Wednesday 27 February 2013

Tsitsa, on the people she admires ...

I've searched for a long time  people that I admire.

My mother ? I respect her, but no.

A celebrity ? Not either, fake world doesn't interest me.

People that I admire are in real life, with us.
We see them every day, in the street, the shops, and even at home, sometimes. 
We don't know their life, we believe that is easy to live like them, because they do nothing, but I think not.

They live with many good and bad memories, to rehash tirelessly. Personnaly, I couldn't live with it. I hate this, and loneliness.

Them, they live alone, or almost and not many people are listening to them.
Moreover, they suffer all the time without saying anything, whereas we, the least small pain is “killing” us.

Yes, people that I admire are the old people, for all these reasons.

Monday 25 February 2013

Bobbie admires someone close to her...


She is the one who loves me,
She is the one I can tell everything to,
She is the kindness incarnated,
She can help me whenever I need her,
She is, and
She will be here for me forever.
She misses me a lot... because
She is far away from me now but
She is strong
She is perfect like she is.
She is the person I admire.
"She" is my lovely sister.

And I love her. <3

Thursday 21 February 2013

K-Za admires Nelson Mandela

I admire Nelson Mandela and his career.

I find he was very courageous and ambitious.
He was much determinate.
He just kept fighting during his detention (during twenty six years)
His struggle against apartheid has made him a hero in his country -and worldwide- today.
He could blame  persons of white color, but he didn't and continued his work as president of South Africa.
His actions are very memorable; it’s a hopeful man who makes African people's eyes shine.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Folt doesn't admire anybody!

Sincerely, there isn't a person I admire especially. I can't choose someone.

I just admire whoever likes me or accepts me like I am.

And this is what I have an admiration of someone.

But if I absolutly have to choose, maybe it will be my family or my friends, because they make me the joy to live.

And perhaps, if, a day, I lose a member of my family or a friend, I will have trouble to live better without her or him.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Sweet Lisa admires someone and explains why...

I don’t know if you already heard about the person I admire but you must have, because the Medias talked a lot about him two years ago.
Let me introduce him and his story to you.
His name is Loïc Sécher. In 2003, a teenage girl pretty confused at that time, accused him of rape, he has been condemned for sixteen years in prison.
During seven years, he tried to make people understand that he was innocent, but no one believed him until the girl who blamed him finally admit the truth: no one had raped her, she had invented this story because she felt bad in her body and her teachers were worried about her so they asked her what was wrong with her.
She didn’t know how to explain it, so she just said that she had been victim of sexual violence.
When the teachers asked her who it was, she described a man, who doesn’t even exist but who, as her description, looked like Loïc Sécher, her neighbor.
She didn’t want to be seen as a liar, so she officially accused him.
But in 2008, seven years later, she felt too guilty so she admitted the truth.
Loïc Sécher was released two years ago.
When he finally got out of jail, he met the young girl who made him spend seven years in prison.
But he was absolutely not mad at her even though he had no money because of the costs he had to pay to the justice, even if his father died while he was confined, even if his family was ashamed, he forgave her.
That’s exactly what I admire about him; he had the strength, the bravery to forgive this girl who ruined her life.
He lived in hell for nothing during seven years, and he still stays calm when people talk to him about this part of his life.

I admire him because I could never forgive someone who would make me go through all of it.
I would probably want to get revenge but he doesn’t.
I wonder how you guys would have reacted if you were in his case…?

Monday 18 February 2013

A person I admire, by YMCMB

I'll show you the celebrity I most admire.

I'm talking about the famous singer Lady Gaga.

What I like most about her is her  high eccentricity: she dares all without asking questions.

I also admire enormously her career, despite the ridicule she experienced in her childhood, she fought to get there.

But still, I also admire her commitment she wrote in her song, and her modesty, she devotes much and she is still fighting for her fans, and often makes homage.

She has a great creativity, a sense of self mockery.

And her voice has a unique simplicity.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Someone I admire, by Nomika

If I had to talk about someone I admire, I would choose nobody or everyone.
You don't understand ?
Let me explain, then !
I must admit I never admired one person in particular, like a celebrity or an athlete.
However, I think there is something admirable in each person, and it can be a fault as well as a quality !
I sometimes admire some people's personality traits or capacities that I'd like to have, like drawing or painting for example.

Moreover, some people's actions are also admirable.
I think, of those who help other people in difficulty, in charities or simply on their own.

And you ? Do you admire a particular person ? :)

Saturday 16 February 2013


But there will be regular posting during the holidays!

