Friday 27 November 2015

Akaniie's article (part one)...

Part I
And suddenly... I woke up. 
As I tried to open my eyes I heard a voice, ''Can you stand up ?'' she said, her hand reaching towards me ; but all I could do was laying on the ground, watching my surroundings. Finally on my feet, I tried to figure out what had happened, the streets looked like nothing I knew. 
They were full of horse-drawn carriages, fancy dressed people and old looking architecture... 
Seeing how confused I was the young lady began to talk : ''Hey.. Are you ok ? Where do you come from ? Your clothes are not from here.'' 

As I mumbled nonsense, she added ''Are you from England ?''. 
England... Waaait. 
Looking right and left I saw a bookstore selling Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, 1887 best seller. 

Giving me time to recover the lady stayed next to me with a smile on her face and waiting for me to answer, I then said, in this poor english of mine : 

''- I..I... What day it is ?

- It's November the 5th why is that ?

- Which year ?

- 1888 ? You're asking weird questions are you ok ? ''

With sparkling eyes all I could answer was ''Yes''. 

The victorian era, where the houses and building have a clean and pretty architecture, women and men elegantly dressed with such detailled clothes, Conan Doyle may be writing Holmes' stories as I am daydreaming here, in the world Dickens was seeing when he wrote his famous Oliver Twist.

 This is all I ever wanted to see here. I wish I could buy A study in Scarlett and meet Sir Conan Doyle as well though.

As my wild imagination stopped, the functionning parts of my brain activated. 

What was I doing here, did I travel back in time ? 

Whatever I should focus on finding a safe place to stay, then think about this.

 As THAT lady was leaving I finally spoke full sentences :

''- Huum, thank you for your help earlier.

- Oh you're welcome, I though I'd leave since you seemed to know where you were.

- Ah, indeed I know but could I ask you something ?

- Yes, sure !

- Actually I'm a foreigner and I was looking for a place to stay, only two or three days so I was wondering if you could help me ?''

Confused at what I just said (maybe my weird accent) she stopped and agreed. ''Well you seem lost here so come, I'll help you, only if you tell me what's that weird thing in your pocket''.

 She was pointing her finger towards my phone...

 Maybe I screwed up, but at least I found a shelter...

And we ended up talking about me and her stories ; she had gone to France some time ago, so I taught her how to speak french properly while she did the same with me and the english they spoke at the time. 

She also lent me one of her dress so people would not arrest me for wearing pants.

 I enjoyed staying in that London I loved.

 But things had to end. Few days later everything ended...


  1. Such a thrilling story !

    1. Aaah thank you I hope you'll enjoy part two as well ovo

  2. Your story is so cool !

    1. Hehe thanks I wasn't expecting people to like it x)

  3. I love your story: it's so original!

    By Blondy

    1. Well it's not that original but it makes me glad you like it -///-

  4. That is awesome, u know ?
    And I knooooow what happens next... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. Please don't spoil it to the others--- And thank you as well~

  5. Such a great idea!!!!!!!!!!!
    Loved ur story

    1. Stay tunned for part two ~ Thanks a lot

  6. I bet that the girl is actually Queen Victoria, you're gonna marry her, like for real, and get lots of fancy dresses. You'll live in a castle but then you're gonna get bored and create a time machine to come back to your awesome life with all your awesome friends (me included)

    Okay that's dumb, but at least I'm trying to guess, right?

    1. She lends her one of her dresses and then she marries her? Anachonism maybe?^^

    2. Oh my How did you discovered the truth?! I admit I am a big fan uvu But I'll miss you too much so indeed I'll come back with some jewels and dresses as historical objects/souvenirs of course uvu (Not b€caus€ th€y hav€ a hug€ valu€ €€€)

    3. Yay! I knew it! Hahaha yeah bring me some fancy food while you're at it

  7. Your writing skills are goals !
    Your story is so good, don't say the opposite

    1. Bwaahbwah Thank you ;v; I won't say goal though.. It's the first time I write a story---

    2. You're really good at it tho ! You should write more ;)

  8. Great, I neeeeed the rest of the story *-*


    1. Uwaah thanks a lot -///- Mrs P has the key to part 2 so you'll have to wait

  9. i love your story i m going t read part2

  10. the idea of a story is original !

    1. Haha thanks but I was afraid (and worried) that MrsP wouldn't like it -v-''

  11. I like this story , that's grat i'll read the other part

  12. I love stories like this !


  13. Thi stories is like a strange dream
    I do really strange dream and I have a book where I write all my dream
    I like to read this


    1. Uwaah seems nice I remember having weird dreams where I die but it's so ridiculous I end up laughing at my dreams haha Thanks for liking it though Hope you'll write something for us too

  14. Oh I love this story Akaniie !

  15. I love murders ! ^^
    Nice job Akaniiie ♥.♥
