Tuesday 27 September 2016

Let's get to know Ravenclaw....

Hi everyone! 

I'm Ravenclaw (yes, I'm girl) and I am 17 years old.

 I like a lot of things in life like dub,reggae and rock music, festivals, books, tv series like Outlander, The 100, The Walking Dead,Rick and Morty,  Reign etc... but especially, as my alias suggests it, I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Harry Potter, both the books and the films. 
But for this article, I will speak about the films because a lot of people saw the film but have not read the books. 

I think everyone knows the story, but for those who live in a hut without electricity and water ( this is the only explanation for me), I will explain it to you.

The films are inspired by the books written by the english author :  J.K Rowling.  

There are 7 books ( written between 1998 and 2007) and 8 films ( the last book was filmed  in 2 parts). 

Harry Potter has been an orphan since he was a baby.

His parents were killed by Voldemort, a dark wizard who proclaims the superiority of pure blood wizards (Doesn't it ring a bell?). 

Harry lives with his aunt,uncle and cousin who are horrible with him.
 For his 11th birthday, a man came to him and told him :"You're a wizard, Harry."  

                                                                     From this moment, Harry's world changed. 

He went to a magic shcool : Hogwarts. 

The students there are divided in 4 homes: Gryffindor, Hufflepluff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.


Harry and his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger belong to  Gryffindor. 

During all his schooling, he will have to fight Voldemort with his friends' help. 

Harry Potter is about the value of courage, truth and justice. But it's also about the power of love and friendship. 

Are you ready to be transported in a magic world? 

This is why I love Harry Potter so much. 

(And between us, who has  never dreamed to cast a spell to anybody that we don't like?)

After all this time? Always. 


Thanks for reading, I hope that you like Harry Potter as much as me, bye cuties ! 


  1. That was an awesome article ! I looove Harry Potter too !
    People have to read the books more ! They are great ! My favourite is the fourth, Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, it is great, especially during the graveyard scene.
    I have a few questions:
    Which book is your favourite?
    Which movie is your favourite?
    Which character do you prefer?
    I'm looking forward to read your next articles ! -Pegasus

    1. It's been a long time that i didn't read the books so i don't remember well... And I can't choose just one book or film, it's too hard ahah... But i have 3 books books/films that i especially love:
      -The first one because this is the beginning of the story, all start here...
      -Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix because i found it is a turning point in the story. We see the evolution of the caracters after Voldemort's come back. ( i think this is maybe my favorite)
      -The last one because we finally understand all the story... but i hate it too because this is the last :'(

      For the caracters, I also can't choose just one because i found myself in every character: Luna, Drago, Sirius, Nymphadora, Fred, George, Ron,Hermione,Snape, Neville, Harry, Bellatrix, Voldemort... i don't know ahah ^^
      And what about you Pegasus? Which moovie, film and character do you prefer?
      (Thanks for reading, can't wait to read your article :) )

    2. Ahah I feel the same about the books, I read it a looong time ago too...
      I understand your choice, I really like the last one too, but it's so sad !
      Ahah it's true that it's difficult to choose between all those awesome character, there all are interesting and touching...
      Thanks for answering my questions :)
      My favourite Harry Potter movies are:
      -Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows part 1, especially when Harry and Hermione go to Godric hollow,
      -Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, even if I love more the book than the movie,
      -Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, because we can learn a lot of things about Sirius, James, Remus and Peter in this one and Harry discovering his patronus is just so awesome !
      My favourite character is Bellatrix, she is amazing: she is absolutely insane and so loyal to the Dark Lord, I love how she acts. By the way, the Cruciatus Curse is my favourite unforgivable spell, and the fact that she often uses it makes me love her even more ^^
      I also like Hermione, Ginny, Sirius and Severus a lot, and even if they are animals, Nagini and Fang, I wanna hug this one !
      (You are welcome, anh thank you that's so cute :3)
      P.S.: I love your deathly hallows necklace ! -Pegasus

    3. I agree with Harry Potter and The Prisonner of Azkaban ! I like it because we discovere that Harry still have a parent : Sirius! And the discovering of Harry's patronus, the same of James! It's amazing !

      Bellatrix is so craaaaazy!I love her! She was in loved with Voldemort and she follewed him in every actions or events because she loved him! That's weird but also cute.
      My favorite spell is Sectum Sempra, when Harry fights against Draco in the toilet... this part is just awesome.

      I love my necklace so much, this is a gift from Roots&Culture for the last Christhmas (she's the best but dont tell her I've said that haha ^^)

    4. That's true, and I love his patronus so much, it is beautiful !
      Yes she is ahah ! I'm glad you love her, you are the first people who actually like her that I met, that's awesome!
      Sectum Sempra is a cool spell too, this scene is great ;)
      Oooh that's so cute ! (Ahah don't worry I won't :p) -Pegasus

    5. People don't like her because she is a death eater but her personnality is fascinnating, but she kills Sirius !!!! I cried everytime I saw this scene...

    6. I agree with you !
      Yes, she did, that's sooo sad ! Harry was so happy with him and his reaction to his death is heart wrenching...
      She killed Dobby too, this makes me even more sad, and this scene was even worst in the book, I can't stop crying when I read or see it ! -Pegasus

    7. Harry's reation after Sirius death is absolutely amazing. His actor's game is incredible, and a small anecdote about this scene in the movie: the directors have of cut Daniel Radcliffe's scream because it was considered too frightening. This is why I love this actor so much.

      I love Dobby! But more in the books than in the films. He is much more important in books and it's a pity to have him to remove his importance. His first words and his last words was "Harry Potter". Their relation was very moving. His death was horrible.

