Friday 20 November 2015

Essena would go back to the 50s/60s...

I would be the happiest girl in the world if we could travel back in time because I'm a curious person who wants to know everything. 

Sometimes, I ask myself this question : when would I like to live for a while if travelling back in time was possible ? 

The answer was hard to find because for me, each decade or century has something special that I enjoy or should I say, would enjoy. 

After hesitating for hours about this subject, I finally choosed the period which may corresponds me the most : The 50's – 60's !
            Generally, the 50's-60's had the same problems as today, only worse : Sexism because our jobs as women were to be raised to be housekeepers, good wives and mothers. 
There were also racism and homophobia. 
Also, it was quite a tense period with the Cold War between the USA and the USSR, the Vietnam war...

But these decades are the time for great and big artists. 
I would love to live in the USA during the 50's for my passion of the rock 'n' roll music, poodle skirts, classic cars, sock hops... 
And I would love to live in the UK during the 60's because the music was INCREDIBLE ! 
Well, it was cool in the USA too with the hippies and Jimi Hendrix... 
If you're interested on this period I will reveal more of this soon so keep going on your reading.

            Firstly, I am going to talk about the 50's, to me, the first thing which comes to my mind is the birth of rock 'n' roll ! (If you don't already know I am a huge fan of this kind of music...) 
I am sure you know The King : Elvis Presley. 

I would love to meet this legend because he was very talented and charismatic. 
Who wouldn't fall in love with him ?

In terms of music I know a lot of artists who were really important back in the days but I still listen to them, (don't judge me they are my «jam») here are some of my favourites : Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Johnny Horton, Billy Haley, Screamin Jay Hawkins, The Valentines...

Be curious to hear their music on Youtube, you won't be disappointed except if you don't like rock/jazz music...

            More over, if you aren't really into music, they were good movies like Cinderella, The Cruel Sea, Ulisse, Giant, East of Eden... 

Okay, I don't know most of them, that's why I wanna go back to this period ! Also, I would save James Dean, such a great American actor who died too early...

Of course the pin-up style was the one to go but numerous houses were born like Balenciaga but it was really Christian Dior who marked the time with the invention of the "New Look"movement  redefining the woman in a more modern design. 

Very chic, simple but elegant, just like these icons Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. 

I would love to chat with them like «Hey, can we be friends», I agree, it's a bit awkward but you know, it's not all the days you can meet someone who marked the past, even more if your friend Marilyn wants to commit suicide... 

Now I understand why she made a song called "Diamonds are a girl's best friend", she didn't have me.

Now let's move on the sixties ! 
So many cool things happened... 
Well, I can't talk about everything, I'm a huge fan of music but I can't talk about all of those amazing artists. 

I'm glad we had and have such great talents on this world... It was quite deep.

Who would want I to meet..? THE BEATLES !

Yeah, the swinging sixties in England are synonym of the beatlemania. 

Mostly inspired by Elvis Presley's music, these young men from Liverpool knew how to play music and sing. 
At first they were the Quarrymen and then they were much more known as The Beatles.

As usual, I have a lot of bands and artists to share with you : The Kinks, The Rolling Stones, The Who, CJ Johnson, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, The Beach Boys, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan... 

I'm sure I forgot some important ones. 

I wish I could go to their concerts in festivals for example at Woodstock, Glastonbury...

            If I could save one person of this decade it would probably be John Fitzgerald Kennedy, his death is still a trauma for the world.


            For health, the contraceptive pill was invented in the 60's but maybe it was a factor to a dangerous disease : AIDS. [it's more complicated than that. Mrs P.]

            I think I said a lot about the 50's-60's, I may forget a lot of events or other important things but I hope you liked my article. 

If only I could go on this time machine… I would make a better article, for sure. 

Maybe I would rather stay at our decade. 
We will never know…


  1. My article is so long ! Sorry I was quite inspired...

    1. Your article is so long but so interesting!

      By Blondy

    2. Thank you Blondy, can't way to see yours !

    3. I hope you will like it!

      By Blondy

    4. Ok your article is so long but it's very itresting Essena ! :)

  2. Aaah, I very love your article!
    The king... Yes, he WAS awesome but,in his older days it wasn't the same thing... But Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, the Beatles and more... The 50's-60's are quite a cool period !

