Wednesday 28 September 2016

Do you know Minimalist?

Hello everyone !
Let me introduce myself, my name is Minimalist.(Don't worry, it's only for the blog !)

I'm sixteen years old and I’m a high school senior student, also called in France " Terminale littéraire ".

"Minimalist", why ? 

This word reflects in part what I am. I like the simple things in life.
I am someone who is content with little. 

I like this quote from the greek philosopher, Epicure : "One who doesn't know to be content with little will never be happy with anything." 

I don't like to read, by cons I have a passion for writing. I write a lot of poems and recently I started to write a novel.

I am very interested in astronomy; Stargazing is one of my favorite things to do. 

I am also very interested in art, especially in makeup. For me, a face without makeup is like a blank canvas on which we can do something very amazing, original and artistic. This is why I want to be a makeup artist for the high fashion.


To finish my presentation, if I could travel in time, I would go back to the Victorian era London to be in a family of aristocrats (yes, it's a little bit weird but it's something that has always made me dream).

I think that's why I love so much the series Downton Abbey. 

[Which is not set in Victorian times but Edwardian times- Mrs P.]

Downton Abbey is a British-American historical period television series. 

The series, set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey between 1912 and 1925, depicts  the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their domestic servants in the post-Edwardian era.

The great events in history have an effect on their lives and on the British social hierarchy. 
Such events depicted throughout the series include news of the sinking of the RMS Titanic, the outbreak of the First World War, the Spanish influenza pandemic, and the Marconi scandal. 

As well as the Irish War of Independence leading to the formation of the Irish Free State, the Teapot Dome scandal and the British general election of 1923, but also the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, and the Beer Hall Putsch. 

The final season introduces the rise of the working class during the interwar period and hints towards the eventual decline of the British aristocracy.

Thank you for reading my article ! See you soon on the blog.

Bye !


  1. It was an great article, really interesting. I liked your explanation about "Minimalist", it's a good thing to explain why you chose this name.
    This quote is beautiful !
    I love astronomy too !
    See you on your next article ! -Pegasus

    1. Thank you very much for your comment, Pegasus. It's really nice ! I'm so glad you found my article interesting.

  2. I was searching who is the real person behind Minimalist and I believe that I was found thanks to your desired profession ;) I didn't know that you are interested by astronomy, that's cool ! I hope one day that I could read one of your production. Bye !

    1. First of all, thank you for your comment Nenette ! I have a small anecdote on me, if that interests you; every night before closing my shutters, I look at the starry sky for at least thirty minutes. It's like a ritual.
      Oh yes, with pleasure ! I could make you read one of my poems if you want. Bye !

  3. I would like to talk more seriously with you because, like you and Pegasus, I love astronomy, I find that fascinating!
    And I like the serie Downtown Abbey too, even if I just saw a part of its


    1. I completely agree with you Sunflower, The astronomy it's really fascinating !
      I don't know if that makes you the same thing but when I observe the night sky, I ask myself many questions about my existence.
      Downton Abbey is an amazing series. The costumes and sets are amazing. The area of ​​Grantham family makes me dream!

  4. Hello ! I'm Pegasus' mother and my daughter recommanded me this blog !
    I found this article interesting and I wanted to share another quote with you, it may interest you.
    "Rien que le nécessaire, dit la femme, c'est ce que j'ai appris de ma mère. Elle disait : le reste vous alourdit pour le bonheur." by Henry Bauchard in one of his short stories in his book Les vallées du bonheur profond.
    -Pegasus' mother

    1. What an interesting quote! Thank you Pegasus'mother and welcome to the blog.

    2. Welcome to the blog Pegasus'mother and thank you for your comment. I'll remember this quote; it is really beautiful and full of truth.
      Thank you again.

  5. I adored your article, your presentation is very original! I give you all my courage for the realization of your novel!
    PS: I am more going to be interested in this series!

    1. Thank you very much, I appreciate this.
      Oh that's cool ! You will not be disappointed by this series.

    2. Thank you very much, I appreciate this.
      Believe me, you won't be disappointed by this series !

  6. I love this article ! It's quite interressant, I love the quote too :) and your alias is very cute. The part about the makeup was the part that I prefer! Have a good evening :)

    1. Oh thank you very much Reese ! I'm glad you liked it. The makeup is an art form. Have you ever looked the TV show "Face Off" ? In this TV show, the make-ups are unbelievable and surprising. If you are curious, I advise it to you.
      Bye !

