Thursday 19 November 2015

Sadja would be a noble man...

If you could get back in time a day I don’t really know where I would go. 

I love so many centuries but the most important are the end of 16th century in the French Court and the Civil war in the United States of America. 

But if I should choose one between them, it would  definitely be the end of the 16th century.

The end of the 16th century isn’t really important but I’m really fascinated by King Francis II of France and Queen Mary  of Scotland who were married to each other. 

They didn’t have a long life of reign because the king died when he was only 16, one year after the marriage and his coronation. 

Mary Stuart of Scotland came in France when she was six, because King Henry II,  Henri in French, and her mother, widow of King Jack V  of Scotland, engaged her to the Dauphin Francis. 

She was Queen of Scotland at only 6 days and Queen of France at 17. 

She’s by her marriage with Francis, which takes place in Notre Dame in Paris the 24th April 1558, the daughter-in-law of Catherine de Medici and Henry II .  
I knew something about them and history of France thanks to the new TV show Reign. It’s one of my best series and I think that is quite funny that the actress who plays Mary Stuart will be “one of her descendants” but it’s only a rumor. 

I’d like to meet them and live in the French Court, not as a servant but as a nobleman who has power on them because without nobles, a king and his kingdom is nothing because there is no food or no money for example. It’s a big advantage the money during the Renaissance and the clothes of nobles look so wonderful, I like it!

But my biggest drawback is a very bad thing: Black Death known as the plague. 

It’s a redundant thing during the Middle Age because the situation of health was very bad and it’s really dangerous for people. 

The origins were a war in central Asia in 1334 and it spread in the western world. 

Its spread was very fast and it slaughtered between 1340 and 1440, 7 million of people in France and went up to 10 million to 17 million and that was an important death rate. 

So, because of that, even if I love Renaissance, I prefer to stay in the 21st century which is a safer place! 

Another drawback it's the woman's condition which is very bad too because women, and in particular queens, princesses or noblewomen, seem to be alive only to make a son and heir to their husbands which have bastardd with other woman ! That's so unfair !

Please girls, don't look like Katy Medici ! ^^


  1. It seems like no historical period is good for girl 'x'
    If you love historical serie maybe Versailles is for you (moreover there is yaoi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

  2. Interesting article there ! It's a shame we didn't study this period
    If we had sorry to my history teachers...

    1. Maybe in Extra English with Tudor's dynasty... ^^
      I hope it :whistle:

  3. I would have done anything to wear those amazing dresses but the plague seems awful

  4. It's so sad that he died 16 years :(

    1. Yeah it's right :/
      But life in Renaissance is like in the Middle Age...

  5. I don't like this period but your article is interesting. Well done Sadja !

  6. This series is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch a great series even if sometimes they don't do the real story, Anyway, Even if Sadja's article has been published before mine, KNOW THAT I HAD THE IDEA OF REIGN AND THE 16TH CENTURY AND REIGN ETCCCCCCCC OK? I swearrrrr Ask papy she received my article first :)
    Just Kidding

    1. Have you a problem with your u button ? -Bonnie

    2. hahahahahahahaha Bonnie you kill me :')

      Nothing to ad Sarah....

    3. Me and my rotten sense of humor haha -Bonnie

    4. Great humor ! I really like it :')

  7. And I forgottttttttttttttttt: technical problems, Sadja added a gif at the end but we cant saw it soooooo here it is :

    1. Thanks to ad it ! :o
      Without it my joke is over ^^

  8. I had never heard of this series but it's look like cool !


  9. I guess it indeed was a pretty century but women's condition were worst than it is today orz But if you're a noble I'll travel back with you because I'd love to see castles without huge crowds pushing me uvu

    1. Haha no problem, come with me Akaniiie ! ;)

  10. It's not my favorite period but you're article is pretty good :) -Bonnie

    1. Thanks Bonnie, I want to read yours :D

    2. Thank you so much I hope that you will enjoy it !!! -Bonnie

    3. I don't know why it wouldn't be ! ^^

  11. I like your article because I've learnt many things! So, thank you!

    By Blondy

  12. I looooove this series ! It was a very good idea this article !! -Clyde

    1. Thanks Clyde, vote for Tudor for Extra English, we will learn other great things of this period ^^

  13. intereting i 've never heard about the king francis , i ve learnt many things

    1. In French he is called François Ier...please, tell me you've heard about him!^^

    2. As Mrs P. said, it's "François Ier" so you knew him ^^
      But I'm glad you learned many things thanks to my article :)

  14. the trailer makes you want!


    1. This TV show is fantastic !
      Thaks to it, I've learn so many many things about this century that I've never listen before and it's really cool ! Of cours, it's not really the real story but many facts are real so it's great for our culture ^^

  15. I din't like this period too but it was very intresting , may you are passionate about this :)

    1. I am ^^
      I hope you like learn about it even if you don't like this period ^^

  16. I don't really like this period anyway it was a good article to read

    1. thak you so much ! I'm glad you enjoyed it even if it's not your favorite period ^^

  17. I don't like this period but your article it's intresting and you are very fascinated for this period :)

    1. Thanks ! ^^
      Yes I am ! Renaissance is my life *.*

  18. your article is interresting , I have never heard of this serie but that's can be cool