A person I admire, by Rider

A person  I admire , My mother

A single human being is really close to me , it's my mother . 
In spite of numerous quarrels , I admire her so much :
 she made a success in her studies , she has been
satisfied with her life until now,.
I want to look like her later 
for what she makes and what she is.
I admire her ever more , because she manages to stand me every day :D
It's my example in  everyday life.
She educated me , she knew to love me as one needed.
I think that later , my children will want the same mother as I have ,
 that is a golden mother ! ;)
And I will always admire her with her qualities and defects.


Thursday 14 February 2013

There was a missing article! At long last, commenting on last year news, by Destiny!

The end of the world
- Asteroids, perhaps even a new planet (it already has a name: Nibiru) are hidden for the moment in the orbit of the Earth, our planet will come knocking on that day.
- Trinary system: The binary system coming to an end (ex: blue-ray dvd) the trinary system will be provided by aliens and will revolutionize and update all our scientific knowledge and mathematics acquired until today.
- Excessive activity of the Sun will destroy all communications systems (that will not happen until December 21 but will start before)
- The planet Venus will pass for the last time during this century in our sky.
- There will be many natural disasters, storms, floods, earthquakes and super volcano (it will not happen until December 21 but will start before)
- There will be many wars (this will not happen until 21 12 2012, but will start before)

- The Earth will change axis.
- The thirteen crystal skulls Mayan (made in the nineteenth century)  will issue a message December 21, 2012 they are all together.  (obviously, they were not!)
- The aliens will come down to Earth and will take the best of us (finally some good news)

- The Earth will leave its orbit and drifting in the universe for 26,000 years (unlikely).

- Following the financial crisis, the money will have no value and will trade with shells, it is best to stock shell now.

- The Earth's magnetic field will reverse. Protect your mind with a magnetic puzzle ball and especially buy a compass in the southern hemisphere if you
live in the northern and vice versa.

Why so many scenario about the end of the world?
One that attracts the most public attention is based on the disaster movie "2012".

synopsis of the film:

Maya, one of the most fascinating civilizations that Earth has made, sent us a prophecy: their calendar ends in 2012 and our world too. Since then, astrologers have confirmed, numerologists had predicted, geophysicists find it dangerously obvious, and even government scientists eventually came to the terrifying conclusion. The Mayan prophecy has been discussed, debated, minutely analyzed. In 2012, we will all know if it's true, but few have been warned long ... When the tectonic plates begin to slip, causing earthquakes and destroying multiple Los Angeles passage, Curtis Jackson, novelist, and family threw themselves headlong, like millions of people in a desperate journey. All can not be saved ...


Because of the movie  thousands of nuclear shelters were sold. Those who were most concerned stock up on food for two or three years.

This is not a joke: in order to reassure supporters of the end of the world December 21, NASA released a video dated December 22 ..... or post-apocalyptic.

With 10 days advance, NASA wants to defuse the panic that exists among Americans who send them daily letters to express their concern.

The title of the video? "The proof that the world has not ended yesterday."

The agency hopes to prevent suicide, waves of panic and paranoia, construction of fallout shelters and other desperate acts.
Those who retain a doubt can buy a kit of the end of the world.



















Happy Valentine everyone...

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Starting tomorrow....

A new series of articles about people they admire, by the Extra English first years!

Monday 11 February 2013

Are your costumes ready for Friday 15th?

As you all know, for the first time ever, pupils will be allowed to wear fancy dress costumes at school to celebrate Mardi-Gras (Tuesday 12th)... I guess the last Friday before the all-term holidays makes more senses.

Are your costumes ready? (mine is...)

If need be, here are a few suggestions:

What about Neo, from The Matrix?

This adorable Edward Scissorhands?

The Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter?

A Facebook profile? (Definitely LIKE!)

The Wizard of Oz team?

An Silent Movie couple (The Artist inspired)?
Like a coin? (isn't it clever?)
As Eve? (a bit dary but award-winner potential!)
And the best home-made fancy dress costume I've ever seen:

Like a Campaign poster!!!!

Don't forget to take photos and send them to me if you want to be on the blog (don't forget to sign or have your parents sign the authorizations)

See you there!

Sunday 10 February 2013

That's called the Sunday Evening blues....

Do you recognize yourself here???

But don't worry: this week will be fun! (and at the end we'll be on holidays!)

Another article on the news, by Sundays


A land wich became a stake for the world peace.


Since many centuries, this land had been desired, it underwent a lot of conquests, it welcomed various religions and communities.
Since many centuries, it represented an important place for three religions : Muslim, Jewish and Chrisitians, in particular in Jerusalem, city three times holy.