    8. I didn't know this anecdote about this scene ! It's amazing, that's so awesome and sad...
      Daniel Radcliff is a great actor, getting better and better as the years went by.
      That's true, he is more interesting in the books. Poor Dobby -Pegasus

    9. I've said it before somewhere in the blog but I've cried when reading the book, when Dobby died... and I don't like that in the film Harry buries him in...sand????? In the book, they insist the ground is hard and difficult to dig, without using magic, and that's the whole point: it has to be difficult, to show Harry's respect for his devoted friend.

    10. You are right, this moment is more interesting in the book, I remember that it disappointed me the first time I saw the movie, but it was still heart wrenching.. -Pegasus

    11. I totally agree with you Mrs Papy and Pegasus!

  2. I confess that you're right about the spell cast against someone that we don't like hihi ! Very good article however !

  3. Hello, I'm Sam, Pegasus dropped me down here from the sky!
    I stopped after watching the third Harry Potter film, as I didn't like the way some characters changed. For example, Drago Malefoy, who looked like he could become a threat in the two first films, but turned into a stupid and lost boy.
    However, I had read all the books before that, and even if they are not among my favorites, I liked them quite much.
    If I had to choose one of the Hogwart houses, I'd also choose Ravenclaw, as Hufflepluff members are basically the ones who can't go in any of the other houses, Gryffindor members are more like "we are heroes (and we know it)", contrary to Slytherin members : "Boooh, we are evil people in the shadows". Ravenclaw members are the ones who really have their place in a wizard school...
    And of course, for a Harry Potter fan, casting a spell against someone you don't like is like wanting to Fus Roh Da someone for a Skyrim fan!

    1. Welcome to the blog Sam! :)
      I agree with you for the characters changement ! Especially Ginny Weasley and Drago Malfoy, and many others... and i also agree with you with the Hogwart House, there are too clichés for every house and i'm a little bit disappointed about that. But Ravenclaw still the best ahah!
      Thanks for you comment, see you soon on the blog :)

  4. waaa i love Harry Potter too (well, who doesn't???), I'm in love with Drago Malfoy lol

    really nice ;^)

  5. I never read or watch Harry Potter because there is too much fiction in my opinion. In reality I never had the courage to watch or to read all the movies et books haha!

  6. Hello Ravenclaw !
    I'm not a fan of Harry Potter but I found your article interesting. I already tried to look the first film but the universe and the magical atmosphere of this impressive saga is not what I like.
    Nevertheless, I can read that you like the series Reign, me too ! It's a great series.

    1. If you like Reign, you should watch Outlander, it takes place at almost the same period!

  7. Strangely we have the same activities Ravenclaw!
    I know your love for Harry Potter! (And I understand it )! I think that every fans of Harry Potter adored your article!

  8. Imagine the two of us, in the Harry Potter universe, it would be sooo awesome lol
    If I could, I'd be in the slytherin house and marry Drago Malfoy, sounds good, no ? Hhhh
    I only read the first book actually but I saw all the movies
    There was an online Harry Potter game, if i find the link, i'll send it to you :^)

    - Fenrir

    1. Oh it will be so great if you find it ! Thank you Fenrir!

  9. Hello ! I looove Harry Potter sooo I love this article haha !

  10. Hi Ravenclaw, your article was great, I really enjoyed it. Reading it and watching the trailer you put at the end (I'm in love with the movies' soundtracks !) made me want to watch the movies again. I will end this comment with a question, what is your opinion on Harry Potter and The Cursed Child ?

    1. I sing the soundtracks every time ahah I loved it !
      I'm a little bit disappointed because this is a play and not a novel... I don't read it yet so I will tell you when I will do. Maybe I will write an article about it ! And you ?

    2. Haha, I understand you, those soundtracks are too great not to be sang !
      I agree it's a bit sad indeed... thank you, I'd be happy to read it if you do so ! :D
      I'm sorry but sadly I didn't get the chance to read the whole play (only extracts) and I've only heard bad things about it until now so I really want to read it to know if it's the truth or not !

    3. I can't wait to read to have my own opinion. The french release is soon! When both had read the book, we will talk about it if you agree

    4. Well if you want to then there's no problem, I'd be glad to discuss about it with you^^

  11. Hello ! I'm a former student ! I love Harry Potter also ! ;). Il like your article ! Good bye !

    1. Thanks for your comment Lauranouille ! :)

    2. oh, your welcome ;)

  12. Lauranouille, dear, you're back! and you're using the word "former"! I'm so proud of you!^^

  13. Hello, I am little sister of Anna, I am 14 years old. I love Harry Potter so much. Ron is the best character in the story. The article is good because it is simple to understand. Byebye, xoxo gossip girl lol

    1. Ron is very cool yeah! Thank you for your comment and welcome to the blog Anna's sister.

  14. Haha, DUB FOR LIFE ! (my hears need this)
    I love Harry Potter to !
    All the story have many secrets and details, this is amazing to think about JK.Rowling creating all this universe part by part !

    1. I want to be married with a sound system!!!

  15. Ahhhh Harry Potter is my childhood.One of the best book and film created

    1. I grew up at the same time of the characters... this is why I'm so attached with Harry Potter.

  16. You make me want to read those books or sooner watch those movies.(Yes i'm certainly the only one who have not watch Harry Potter.) Very nice article Ravenclaw

  17. Better late than never ahah!

  18. I totally agree with you Harry Potter's films are all wonderfull ! I think my favorite one is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Inspector Flower


  20. Omg, I love the movies, I love harry potter, I'm team GRYFFONDOR!! haha!!


    1. Ahah i know your love about Harry Potter but especially Draco Malefoy !
