Sunday 10 January 2016

Cactus, back in time....

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If  I could change time I would like to live in the 60's. Because these years are the movement of "Peace and Love".

A movement to protest against the nuclear armament, against the Vietnam War or still to express their will of a healthy future without pollution.

The festival of "Woodstock" stands out these years.

A festival of music and a symbolic gathering of the hippy culture for three days. 

Where people danced and laughed on the musics like those of Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix, two big singers of these peace years. 

And If I could change time I would like to participate at this festival. Living a moment of peace with my friends and family, a moment of love in total harmony.

We live at the moment in a world of selfish and coward men . 

A world where people think only of their own person.

Contrary to the sixties when people lived on love, on peace, on music and on simplicity. 

People helped, they spoke to each other and took time to live and to breathe. 

That's why I would want to live in the 60s. To live more happier and to take advantage of good things of this time.

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  1. Peaceful environment ! That's so cool

  2. There's such an amount of people who loves this period !
    Great article Cactus !

  3. I like the fact that you added some peaceful symbol ^^

    By Blondy

  4. You wright the 60's was a period of changes and peace , but unfortunatly not all the time

  5. I like your article and I think that it was a good period -Pradel

  6. Peace and love bro


  7. "Peace and love" It would be nice if this movement is still relevant


  8. I chose this time also so I can only agree with you!


  9. The best period ! ☮

  10. Wonderfull pics ! And wonderfull article !

  11. I also like this period and I find your article very intresting

  12. If I could go back in time I would have liked participated also ahah! Loooooooove Janis Joplin

  13. I shall have so much liked living in this period. " Imagine all the celebrity life in peace. " John Lenon said our lovely. Peace and love!!!!!! and music of cours!