    2. I never saw it but as I like makeup I'll watch this, thanks for your advise!

  7. I find your vision of make up really interesting, i'm fascinated by astronomy too :)
    I'm not a fan of the Victorian era but their style is quite elegant
    It was nice to read your presentation :^)

    - Fenrir

    1. Thank you so much for reading my article, Fenrir. Apparently we are a lot to be interested in the astronomy. That's cool !
      I look forward to reading your presentation. :)

  8. Nothing is more beautiful than the sky! I could pass many and many hours to watch the stars.
    I'd like to read your text one day, I'm sure they are amazing. See you soon Minimalist! (P.S: i found your alias very interesting)

    1. I totally agree with you, the sky is a beautiful and wonderful thing. Oh yes with pleasure !
      Thank you very much Ravenclaw, that's very kind.
      See you soon !

  9. Hello Minimalist, thank you for your article, it was really great ! I'm a sky passionate too, taking a break from everything and just look at the stars is one the best thing ever in my opinion.
    Oh and I agree with you about the Victorian era, it's such a cool moment in history (but only if you are part of aristocracy, otherwise, it's a bit less cool), I like the clothes they wore back then as I love "steampunk" style.
    I can't wait to read your next articles ! See you soon !

    1. Hey Riggnarok ! Thank you for your comment. I completely agree with you, look the stars it's perfect to take a break ! For example, when I'm sad it's the first thing that I do.
      Oh yes, when i'm talking about the Victorian era, I meant that I wanted to be in an aristocratic family.
      I hope your article coming soon! Bye !

    2. I understand you, the stars can be really appeasing.
      Haha, don't worry I understood that, I just specified because unfortunately, the Victorian era wasn't a great time for everyone.
      See you !

  10. The sky... This is very huge !
    I am really scared about this immensity !
    But this is the most interesting subject i think !
    We can debate all the time about it...
    Thanks for you post :D

    1. I totally agree with you, this is the most interesting subject. You're welcome !
      Thank you for your comment. Bye !

  11. I watch the show every week with my grandmother. And of course I love britsh shows

    1. My grandmother watches this series too !

  12. Replies
    1. What enthuses! It is pleasant to see.

  13. The girl with black hair in your picture is Kendall Jenner no ? she's beautiful


    1. Yes, it's Kendall Jenner. I agree with you, she is very beautiful.

  14. Hi Minimalist! I got a T-shirt where it's written "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"! So a funny coincidence ! If you accept, I'm interested about your novel... I wrote when I was yougner but I'm not satsified about what I did so I stoped. Well, great article ! -Yse

    1. Hello hello Yse !
      What a coincidence ! Oh yes with pleasure but I have not ended yet. I have still full of work.
      I am not always satisfied by what I did but I persist and I try to improve myself. So if you really enjoy writing, I encourage you to continue !

    2. I understand! That is not easy to write a novel especially when you're perfectionist. But i'm sure that your novel is good! Would you accept to send me an extract? If you want to have my point of view :) Yse

  15. I think I know who you are ! Madridista

  16. Hi Minimalist I find your article very interesting! So you are a fan of ''Downtown Abbey'' ! I don't know it very well but I think it's quite a good serie. So you like the Victorian area. But why this area and not another one?

  17. Hi El Maya !
    I also like the Edwardian era. The Victorian era is just before the Edwardian era.
    I like this period because the clothes are just amazing, and I would have liked to know the world without the technologies of our time. But also because the Edwardian period is the romantic golden age of long summer afternoons and garden parties. I would also have wanted to know the life of the aristocrats, the activities which they make as the sports which they practise or still their way of life; the big dinners and the tea time.


  18. Thank you very much for your answer!! If you like history, do you know the ''Elizabethan area''? It's one of the most important area in the english history with the ewardian and the victorian ones and I advice you to watch the film ''Elizabeth'' (1998) it's a very good movie of Elizabeth 1st

  19. At my university, Rennes 2,there were a conference about Downtown Abbey and we watched the first episode of the TV serie ^^

  20. astronomy looks like very interesting!! And I aggre with you for the subject about the make up! Thank you minimalist!! have a good day. chenle
