Friday 30 September 2016

Inspector Flower's presentation...

Hi everyone ! My name is Inspector Flower, I'm 17 and I come from Paris. 

I'm an only child, and when I'm not in Bourges for school I live with my mother.
There's so many things I love, like hanging out with my friends, sharing special moments with them , listening to music in their company or alone because it's something I 've been doing since I was a little girl.

 I listen to very different kinds of music.

I also enjoy being alone and watching TV series and I think my favorite one is American Horror Story

The seasons are independant, one season, one different story which makes it unusual.

In each season, we can find the same actors but they playing a totally different character in a different period and a different place, like Evan Peters:


 And Sarah Paulson:

 We can also find some others actors in various seasons but not in all of them. 

In the 5th season Lady Gaga is playing a vampire called "The Comtess", she's playing in the season 6 which started 2 days ago. 

Other uncommon things are the trailers:  they 're facinating.

This TV show is kinda creepy, with horrible murders and some insane characters.

 I'm crazy about it.


  1. I love Evan Peters, he played Quicksilver in x-men, he's a really good actor and he's funny, not to mention that he's cute too lol

    - Fenrir

    1. I love him too,he's my favorite character on the show,he's wonderfull I agree with you !

      Inspector flower

  2. This TV show looks nice and cool ! I like when a famous people appear in a série.

    1. It is ! Lady Gaga is a great actress actually

      Inspector flower

  3. Your article is interesting, i'm learned a lot about American Horror Story. I like the concept of every season is a new story, i think it's cool! (Evan Peter is very cute, maybe I will watch the serie ahah...)

    1. It worth it, not just for Evan Perts even if I understand he's a motivation to start watching!

  4. Your article is cool! I hesitated has to look at this series but you convinced me !

    1. Thank you ! It's very different than other tv show

      Inspector Flower

  5. Oh my god I love thi serie! It's my favourite one and my favourite actor is Evan Peters, and you?
    Moreover, I'm in love with all his characters!
    What do you think about the season 6?
    I loved your article, good night !

    1. Evan Peters is also my favortie actor on the show with Angela Bassets she's badass I love her
      The season 6 is totally diffrent than other season obviously. But I think it's also interesting to change the concept a little, with time many creepy things are going to happen !

      Inspector Flower

    2. Yes I agrre with that. But it begin to be interesting with the missing of Flora and the death of Mason [SPOILER ALERT]. Hope to see Evan Peters and Lady Gaga soon in the season.

  6. My best friend Sarah loves this série, she only talks about that. I'd tell her to come to see your article. I think that she will be very interested !
    I think that when I would have ended to watch Downton Abbey, I'll maybe watch this series. It looks good !
    Bye !

    1. I totally get her, the AHS community is obsessed. You should start to watch the show !

      Inspector Flower

  7. Reese told me that this blog was great, so I'm here.
    I really like what you wrote about AHS, and it's a good article.
    My favorite season is the first, I fell in love with Tate haha!
    Hope you'll make other articles ;)

    1. I don't know when I'm going to make other article yet but thank you ! Personally, the 2nd still my favorite after all

      Inspector Flower

  8. Reese told me that is blog was great, so I've come and I think I didn't waste my time.
    Your article is also great, I really like what you've wrote about AHS ; my favorite season is the first.
    I hope you will whrite another article :)

  9. Peters Evan also play in X-Men at Quicksilver !
    I never watch american horor story but... Why not :)

    1. Yes I know, he's a great actor. You should if you got time !

      Inspector Flower

  10. I think, one day, I will watch this TV serie, Evan Peters is cute ouuuh!


    1. You should little SunFlower ;)

      Inspector Flower

  11. I must get back to watching american horror story. Such an iteligent show

    1. This show is totally driving me crazy I'm like a child each time I'm watching an episode

      Inspector Flower

  12. Hi ! I was interested about this serie bout I'm too lazy to search it on the Internet and to watch it... I've too lmuch things to do (like homeworks...) :/ Maybe one day ! And we'll talk about it ! I hope so, -Yse

    1. No problem, watch it someday

      Inspector Flower

  13. I really liked your article, it was interesting. I never watched AHS but I've heard a lot of positive things about it, and it looks fascinating, especially the Freak Show season, which inspired me a lot.
    See you soon ! -Pegasus

    1. You got a point, the Freak Show season is just fantastic, there's a really complicatd story linked with the Asylum season and it's so creepy

      Inspector Flower

  14. Hye ! Reese invited me to watch the blog, I'm Pauline. I just watch the first season but it was very nice. Please don't spoil me the others season.
    I love series in general, so I hope there will are others articles about series. Good bye!
