Thursday 7 January 2016

Nausicaa and going back in time...

This morning, with a friend we talked about History and how it would be awesome if we could go back in time.  

After a moment of hesitation, I said I would like to return in the Middle Ages.

I was thinking about knights and princesses, kings and queens, of all the things not yet known. What I’ve read and seen made me dream.

When the night came, I still had  this idea to travel through time. 

I closed my eyes and I imagined how it could be…

I suddenly woke up. I wasn’t in my bedroom. It was a luxurious room with an enormous canopy bed, tapestries in the walls.

 It looked like a castle but it wasn’t cold thanks to the fire in the chimney. 

Panicked, I left the room. There was a long and dark hall with candelabras all around. 

I frowned, it was certainly a dream.

It could be only a dream. It was like if I was in… I smiled; it was like some ancient castle. 

I returned in “my” bedroom. The decorations were so fabulous and there was a monstrous wardrobe with a lot of colorful dresses. 

I tried one but it was so complicated to wear! and completely not practical.

I finally succeeded to close it and decided to go outside. 

After losing myself in the corridors, I found the exit.
I didn’t see anyone inside.

But in the yard, there was, oh my lord, a real knight with his armor and his sword. 

It was so impressive but… he looked at me after he pulled off his great helm with disdain and ignored me, because, I learned it later, I was just a woman. 

A bit disappointed, I walked in the garden. 

There were some servants, they avoided my gaze. 

I “stole” a mare in the stables, it was more a loan, and I didn’t really know how but I arrived in a village.

The smell was horrible, some people were sick. The houses were absurdly tiny, and the people seemed to be starving. 

They watched me, and I felt so uncomfortable.

 One of them called me “whore” because of my hair. 

It was indecent for a married woman to let them detached.
I wasn’t married! 
But I had the age.
In the Middle Ages, girls could be married from 12 years old.

The women kept their eyes lowered.

No one seemed in good condition. 
There were so many differences between the rich castle and the knight and these poor people and their village. 

Suddenly, something happened.
Someone, a woman, was accused of sorcery. 

A man hit her so violently! I couldn’t just watch and do nothing! 
I couldn’t stand it.
I tried to stop the villagers but they didn’t listen to me. 
They captured the woman. The castle’s knight wasz  called. 
He came but he did nothing. 
She was guilty, there was no need of a trial, she was going to burn. 
Moreover, disgusted, I escorted the man in armor in the house. 
It wasn’t like I was thinking.
He didn’t save anyone, and he was so impolite.

I was a kind of noble woman in great castle with servants and a knight but it was not like I was expecting. 

It was not a dream.

It was a nightmare. 

I went back in my room.

I tried to eat something but there weren’t cutleries and the table was very long. 

I was so lonely. 

I didn’t want to stay here. Finally, the twenty first century wasn’t so bad. 

I opened my eyes with a jolt. I had returned in my own bedroom!


  1. I love this! That's an awesome story. I wonder where you find your inspiration, that's so nice!

  2. Your article (or should I say story) is amazing ! Your writing skills are so good

  3. I love your article ! it's amazing - Bonnie

    1. I agree with you !

  4. You have a lot of inspiration !

    1. Yeah ! I agree with you -Bonnie

  5. I like your story ! You have a many inspiration !

  6. I would also like servants!


  7. When I read this I remember of Games of Throne and I love this TV show


    1. Ahah, Game of Thrones is life ~

    2. I never watch Game of Thrones 0_o

    3. No ! Disney is Life ! '-'

    4. I agree with sadja Disney is lIFE *-* -Pradel

  8. I think I already told you but that was so great good job u3u

  9. i love your article or story i should say your story ; we i read it i had the impression that you really made this dream....

    1. It's possible, I made a lot of strange dreams...

  10. I love your story !


  11. Welcome in the Middle Age's team !!!!

    What ?! Why don't you want to be married at 12 ? '-'

  12. At 12 I was still playing to some stupid games, I understand that you wouldn't be married at this age

  13. It's really nice to read ! You're gifted :p

  14. Your story is very nice and it's captivating
