Sunday 2 April 2017

DZ-PNL 18 's article...

Dear Annie,

Today it’s your birthday and I can see that you are not really a baby anymore ... even if for me you will always be.

So, now you are 17 years old ? 

It is a beautiful age you know ?

If I can give you a piece  advice, don’t think about your future and live with your present because every time of your life is precious. 

If you knew how much I would give to return to my teenage years. 

My 17th year has been a shattering period of my life. 

My parents died, my aunt kept us under her responsibility and my brother had been doing drugs since their deaths, he became very insolent especially with our aunt who lacked responsibility… 

At this period of my life I thought that I would never be happy again. 

Until I met the man who has changed my life forever, he was very beautiful, mysterious and calm he intrigued me so much. 

I had argued with my first boyfriend at a party, it was late, and I was waiting for my aunt Jenna to come home. 
I was alone in a deserted street at night… and he was there, approaching me and he said «  you’re courageous to stay here in the night alone » with a smirk. 
It scared me considering the circumstances in which we were at the moment, but I aswered him « Yes, it’s because I had a fight with my boyfriend, I didn’t want to stay at the party so I'm waiting for my aunt to come and get me » after that, when he asked me « what is the problem with your boyfriend ? » and I replied that I don’t know, he laughed and told me  « you want what everybody wants » I said «  So, what do I want perfect stranger ? » he answered me « You want a love that consumes you, you want passion, and adventure ... 

And even a little danger ». 

And it was on this sentence that he left me, seeing from a distance that my aunt would arrive. 

What I want to try to make you understand darling is that despite the difficulties of life, it’s worth being lived.  

A simple meeting can change everything as was the case with your grandfather and my friends with whom I grew up. 

Every death, every tear, every deception, every laugh, every anger that we spent together only strengthened our links, our friendship or love in certain cases. 

When I was younger, I told my mother « I swear one day I’m gonna make you proud » with the age that was so much harder. 

But finally, I think that where she is now, she is proud of me, she wanted me to have a happy life and that’s exactly the case.

I will tell you all my adolescence in  details when I'll see you because you can assume that my teenage life was so rich in emotions that can't be held in a letter, take care of you my daughter.

I love you.


  1. Great article !


  2. this is so touching... yse

  3. Cute story aha !
    It was nice =)

  4. Very beautiful article, rich in emotions... Good work!


  5. That was a touching article, we can really see that you love your grand children.
    See you soon -Pegasus

  6. A beautiful love story like I Love ๐Ÿ’š
