Sunday 2 April 2017

Fenrir's article...

For this article, I must pretend that I'm a grand-ma telling my youth to my great grandchildren, so let's do as if you, my readers, were my grandchildren okey ? Okey, let's go.

When I was young I had a funny childhood lol

My sister and I fought a lot, like that time we both wanted to play on the computer that was, of course, in her room. 

She'd get rid of me by expelling me from her room.

So once I tried to get into in room by bothering her, I hit her door that has a rectangular glass panel in the middle of it. 
Well I did that for like ten minutes and then … the glass broke loooool even a piece of glass was in the back of my ankle but guess what ? 

I didn't care because I was afraid of my mother's reaction lool so I ran like there was no tomorrow to hide in the garden.

it was the old good and gold times lol (actually that's not really funny but it makes me laugh when I think about it )

Also I had a really peaceful chilhood, I always spent my free time watching tv shows, playing on the megadrive, fighting with my sister, pretending we were warriors lol.

I daydreamt a lot ( I still do) and I was sometimes afraid that fictionnal characters were watching every moves that I made, quite stressful, isn't it ? [Actually, Truman, I'm the creator and we must talk. Mrs P.]

You remember uncle El Maya ? 
Well, to finish these little anecdotes, I'm going to tell you about when we were in primary school. 

He was fond of Britney Spears ( he was in love with her ? He wanted to marry her!) and you know what he used to do? 
He danced in the yard while singing her songs, especially « Womanizer » it was sooo funny ( and I danced with him too ).

It was sooo nice, and I like you so I'm going to REALLY finish by telling you an embarrassing story. 
At our primary school, we had this little space that we called «  The Shop ». It was inspired by the tv show Magical Doremi that both El Maya and I watched, and he took care of The Shop with me. You know what we would sell ? Magical food, made of leaves and sand lol

I miss the old times, hope you won't have a weird childhood like me,

Love, Fenrir.


  1. Really love your article !


  2. oh my goooood... ! I didn't expect that it was real !! you made me laugh a lot !! i can't stop thinking about El Maya dancing on Britney Spears!! yse

    1. It's not my fault it was my wife for me! =D
      El Maya

    2. ahaa i guess it was funny ! yse

  3. Indeed, your childhood was very quiet ;)
    Have a good day Fenrir

  4. Hahahaha El Maya was in love with Britney spears ? this make me laugh!!


  5. Your article is very funny,it- looks like you !

    Inspector Flower

  6. Haha ! Nice article Fenrir.

  7. You still make me laugh Fenrir, even with your article! Love it so much!


  8. What a funny story ! You are awesome Fenrir, it is always great to read your aticles.
    Love, -Pegasus

  9. I like very much your article !! It was very funny !

  10. Why does it not surprise me that you fought a lot in your childhood Fenrir? :p

    - Your English Assistant

  11. Interesting article, i guess it brought back a lot of memories.
    I wonder though if this overview is enough to let us grasp why are you the way you are, or maybe could you tell us more about your adventures in another article ?


    1. yeah why not mah dear
      it will be online the 30 february ;^)
