Wednesday 5 April 2017

Riggnarok's article...

Greetings ladies and gentlemen, old Riggnarok here.

Welcome, it has been quite a while since I talked with you last. 
Thank you for coming today for my ninety-fifth birthday. 
I’m really happy you came to see me at the retirement home, you, my great grand-children. 

To thank you for coming today, I’m going to tell you a story, mine actually if you are willing to hear it.

Everything started on the sixth of January 1998. 

At that time technology was already very anchored in our society so when I was a still a little child we had incredible things like robots or spaceships that could allow you to travel our universe without any problems. 

I couldn’t wait to do it but I had to wait for my eighteenth birthday to finally be able to do it and it was incredible. 

The day I finally got in the spaceship that made me see the wonders of the galaxy was also the day I met your great-grandmother for the first time, may she rest in peace. 

After I came back from my trip I was determined to go out there, in space, for the rest of my life... but fate decided differently. 

Indeed, after I spent six years studying at university to be able to become a pilot I met  your great-grandmother again and I decided never to leave her again. 

I finally graduated and became a pilot but this time it wasn’t to settle on a other planet or anything but just to make some people travel on a short range. 

Was it sad to give up my dreams for her ? Oh believe me it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be able to qualify with words the happiness she brought me. 

Staying on Earth still had its advantages, I met my best friend there too, he was like a brother to me.

How did I meet him ? During the war... yeah that’s not one of the advantages I was referring about ; when I was thirty-five a war was tearing our planet... yes another one... they needed pilots so I got enrolled without even being asked and so was my best friend, if we refused to go well... let’s say you couldn’t refuse. 

When I was fighting in this war, all my thoughts were going to my wife and my best friend. One day, as I was far away from her, I received a letter from your great-grandmother telling me she was pregnant.

I’ve never felt so  scared in my whole life for two reasons : first, I was scared for the child because it was going to have me as a father which was quite sad for him and second I didn’t want to leave this world without being able to hold my own child in my arms. 

So I did my best to stay alive until this war ended with the capitulation of both countries realising that they were loosing too many lives. 

After the war I came home and at the door, waiting for me, there were two ladies, my wife and my child.

I hugged them like I’ve never hugged anyone  before and even let some tears roll on my cheeks. 

After all this, I took back my job from where I left off and we lived together until a disease took my wife away from me. 

I think that I’m going to stop here for today, once again thank you for coming and have a nice day. 

I hope you liked the story of my ninety-five years long life. 

Good bye and see you next time.


  1. Nice article, what a modern society !
    It is sad to imagine that there was a war in this world too

    1. Thanks !^^ yeah well, the problem is that I don't have much faith in humans to be honest haha so I guess that even in a society like that they would just keep on fighting for whatever they are after.

  2. ow !! your article was so touching ! and i find that you write very well... I have already read one of your stories and i still find your writestyle so nice ! yse

    1. Haha thank you very much, I'm glad you like it^^ I don't want to brag or anything but if you still like my writing style and if you want to you can find more of my stories on the website Wattpad^^ anyway thank you again and have a good day ! =)
      See you !^^

    2. ah it's interesting! i'll check ! have a nice week ;) yse

  3. Very great article Raggnarok =)
    - Chamallow

  4. Hey Riggnarok !
    I'll tell you something, I was really looking forward to reading your article. Sincerely, I like the way you told this beautiful story and in a certain way, i found it touching. I loved very much your article !
    Bye ! :)

    1. Woaw, thank you very much, that's too much honour really, I'm not sure I deserve it haha^^ as I said to Yse, if you want to read some other stories of mine, I wrote some on the website Wattpad so if you have time to loose, and if you want to of course, you could check it out haha^^ but once again thank you very much for loving my article I'm looking forward to read yours^^
      Bye and have a nice day !^^

    2. You're welcome, it was with pleasure ! You deserve it, that's for sure !
      Oh yes, thank you.. I know this website and I find it very interesting. I really like to read the works of another people who are not famous. Sometimes it's a good occasion to discover beautiful stories. I wrote many things on it. But to be honest, I don't have the time to continue.
      Thank you again !
      Bye ! :)


    3. There are people here that deserve them more than I do haha^^
      Don't thank me, I haven't done anything^^ but I agree with you, this website is truly awesome ! I would also like to read your works if you are ok with it :)
      See you !


  5. I really like your article


  6. It was really cool, hope you'll right another one article

    Inspector Flower

    1. Haha thank you very much Inspector Flower !^^
