sorry, if you have one of course, but as I’ve said, let’s be poetic and let’s find the true love, I hope you will).
At the end of the month, it’s Halloween.
The time for monsters of the hell to come in our living world, and for the ‘’almost’’ monsters to ask some sweets to their neighbors.
Some of you will say: Oh sorry man but I am a big idiot and for me it’s only for little kids. If you want but I won’t share my Shokobons with you.
Finally we should enjoy these moments.
After all that, it doesn’t happen all the time…
Oh yes perhaps the future school tests. Oops sorry (never speak about class during the holidays…) well I let you have fun for the rest of your free time, and never forget: Shokobons are certainly the best sweets of Halloween, comment if you disagree. Thanks for reading, Bye!!!

Tuesday 19 November 2013

What about Boldman's view on the season?

It’s the time of the year when everyone’s favorite conversation is “Ahhh, finally! Winter!” and “DAMN. I’m not emotionally ready to wave good-bye to  summer.”
As for me, I’m a summer person. I hate winter because:
- The weather is always grey , rainy or windy , it depresses me, I love sun so much.
-My winter allergies are back. According to my immunologist, I’m allergic to pine trees, and they bloom in winter. Waking up every day with a stuffy nose sucks a lot.
-I can't wear my T-shirt and my shirts no more . It's too cold and I don't want to get a flu ... wait .. I'm already sick .
-We are now confined to living rooms, the insides of cafes and restaurants, and other stuffy spaces. No more beers at pub terraces .
-Waking up in winter is 100 times harder than waking up in the summer. Getting out of the warm air pockets of the bed at seven o'clock is HELL.
-The flu.
Sometimes I wish I was a bear or a marmot so I could hibernate and wait for the summer under my duvet , it would be cool .


The next period for commenting the blog and get credits is from:

November 18th to December 15th (midnight)!

Note that there will be 18 points for comments and 2 for recommendations, this time.

This is for both 1st and 2nd years.

Mrs P.

Monday 18 November 2013

Cam, on the last term of the year...

Hi, I like very much the October, September and December period because in this period  there are many celebrations like Halloween , Christmas and the New year.
It's the moment for  family and friends gatherings.

 At Halloween , children disguise to frighten people !

At Christmas, we gather with our family and we've got so many presents.
And often in December there is some snow !

Afterwards,  there are New year célébrations  on  december 31st.
I love very much this period because, there is maybe the cold, but we can be closer with a boy or a girl.
 It's very cool


Sunday 17 November 2013

Stuffed Rabbit has things to say on seasons...

Let's talk about this time of year, there are many things to say about it.
First of all, it's getting cold so it's not really amazing but Christmas is coming and this is pretty cool !
I like this event because we're with the entire family and of course, we have gifts.
There will be snow soon and I love playing with the snow even if it's very cold.
There was Halloween as well, I like this event because it can be funny to pick up candies but I feel like there are less and less people who like Halloween.
We're all going to cough all the time and be sick because of the cold and because of the changing time the days will be shorter.
I don't really like this period of the year because I hate being cold and the rain as well so I don't hang out a lot. I don't like being sick either.
But I like holidays, who doesn't ? Not having to wake up early is great.
During this period, I like to stay home in my warm bed and watch movies because it's too cold to go out.
What do you think about this period ? Do you like it or not ?
Stuffed Rabbit.

Saturday 16 November 2013

This is Teddy Bear's turn!

Hey, I'm back, this time I'll talk about my favourite season - autumn. During autumn I am really nostalgic. Because it reminds me of the memories I have with my family and my friends.
In october it was my birthday. This year I turned 16 on the 27th!
 And the 31st was HALLOWEEN I think it's very cool.
Once with my brothers we ate a lot of sweets and It was too much.
But one day for Hallowen, I was disguised as a ghost, and a dog ran behind me and I cried " OH MY GOD ".
I lost my sheet and I was in breeches, boots, and t-shirt on the road LOL.
It was very funny!
Everything is beautiful in Autumn. Like falling leaves and colours.
But this season reminds me of a Christmas Tree. Even if it's Autumn and not Winter.
For me it's the same ^^.
Christmas, enjoyed by opening gifts, even if we are no longer children, we fall back into childhood.
 I think it's very cool.
I love this month very much. Just because it reminds me of a lot of memories and I love that.
Good bye and see you soon !

Teddy Bear xxx

Friday 15 November 2013

Paperplane, on Autumn and Winter...

Autumn, my favorite time of the year. It is the sadness to say goodbye to  summer.
The melancholia that takes place among the trees. Everything is slowly dying in a romantic way.
The smell of rain in the forests reminds me of my childhood, that lonely girl I've always been once again revived.
Every evening, there's a wood fire smell which can be smelt around the villages, who hasn't noticed it?
Later during the night, there's that strange coldness, same as the one in my dreams.
With the breeze and the sound of silence that makes me feel thrilled.
All of this is the most beautiful depressing time.
I love the sorrow it gives  me; this is where I pick up all my inspiration.

Afterwards, winter is finally coming to freeze everything around. I enjoy the snowflakes slowly falling behind my window , while I'm in my warm and cosy room. 
Christmas is here now and it gives that warmth to the freezing eerie night.
Buildings and trees are all well lit up with bright wreaths.
 I'll always keep these memories of my family dinners, our hearty celebrations. The end of the year makes all my happiness come to a close. I hate the aftermath of these parties, they feel like Sundays. My feelings always disappear and they never appear again.


Here is a picture of one of my drawing, Christmas time inspired me.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.
Take care x


Thursday 14 November 2013

Bernabear's article...

Hi everybody! I am Bernabear and I'm going to talk about the seasons of autumn and winter.
Firstly, I think that these are 2 incredible seasons.
 The leaves fall down from the trees, the weather begins to be cold, the rain falls more and more, until it becomes  snow.
To see the leaves on the ground and that cold weather reminds me a lot of memories.
For example, it makes me remember when I was younger, every weekend I was going to my father's house.
And when it wasn't raining, we played in the garden, we picked up the leaves and then we threw ourselves in them.


That was the best moment of the day. I loved it. And there is Halloween too. I was going to get candies with my brother in the streets.
And then, we have the winter.
Really  colder, we can't hang out a lot because of it, and, of course, there is snow.
I think the snow is the most beautiful gift the nature could give us.
 Every child loves to play with the snow, to make snowmen or fights.

These seasons are not the best ones, but I like them, they have their advantages and drawbacks.