Thursday 29 September 2016

Nenette, about Malala.

Hi everyone !

I'm Nenette, a young 17 year old girl , living in Bourges. 

This year is my last one in high school and I hope to  graduate at the end of the year (fingers crossed). 

In my class, we study mainly English and Philosophy.

Personaly I also do some english literature and german. 

During my free time, I like playing handball, reading books, listening to music or watching movies. 

But, what I really like, is to spend my free time with my family and my friends.
Today I want to talk to you about a model for me who is Malala Yousafzai. 

I talk about her every year because she inspires me and also because I want to share what I really appreciate. 
I'll try to be quick  not to bother you. 

She is 19 years old, but she has been through so much. 
She is an activist for women's rights. 

Malala was born in Mingora in Pakistan where she spent her childhood. She is a symbol of the struggle for girl's education and also because she's is against talibans. 

She has received several awards for what she did. 

The most important one is without a doubt the Nobel Peace Prize that she won in 2015 with the indian activist of children's rights. 
I don't think it is really interesting to explain to you in just one article why she is so respectable, but I hope I'll come back this year on this subject. 

She is a change maker in our society. She impresses me. 

I let you go through her fundation's website: I'll be very happy if you  visit it.

PS : If you have read this far, write a comment with the word "flower" and I'll see who are the best. 
Tell me also who are your models and why. 

Thank you for reading !!


  1. I learnt a lot of things, thank you ! She would be perfect for the "Myths and Heroes" notion !
    She is brave and she is an example for all of us.
    See you soon on the blog ! -Pegasus

    1. Myths and heroes: exactly!

    2. Bunch of flowers for this nice article!^^

    3. Hi Pegasus, I'm happy for learning you something ! You're right, I hadn't even though, it seems obvious now ! Thank you for your good idea !

    4. Thank you Mrs P. ! Do you think that the bunch of flowers could be exchange with an awesome mark ? ;)

    5. And yes of course, you are right, a bunch of flowers for this article ! I forgot that ! -Pegasus

    6. I agree with Marianne about the notion. It could be interressant to study.

    7. Hey everyone!

      I totally forgot that notions existed ^^

      Good luck with your personal search, it's important for the final exam!

      I want to get back to Mrs P.'s classroom... LLCER English is quite difficult but I will never abandon! If someone wants to choose this license, be careful because writing expression, oral comprehension and phonetics are very difficult!

    8. Hi Sadja! Welcome back! Phonetics were not my favourite subject either...

  2. Hello my name is Houria. Anna has me to advise to glance at his blog which speaks about Malala. I find that this blog shows well the cause for which Malala it is beaten. I am impatient to see the next article.

    1. Thank you Houhou for your comment, I didn't all understood but I know the intention was good, love u

  3. Hello my name is Houria. Anna Ait Diouane has me to advise to glance at his blog which speaks about Malala. I find that this blog shows well the cause for which Malala it is beaten.

  4. Your article is very interesting, I learnt(taught) on this woman a lot about whom I had already heard! Big respect!

  5. Replies
    1. It's a pity, I don't know who are you, but thank you Anonymous, but if this article has been published,it's thanks to Mr P. !

  6. Hi, my name is Leslie. Anna asked me to come on this bloc. I find that this blog is very well and that it illustrates well the life of malala.

    1. thank you Leslie for your comment, I see you Monday at school ! :*

  7. flower hihihi

    I agree with you, I admire Malala and support her with what she fight for. It was nice to read your presentation :^) great job sweety

    - Fenrir

    1. haha you're the first one ! so I see you now Fenrir, thank you bg, have a good weekend !

  8. Your article is very interesting! I don't knew this women and I'm great to know her now. Her fight for the women's right is remarkable and incroyable!
    and her website is amazing!

  9. hi, i'm nenette's sister, she convinced me to read her article, i think it's good enough.
    ps : i miss your english lessons mrs p., i hope i see you again, byebye

  10. thank you Ravenclaw ! I'm happy that you went through her fundation's website ! See you !

  11. Hi Nenette, I find that Malala is a person full of courage, very dynamic and an example to the youth of our century. She is very mature for her age, so I agree with you too. Amongst all the flowers existing on this planet, she is the most beautiful one by her kindness and her pure spirit beauty.

    1. thank you ! I really agree with you.

  12. Hello ! I'm Minimalist's mother. My daughter told me "Mom you must absolutely read one these articles on the blog. It's really interesting !"
    She's right, your article about Malala is very interesting. I knew this young women. She is brave and like Ravenclaw said, her fight for the women's right is remarkable.
    I went on her site what allowed me to learn a little more about her foundation. I think I making a donation thanks to you.

    Bye !

    1. Hello ! I'm glad you read it and that you appreciated it ! I'm so honored, thank you so much !!!!

  13. It's a very interesting article! I didn't know her very well. It's an incredible young woman!

    Ps: Flower!(my mom forgot to write it.)


    1. thank you Minimalist ! and thank you for your moms visit !

  14. Thanks to let me discover a new " mode lof Life" as Malala.
    My model are " papi and Mamie from PSE ( à smile for a Child ) in cambodgia. They créated a school to help the children's from the streets to receive education and can live as a child . When they go to school , they received at the end of the week rice for all their family . This allow them to go to school instead to do mendacity for collecting money to pay food .
    It's a great association where children's are always smiley to go to school ...

    1. yes, I remember, you already talk to me about that, I think is very admirable and respectable too. yes, I remember, you already talked about them, I think they are very admirable and respectableven. I miss all of you. Love.

  15. MERCI ANA pour nous avoir raconté l histoire de cette belle FLEUR et nous donner envie de la découvrir encore un peu plus, tres beau recit!! DOMI

    1. merci beaucoup Domi !!!
      thank you so much Domi !!!

  16. Dear Nenette, my name is Sonia. Your article is very interesting.
    Interesting to learn about Others and how they are able to influence our lives. I Would Love to send you a wonderful bouquet of flowers to thank you. Cheers��

    1. Hi, yes I know you, my aunt she told me about you. thank you so much for your comment, I'm glad that you think it interesting. See you later maybe.

  17. Wow i never hear something about Malala,
    Thanks so much to share that, this is a very intersting subject !

  18. Such an inspirational girl.We need more people like her to bring peace into this crazy world

    1. You're right Spice, we really need more people like her !

  19. Malala Yousafzai is beautiful... She's got a nice look. I'm so admirative of this type of fight. Thanks to share this to us! The fight for women's rights is very important to me. FL0WER (because It can be a great symbol too...) -Yse

    1. I really agree with you, thank you for the flower !

    2. you're welcome! thank you too to ask us flowers, it puts some beautiful symbols in life. Yse

  20. Yes I'm totally agree with you. Malala should be an example to all teens who think that they can do nothing for their societies. Malala was the proof that at only seventeen years old we can also contribute at improvement of our own Society.

    1. yes, I'm happy that many of us think that way. thanks !

  21. One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world. Malala Yousafzai

    We have to remember that : in some parts of the world, girls are starving for education, as Malala says. It's a struggle, we have to win for them and, of course, with them!

    From Pegasus's dad

    1. I know this famous quotes from her. thank you so much for your comment. I am glad that some adults have commented because I think she is a symbol of hope for any generation.

  22. I knew a bit of her story, but your article taught me a lot much. She's a wonderful and strong woman. She should be more "known" than some idiots tv reality stars.

    1. I agree with you Anonymous, bye !

  23. Malala is a good person. Madridista

  24. Very good article nenette as always it's perfect !