    1. Thank you so much !
      Yeah the songs from this period are a big thing

  3. Haha the Diamond song part made me laugh so much and I bet you're right ! There's so many song reference, I guess you just made us a great playlist ovo

    1. I'm so happy that you uderstood it !
      My jokes are not that great but anyway ahah

  4. I love your article, 50-60's were so good! And Elvis, a King. Fashion trends were pretty cool back then so I guess I understand your choice

    1. Thanks buddy, I understand your choice too !

  5. Well, I love your article very much honestly. Me too I love the simple and chic style !! And my dad loves Elvis haha -Bonnie

    1. Thank you very much Bonnie !
      Ou your dad is so cool then ahah

    2. Besides I can't wait to see your article

    3. Oh thank you I hope that you will enjoy it ! -Bonnie

  6. "Now I understand why she made a song called "Diamonds are a girl's best friend", she didn't have me."
    Hahaaaaaa Soo funnyyyy

    1. Ahahah I'm glad you liked my little joke

    2. Yes it was so funny ;) -Bonnie

  7. i like your article it is very interesting; for my the 60's are better than the 50's but i guess that they isn't much of difference between them

    1. I'm glad you liked it, personally I couldn' t choose between them, the 60's are so great I agree, my grandmother told me that she had so much fun during this decade, she had the same age as us back at this period.

  8. Hello it is Elisa !
    Do you remember when we danced on a song by Elvis last summer ? I can not remember the title but I had a lot of fun with you and Alice :D

    1. Hi ! That's so weird 'cause it looks like I'm talking to myself ahah nevermind
      Of course I do it was 'hound dog', yes we had such a great time !!!

  9. Thank you for letting me use your Google account do not forget to change your password :P -Elisa ♡

    1. Yep I don't trust you. Just kidding I don't mind !

  10. I would go back at the same time! it happened so much during these years ...


    1. Oh that's so cool we have the same mind ahah

  11. Oh, I love the style of women during this period !


  12. Audrey Hepburn is beauty queen forever ^^
    The King, Marilyn so many famous people... \Ö/

  13. Replies
    1. soooooo **

      Many woman follow her style because of her manificient ♥

  14. all that I love !!!! I love this article !

    1. Thanks ! I can't wait to see yours

    2. The song " "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" appear in the movie "Moulin Rouge'' and this song is sing by Nicole Kidman ! ( I say that because my article is on Paris and I love Moulin Rouge)

    3. Oh cool ! Can't wait to see it !

  15. Elvis Presley : King of rock !
    The Beatles : The best group of the world
    Audrey Hepburn and Maryline : the emblematic figure of femininity !

    I LOVE !

  16. I'm very impressed by your article !

  17. I'm very interessed by JFK and his death. I studied in seconde with Mrs Girard and after I watch many documentaries and videos, It's like you say it was a trauma

    1. Oh I studied it too ! Very interesting indeed

  18. you made a very good article and there are so much comments !! but I have a question what do you mean when you say "they are my jam" ??

    1. Yeah it's impressive ! Thank you so much !
      Oh "my jam" means "my favourite", actually this expression came from the word "jamming"

  19. It's also my favorite time !
    Artist was so cool
    My article is about 50's too


  20. That is such a rich article ! You must have done a lot of researchs and I find it very interesting, it made me learn a lot of things about the 50's and 60's...

    1. Thank you. Yes indeed ! But I enjoyed it so much ^^

  21. it was really interresting to read your article even if it is a long one

  22. Beatles, Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin...? Oh, I like your musical tastes! -Cactus

    1. Thanks Cactus, I guess that I love yours too ahah

  23. You think you are funny ? Really ? You're right !! I laughed a lot with your article, and indeed I like this back in this beautiful period ! Good work ahah ^^
    Another teddybear

    1. Ahah of course I am ! Thank you so much, you're so sweet !

    2. Another teddybear ?! Really? That's so funny :')
      You had just to change your name but it's quite hilarous ^^

  24. I agree with you, it's the same problems now a days.. :/

  25. Too sad... What I am going to say is quite negative but anyway : I think it will never change...
