Tuesday 26 January 2016

On general demand: what was it????

A pie bird, pie vent, pie whistle, pie funnel, or pie chimney is a hollow ceramic device, originating in Europe, shaped like a funnel, chimney, or upstretched bird with open beak used for supporting or venting a pie.


Funnel-style steam vents have been placed in the center of fruit and meat pies during cooking since Victorian times; bird shapes came later.

Pie funnels were used to prevent pie filling from boiling up and leaking through the crust by allowing steam to escape from inside the pie.

They also supported the pastry crust in the center of the pie, so that it did not sag in the middle, and are occasionally known as "crustholders".

Older ovens had more problems with uniform heating, and the pie bird prevented boil-over in pie cooking.

The traditional inverted funnels, with arches on the bottom for steam to enter, were followed by ceramic birds; and from the 1940s they have been produced in a multitude of designs.

This trend has been particularly noticeable in recent times, due to their increasing popularity as gifts and collectors' items rather than simply utilitarian kitchen tools.

The nursery rhyme "Sing a Song of Sixpence" makes reference to "Four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Two more weeks (only) before Carnival!

Are your costumes ready?

And you know what? It took me one year to recognize that lovely (and tall) young lady on the right!^^

Sunday 10 January 2016

Piccadily's article...

If I had to travel back in time, I think I would like to live in the 80's–90's. 

First to be present for the beginning of the french rap and US rap. 

In France during the 90's the most popular rappers were : IAM , Oxmo Puccino , Lunatic , NTM... 

At this period the rappers wrote on sensitive subjects like the disparity in the districts , the crisis , the society. 
Today the rappers are a bit stupid , they talk only about drugs , money , weapons. 

It's a bad representation of the rap I think. 

Example of French rappers during the 90's in France:

The second reason I would to live in this period is to see a match of NBA. 

To go to  the stadium of the Chicago Bulls and see Michael Jordan in action , it 's a dream , an impossible dream beacause Michael Jordan stopped his career  15 years ago. Micheal Jordan is my favorite athlete of all time.

The only reason I don't want to live at this time it's for the war of the Gulf. 

To be not called to go make war because during this period some  young people were called, to be separated from my parents , my friends...  all my life. [Not in France. Mrs P.]

And seeing some traumatic things too .

Cactus, back in time....

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If  I could change time I would like to live in the 60's. Because these years are the movement of "Peace and Love".

A movement to protest against the nuclear armament, against the Vietnam War or still to express their will of a healthy future without pollution.

The festival of "Woodstock" stands out these years.

A festival of music and a symbolic gathering of the hippy culture for three days. 

Where people danced and laughed on the musics like those of Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix, two big singers of these peace years. 

And If I could change time I would like to participate at this festival. Living a moment of peace with my friends and family, a moment of love in total harmony.

We live at the moment in a world of selfish and coward men . 

A world where people think only of their own person.

Contrary to the sixties when people lived on love, on peace, on music and on simplicity. 

People helped, they spoke to each other and took time to live and to breathe. 

That's why I would want to live in the 60s. To live more happier and to take advantage of good things of this time.

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Just because some of you don't know what they are missing!;-)

Friday 8 January 2016

Game! game! game!

                                                            Explain this cartoon!

Jenny Margaret and the Swinging London

If I could travel back in time,
it would be to London in the 60 ‘s,
 because it was a great period in British history:
society was changing,
the Beatles were famous and there were new
and exciting fashions.

In the 60’s, London seemed
 to have become the most exciting city
 in the world, with an explosion in art,
 theatre, film, music and fashion,
it was the era of the miniskirt.

During this period, London was known as « swinging London »,
the centre of the town was very popular
 especially Soho and Carnaby Street,
so if I could travel back there,
 I would like to open a shop in Carnaby Street,
 because at this time,
 the shops sold new fashion designs
and they played famous songs, and you could also meet important
 and rich people like, Mary Quant,
the fashion designer who introduced the miniskirt,
 or David Bailey, a famous photographer.
I might even meet the Beatles.
 This was also a time
for new cinema heroes like James Bond.

Swinging London though was only in London;
this new culture was only for upper classes,
when you left London you could see
 that people in the provinces were still living in the 50s

I think that living in London in the sixties
 would probably be more exciting
than today but for disadvantages,
 a lot of people took drugs and men were chauvinistic .

To finish I would say that,
if I could meet someone  from this time,
I would like to meet the photographer David Bailey,
he was a true icon who became famous
 at the age of twenty –two.
I would ask him about all the photos he took of those Sixties celebrities
who are still alive today.
If David Bailey was not available,
 I would like to meet the Beatles.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Nausicaa and going back in time...

This morning, with a friend we talked about History and how it would be awesome if we could go back in time.  

After a moment of hesitation, I said I would like to return in the Middle Ages.

I was thinking about knights and princesses, kings and queens, of all the things not yet known. What I’ve read and seen made me dream.

When the night came, I still had  this idea to travel through time. 

I closed my eyes and I imagined how it could be…

I suddenly woke up. I wasn’t in my bedroom. It was a luxurious room with an enormous canopy bed, tapestries in the walls.

 It looked like a castle but it wasn’t cold thanks to the fire in the chimney. 

Panicked, I left the room. There was a long and dark hall with candelabras all around. 

I frowned, it was certainly a dream.

It could be only a dream. It was like if I was in… I smiled; it was like some ancient castle. 

I returned in “my” bedroom. The decorations were so fabulous and there was a monstrous wardrobe with a lot of colorful dresses. 

I tried one but it was so complicated to wear! and completely not practical.

I finally succeeded to close it and decided to go outside. 

After losing myself in the corridors, I found the exit.
I didn’t see anyone inside.

But in the yard, there was, oh my lord, a real knight with his armor and his sword. 

It was so impressive but… he looked at me after he pulled off his great helm with disdain and ignored me, because, I learned it later, I was just a woman. 

A bit disappointed, I walked in the garden. 

There were some servants, they avoided my gaze. 

I “stole” a mare in the stables, it was more a loan, and I didn’t really know how but I arrived in a village.

The smell was horrible, some people were sick. The houses were absurdly tiny, and the people seemed to be starving. 

They watched me, and I felt so uncomfortable.

 One of them called me “whore” because of my hair. 

It was indecent for a married woman to let them detached.
I wasn’t married! 
But I had the age.
In the Middle Ages, girls could be married from 12 years old.

The women kept their eyes lowered.

No one seemed in good condition. 
There were so many differences between the rich castle and the knight and these poor people and their village. 

Suddenly, something happened.
Someone, a woman, was accused of sorcery. 

A man hit her so violently! I couldn’t just watch and do nothing! 
I couldn’t stand it.
I tried to stop the villagers but they didn’t listen to me. 
They captured the woman. The castle’s knight wasz  called. 
He came but he did nothing. 
She was guilty, there was no need of a trial, she was going to burn. 
Moreover, disgusted, I escorted the man in armor in the house. 
It wasn’t like I was thinking.
He didn’t save anyone, and he was so impolite.

I was a kind of noble woman in great castle with servants and a knight but it was not like I was expecting. 

It was not a dream.

It was a nightmare. 

I went back in my room.

I tried to eat something but there weren’t cutleries and the table was very long. 

I was so lonely. 

I didn’t want to stay here. Finally, the twenty first century wasn’t so bad. 

I opened my eyes with a jolt. I had returned in my own bedroom!