In Europe, after the Dreyfus affaire, Theodor Herzl, a journalist and writer wrote : « If even France of the lights wants the death of the Jews, then we have to have a ground to us. »

In 1897, he chairs the first Zionist congress in Swiss and gives itself for objective the purchase of ground in Palestine.

In 1909, the first Kibboutz, collectivist village developed by the Zionist movment was born.

In 1914, the war ravaged Europe, Mehmed V, an Ottoman sultan in loss of power, enters the war, pushed by the government.

In 1915, the British call in for help Hussein ben Ali, cherif of Mecca, stemming from a powerful family to overcome Turkish, in exchange they promise him a big close and independent Arabic kingdom.

Laurence, agent of secret services sent there arabie promises the throne of Syria to Fayssal, the cherif's son.

In 1916, he attacks then the Turkish, far from imagined that France and England were already divided the Arabic lands by forgetting their promises.

In 1917, the British army enters Palestine and monopolize Jerusalem. This is the Declaration Balfour. The England envisages the establishment of a Jewish nationalist home in Palestine, what is taken as a treason for Arabic living in this region who decide to get organized.

In 1922, the England shares the region, Syria and Lebanon confided in France and the Irak for the England.

It creates a new emirate for his brother Abdallah, the international community approve the Declaration Balfour, a national home takes place in Palestine.

In 1929, the Arabic commemorate the agreements of the treaty Balfour by a general strike, the same year, violence propagates in the country killing 133 Jews and 116 Arabic.


In Germany, Hitler took power in 1933, we count 37 000 jews in Palestine and 65 000 in 1935.

The revolt rose in 1936 and asks for « a change of politics because its preservation would have result to replace Arabic by the Jews ».
A general strike of 6 months and confrontations with law enforcement took place every day.
 As a consequence, the controls, the arrests, the searches multiply, what instigates even more the anger of Arabic, a wave of attacks strikes the Zionist installations.
The Jews built during this time new colonies.
The population militarized and the children learnt to use a rifle.

In 1938, Arabic villages were totally bombed by planes, the leaders  deported and the partisans executed by hanging without judgment.

To keep the loyalty of Arabic, England betrays the Jews by letting free choice in Arabic welcome or not the Jews in Palestine who do not know what it takes place in Europe.

In 1941, ignoring his intentions, a Palestinian leader becomes allied with Hitler to overcome the English, his enemies sworn. It is only in 1945, after the German capitulation that we discover the scale of the Nazi genocide.

After the war, the Jews prefer to stay in Palestine rather than to return to their country of origin.

In 1946, 500 000 Jews live in Palestine, it is a question no more national home but independence. Not having to forget the English unreliability, the Jews turn to the United States, winner of the war to rest their independence.
The too heavy Palestinian burden for the British, them leaves it to United Nations.

A Palestinian and a Zionist are going to discuss face to face in the UNO.

A committee decides of divided on the Palestian state into two and Jerusalem « will have an international status ». The Jews establishing the third of the population have more than half territory and the government will be Jewish what will have the effect of provoking the anger of all the Arab countries and of creating Arabic riots in jerusalem which will make of numerous died, it is not a riot but a war which begins.
Ben Gourion, a Zionist protagonist wants to attack the bordering Arab countries.
He makes knife 250 men, women and children in the village of Dir Yassine what frightens hundreds of thousand Palestinians who go away on both sides of Palestine while waiting for the end of the fights.

Other Arab countries wait for the end of the British mandate to arrange according to their interst with the Zionists and from years to years, the borders widen in favour of Israel. Jerusalem is cut in two, the West becomes its capital, the East is under Jordanian domination.

Gaza Strip is put back in Egypt and Cisjordanie annexed by Abdallah king, instead of creating in the Palestinian state, the UNO create aunts' camps to welcome more than 800 000 Palestinians.

Israel in taken the angagement to allow the return of the Palestinian refugees but finally one of the first laws voted in summer to appropriate all the properties of the absent decreed owners.

Everywhere, Jewish immigrants put their suitcases in the residences of Arabic. There will be 150 000 Arabic in the State who cannot circulate without pass, nor even if to express.

Today, in camps we count more than milions 2,5 million of Palestinians fed in the rations.
In my opinion, Palestine should be free.
(A very comprehensive article that may be of interest to our readers who hear about that place all the time in the news but don't really understand the situation there.   Mrs P.)


Saturday 9 February 2013

Today in The Guardian, a grammar test!

Will you dare take it??????

Let's be honest: I made 2 mistakes... If you take the test, I'll tell you which ones . Mrs P.

