Monday 3 April 2017

Yse's article...

I am 95 and I tell my great grand-children about my life...

"You ask me about my life? But, sweetie, I lived so many great things... 

This is difficult to pick some ones. 

You have to first know that my parents did all they could to push me toward realising my dreams. They did all to make me a woman full of humanity. 

I have to be thankful for all they did for me and to have taught me so many important things. 

But don't worry, I'm sure that your parents are as amazing as mine! (Because I brought up your father!)

I'd start when I was 17, I realised one of my greatest dreams. 

I galloped on the beach during the winter holidays. It was a unique experience, I can tell you

You just can't imagine the feelings it caused. You just can't live it two times! This is absolutely... indefinable.

Then, my second unforgettable memory is when I directed my first and own movie. 

It was selected at the Cannes Film Festival, not rewarded but it was Something... Wow

Another dream off my bucket list, you see! I can say that I was lucky this time. 

My team and me walked on the red carpet! 
Goodness, never  could I have hoped this would happen to me someday. 

I remember the emotion to meet all my idols... 
My favorite directors, my favorite actors... It seemed impossible when I was just a child.

Now, I'm going to tell you how I met your grandfather (not like the series haha). 

No, really, you know that he was a reporter. Actually, we had to meet each other for an interview. 

I waited two hours in a café in Québec. He never came. 

I decided to take my car to go back home.

I was quite angry, you can imagine. 
It was raining, and there were so many people on the road. 
So it added irritation to me. 
I almost collided  with a pedestrian, it was too much for me. 
I stopped my car on the road, he was so reckless! 
I insulted him by all the bad names existing. 

He tried to apologize and explain the situation : He had a so important appointment and he was late etc...

I immediatly realised. But he was so deconcerted and my empathy won against my rage. 

Finally, we went to another café, and we talked for a long time. 

Then, he called me again and again and we finally became closer to each other.

Ok, my dear, it's time to sleep. You have to expand your dreams... 

That's because of them that you've got desire to move forward in life. 
Don't forget that I love you. 

Close your eyes and think about what you desire inside of your heart."


  1. Great article !


  2. I like the concept of your article: life is made of heights of little things which in the end makes her so rich and not in only one dream ... great article!

    1. yep ! thank you :) yse

    2. I completely agree with you Ravenclaw !

    3. thanks girls :)

  3. Nice article !
    What the heck with the hour ouf publish ? Hahaha

    1. thanks guy! hahah' :) yse

  4. Great article ! I agree with you, galopped on the beatch is really wonderful hihi ! I want to do that =P
    - Chamallow

    1. i believe you :) i assure you that is sooooooo AMAZIIING haha ! xoxo yse

    2. Ohh! I believe you !! Awesome ! xoxo
      - Chamallow

  5. Good article, that was pleasant to read ;)


    1. thank you so much ! :) yse

  6. I hope you will realize all your dreams like in your story, have a good day Yse

    1. oh you're cute ! thanks ! yse

  7. Your article is very touching, I love it !

    Inspector Flower

  8. Like it !!!! <333

  9. Great article, we can see that your life was full of dreams and really interesting.
    See you soon, -Pegasus

    1. yep, Dreams bring us to live :) yse

  10. You article was awesome to read, I definitely love the idea about following your dreams !^^ and weirdly I really liked the "meeting" part, it's realistic but still have some kind of beauty^^ I hope your dreams will come true ! =D
    See you and have a good day !

    1. aha thanks a lot ! see you ! yse

  11. I really like the idea of realising your dreams! But actually which parents want that their children realise their dreams? So I think that we must be independent and then we'll realise our dreams.KISS PS: I love your romantic story <3

    1. Yes we have to become independant. Let's realise our dreams, let's live without troubles... Thanks, kiss <3 yse
