Saturday 28 November 2015

Akanie's article (part two)

Part II
It was the 9th of the month, Mary Jane found me a little job at the library so I could talk with scientists who came there everyday and try to get back home. 

One said he might know how to travel in time...

 Even though I was doubting it, was it worth a try ? So this day we ended up talking until late in the evening or night. 

I finally decided to come home, I mean to Mary's place, the door's lock was broken so I could enter whenever I want, I just had to know the trick to open the door. 

And as I was walking up the stairs, I heard a shriek... 

The loudest I ever heard and I could sense fear in it. 
I rushed to the door and before I could do anything, the voice stopped and I heard weird noises... 
I couldn't move...And suddenly, I saw blood flawing under my feet and I remembered... 

Today was Jack the Ripper's last murder, the one of Mary Jane Kelly which took place November the 9th, 1888

Still shocked by what I discovered, I tried to run away but then... our eyes met. 

That was not a love story like meeting, his eyes where full of hatred towards her, and me.
 I sensed no fear nor panick surrounding him. 

Nothing but the smell of death overflowing, red stains on his face, and a killer gaze. 

I knew I had to leave, but know I understand people in the movies... 

My legs wouldn't move an inch, fear was paralysing them and my whole body and soul froze.

 He started walking towards me, a knife in his hands... 
I took a step back but the blood made me slip. All I could remember was myself falling down the stairs and everything becoming pitch black. 

And suddenly... I woke up. 

As I tried to open my eyes I heard a voice, ''Can you stand up ?'' she said, reaching her hand towards me ; but all I could do was laying on the ground, watching my surroundings. 

Finally on my feet, I tried to figure out what happened, the streets looked like all I ever knew : streets full of buildings, people colorfully dressed and weird rap music I still can't understand. 
I was back. 
My friend was there, waving her hand in front me.

 Yeah everything was back to normal, except I was dressed as a victorian lady and my feet were covered in red.


  1. Oh my dear, I find your story astonishing ! I hope you'll make more of this on the blog

    1. I wish I could write other stories too 'v' But I don't think many would be pleased orz And I have no inspiration

    2. I really understand you Akaniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie !
      Writing and inspiration are very difficult and I know this because I write too :/
      Keep writing ! It's a symbol of peace life hahahahahahahahaha ^^

  2. Oh my god that's horrible! Where's Queen V? Please, tell me this was all a dream

    1. Part 3
      And I suddenly woke up frightened but a calm voice resseared me..
      ''Hello dear had a bad dream?'' Sitting right next to me with a bright smile on her face, queen Victoria was there. I shouldn't have read newspaper at 2am... It's been weeks since I got here but I'm getting bored.. I guess that this princess-like lifestyle doesn't suit me. And I have to admit I do miss my friends orz I guess it's time to go home... Oh yeah don't forget the fancy food for Aliena...
      Before leaving, I had to at least thank my savior: ''Thank you for what you've done for me...These few days were the most beautiful of my life, I'll never forget you.May you stay happy even without me...'' As I said those cheesy lines, I left and came back to my world, where I belong.(but the food couldn't make it though)
      (Lee I think a love story between me and the queen is not the better thing to write x) but here's a present)

    2. Wouhouuuu! Poor Queen V... You broke her heart. Where's my food tho?

    3. Getting 19th century food ain't something easy Aliena x) Well who knows where the turkey I took went...

  3. oh my god what a ending i hope you will write some more

    1. Waah I'm glad you like it I'm happy you guys appreciate my story I could be rolling on the floor right now -////-

    2. I think it will be great to open a subject in the forum for this ^^

  4. You're such a good writer I swear

  5. Sooo great !


  6. Well thanks to y'all I'm not such a good writer though orz (Psst.. I wish we could all write stories for the blog Mrs P Many classmates are more used to write stuff than I do x) Quality is hidden out there)

  7. So good honey, i'm proud of you

  8. woaw that is a little novel you wrote there !!

    1. I had to research things on Mary Jane, she really went to France but I never expected wikipedia to show a picture of her dead body or something uggh I couldn't bare it so I put a piece of paper on the screen x)