Monday 4 February 2013

The end of the world? It's soooo "last year"!, by Agie

For this new article I chose to talk about the so-called « end of the world ».


Today (the day I am writing) we are on December 20th  (ok, I must admit it took quite a long time to publish! Mrs P.) and if we rely on the Apocalypse rumours, it could be my last day and more precisely the last day of the humankind's existence. 

According to the rumours, most of the time based on the Mayan calendar, the end of the world is expected tomorrow on December 21th 2012.

Moreover the film “2012” (published in 2009 and produced by Roland Emmerich) has multiplied the fear of  the Earth's destruction.
However that's not the first time that something like this is planed; it was also expected for example during the transition to the year 2000... but apparently it didn't happen!

Other theories or I should say other interpretations were spread all around the world: the end of a cycle, a pole-switch, the beginning of a new era or also a zombie attack (especially in the United-States).


Otherwise there are some places which would be spared and where you could be protected from the apocalypse. Among them we can find the mountain of Bugarach (a village in northern France). Moreover every access to this presumed refugewere blocked since the Wednesday before "the end".


Anyway, if you believe in it or not, the businesses won't have lost everything: it enabled them to sell every kind of survival kit.  

From my point of view, the end of the world won't happen, rather not yet. And even if it happens, so what? We won't be there anymore to realize. Moreover I think it's just useless to hide in a bunker to survive or whatever. And all this apocalyptic movement was probably only a commercial aim.


Now, if you're scared (and even if you aren't) the only thing to do is waiting till we see if something happens or  better living as nothing was expected. Let's see on Saturday if we're still alive.



(I'm glad we made it!!! )

Commenting on the news, by Ghost Wolf

 China anti-censorship hopes rise after state TV airs V for Vendetta
The state of China was surprised by the diffusion of V for vandetta, it’s a movie talk about an anarchist rebel who fights a totalitarian government to incite a popular uprising.

The governement was shocked by a famous citation of this movie "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
 The airing of the movie stunned viewers and raised hopes that China is loosening censorship.
The communist party says the movie was censured in China but the spokesman for the agency that approves movies said he was not aware of any ban.
The diffusion of this movie was a revolution in a state which is totalitarian.
This is not just a story of an anarchist, for the people of  China it is a hope for a total liberty.

To understand this story I'll sum up the movie: a journalist is saved by an anarchist with a mask on his face, the anarchist and the journalist want  to discard the government of England which is totalitarian.
The anarchist with the help of the journalist succeeds in raising people against the policy totalitarian.

I chose this article because I think every people in every states should be free.
In China, a state which is considered modern, it’s intolerable that the people can’t watch a movie freely or express themselves freely too.

 I don't approve of  the  Chinese policy so I feel personnaly committed.

(NB: Before being a film, it was a Comic Book.

SailorGirl, on the Newton School Shooting

I have choosen to write an article about the shooting of friday, December 14.

Twenty seven people among which twenty children were killed in the morning of friday in a school of Connecticut in Newton.

Barack Obama, the president of the United States, very moved, said that the victims, of the school of Sandy Hook in Newton, were "as a majority old from five to ten years".

The spokeman of police explained that the tragedy had taken place "in a sector of the school, in two classrooms", specifying that another adult had been killed in Newton an another of murder.

The mother of the killer was teaching in the school of Sandy Hook and is among the victims of the massacre, like many her pupils.

According to testimonies, the children and the staff of the school heard "hundreds" of shots, then, the teachers told them to find a safe place.
The children hid in the wall cupboards of the gymnasium.

The CPE of the school explains to be hidden under her desk and to have seen the legs of the killer coming near her and to leave again.

Teachers  died  protecting their pupils !

Then, the police  evacuated all the children, survivors.
The children ran to the barrack of firemen.

A mother of a pupil explains not to understand how the killer could enter since it was compulsary to ring to be able to enter.

An incomprehension reigns in the quiet small town of Newton, located in New York.

Nobody knows what could pushed the young Adam Lanza, only old about twenty to act.
 Habitants are under the impact and  wonder how such a tragedy could occur, a few days from Christmas.
That seems unreal.

Eighteen children died in the school, place where they are suposed being in security, and two children died later in the hospital.

It's intolerable that such things occur.

I think that it is necessary to "re-examine" laws concerning the carrying arms in the United States.

Adam Lanza would not have have been able to enter  the school, and would not have to carry weapon in view his young age and his disease.

Indeed, he was affected of autism.

I think it's necessary to work over again the laws concerning the carrying of weapons!!!!