Tuesday 25 April 2017

Minimalist and her grand-children

"Hello Eden, how are you ? Take a cookies and a glass of milk in the kitchen and join me in the living room."

"Fine thank you. My last class was so boring..Hum..Grandma, you know, just the other day, I wondered: what were you like when you were younger and when you were our age ? Your cookies are delicious !"

"Well, When I was seventeen we were in 2017.  
I was in my last high school year and I prepared my degree, like you. 
I remember  the names of the persons who were in my class [and some teachers too. Mrs P.].

It was a very pleasant class with good persons. I liked very much spending time with some of them. We laughed and listened to some music. 

At that time, I remember, I wrote a lot quotes and texts in a notebook. I was trying to write songs and poems too. 

I was not always wise and I didn't still listen to my parents. 

Sometimes,  I made parties with my friends where we drank alcohol. It was so funny ! 

I lived in the countryside with my mom, and my sister but I dreamed all the time about Paris and about fashion.
I wanted to look like the models of magazines and to work in the field of makeup and fashion."

"Have you ever  done stupid things?"

"Oh yes, with a friend we  stole things in a store and one day, we bathed naked in a lake. Oh my god, it was at the same time horrible but so funny !"

"Oh no grandma ! You are completely crazy ! Haha. And after the high school ?"

"When I remember of that, It impossible for me to not laugh... Next, hum.. After my graduation I went to Paris where I began to work in the field of Makeup. It was one of my biggest passions. I started to be a makeup assistant and with the time and the experience, I met charming people who helped me to be a great makeup-artist. 

I made up many models in fashion shows before
 working for the brand Chanel. 

The work was very important for me and it was not always easy but one day, I had an opportunity and thanks to that I was able to create my own brand of cosmetic products. In the meantime, I travelled a lot with my job but also with my own money…"

"Oh yes ?! Where that grandma ?"

"Wait a second, I'll go get the computer to show you the photos of my travels… I remember when I was in New York for the Fashion Week. Here, I was in Sydney with my friends that I met in Paris… Oh yes, it's true I remember of this travel in Costa Rica with my friend Miguel. 

It was very interesting and very funny ! Now, here are the pictures of my first travel in Norway with my job. It was a dream for me !  When I was younger, when I was in high school, I was very interested about the Scandinavian countries so I learnt alone the Norwegian on the internet  and on my cell phone too.

I went a second time in Norway and I lived more than 5 years over there. This country is so pleasant and the landscapes are incredible. If you have the opportunity to go there, go ahead ! 

I also went  to Denmark,  Germany,  Poland and  Sweden. 

After my travels I wanted to turn in France and to have children. It is at this moment there that I adopted your mom and a few years after your aunt.

"But you did not want to have a boyfriend ?"

"Not really, I wanted to live alone and to dedicate myself to my work then to my daughters.. And you know, I had a boyfriend when I  was younger but I think that is not really my cup of tea. "

"And after.. ? "

"After, I continued to make up many celebrities and models in Paris, and my brand began to be more and more famous. It was a dream for me ! When I arrived to retirement, I began to like cooking and made some cakes. 

It began, another passion for me. When I heard about your birth, I was so excited. And now seventeen years after, we are here, together... I'm so proud of you."

"Oh thank you grandma ! It's was very funny and interesting to know more things about you and you life. "


  1. ow ! I was sure you put your friend M* in your story! so cute :) yse

    1. Yes you're right !
      Thank you Yse, you're so cute too !

  2. Your article was very nice and pretty funny^^ Was what you said about Scandinavians countries true ? I'm curious because I definitely like the culture and myths about those countries haha and if the things you said about your futur in this article is really what you want to do then I hope it'll happen !
    See you =D

    1. Thank you so much Riggnarock ! Yes, I am very interested about Scandinavians countries. I like the culture of these countries too. Maybe we could talk together about this subject (if you want, of course ! haha).
      I hope too.. Thank you again !
      See you :)


    2. No need to thank me, really^^ That's awesome ! It would be a pleasure to talk about it with you^^
      Don't worry, there's no reason that it wouldn't happen haha :) and once again, no need to thank me x)
      See you !


  3. ...and your life*
    Oops ! :D


  4. I really like your article ! Many details that I find interesting !
    I'm sure you will success your career as makeup artist for the big brands in the world !


    1. Ooooh thank you so much Harley ! You're so cute !


  5. Haha "Minimalist" you said ?

    1. Haha ! Oh if you knew..
      You're surprised ? :D


  6. Your life was really interesting, Minimalist ! You travelled a lot !
    Great article, see you soon !

    1. Thank you Pegasus ! I did everything to have a well filled life.
      Bye !


  7. In my opinion, your story reflects your life of today. I liked your text and I really hope that you will realize the job of your dream !

    1. Yes, you're right ! Thank you very much Reese !
      Like Harley, you're so cute, really..!


  8. I really found your personnality in your article, it's very interesting

    1. Oh thank you Ravenclaw ! It was very important for me to share with you a part of my personnality in this article.


  9. Haha ! It's a very kind and funny story.
    That's cute ! I adored it =)
    - Chamallow

    1. Owh thank you so much Chamallow !
      You're so cute !!


    2. You're welcome Minimalist !

  10. I learn many things about you with your article!!


    1. Thank you for your comment Sunflower!
      It was important for me, and I find more interesting to share real things about me through my articles.
      Bye !


  11. Very interesting article, hope you'll go in all this countries

    Inspector Flower

    1. Thank you so much !


  12. Actually we have the same philosophy "Succeed at any price!". I really like your article because it's full of Hope, and living your life like you want without waiting on others is the only way to follow. I also like the attention you have with your friends to not forgetting them, even if you are a famous makeup artist. I expect that when you'll be 95 you will say the exact things to your grand daughter. xoxo

    1. Wouaw ! Thank you so so so much for your comment Maddie ! You are really a good person.
      We are not so different you and me and I guess we have a lot in common.
      I like the glitters but I just keeping it real. It's very important for me !

