Monday 5 November 2012

What I like, by Imnotyou

One of my favourite hobbies is playing the guitar.
I've been  learning by myself for 2 years now.
I love it because it relaxes me and I can play all the songs I like, particularly Nirvana's songs.
But I create my own songs too but without lyrics, I can't sing.
I also play the bass guitar.
As I'm a boarder, I have a guitar at school and when I've got some free time, I play...
Who knows, maybe this blog article will help you find a singer for your songs?...     Mrs P.


  1. You have never told me that and.... I'm interesting about that !
    First, congratulations to have learn to play guitar by yourself, it's a good effort.
    I'll enjoy a lot if a day you make me listen to one of your own song
    And if you can't sing...
    I write and sing my own songs but i can't play an instrument, only piano but a little so i take instrumentals from the net.
    So if you want to make a project, we can speak of it when you want.
    (This article was very important for me ^^)
    Good luck for the next

  2. I also wanted to learn to play the guitar by myself... but I gave up. I think I wasn't patient enough. It wasn't my thing! so well done;)

  3. Hello Imnotyou you compose the melodies with lyrics or not?
    I think if you learn to play the guitar in 2 years you can also learn to sing fast . ;)

  4. hello, When I say I can't sing I mean I don't know singing! I'm a very poor singer! When I'm with my friends and I try to sing a song, they scream "Stop stop! you're killing this song!".

  5. You're lucky to have learned play the guitar alone, I tried to learn myself but I didn't succeed ... I can't be patient enough ..
    I love Nirvana, do you play "Smell like teen spirit" and "Come as you are"? I know that it is the best known but I love them. :)


  6. It's cool to have a hobbie where you can forget everything for a while, I don't do it with a guitar but with something else.

  7. I would like to learn guitare but I'm not very patient. If you want I can sing for you and we'll become very famous !! ;)

  8. ¡¡COOL!! Guitar is my passion, i've learn how to play it also alone !
    I love to meet people who likes this instrument, to compare what we think about our way of playing.

  9. To answer to Bobbie, Yes I play "Smells..." and "Come as you are" but I play mainly "Smells like teen spirit". Another song wich is very cool and easy to play is "Rape me", it's one of my favourite because I have many others 'cause ,for me, all Nirvana's song are really good.
    In my opinion, their best album is their 3rd "In Utero".


  10. To answer to Edson:
    I prefer play rythm guitar because it gives the impulsion of the music, in sort of.
    And you what's your favourite guitar style?

  11. And you play very good ;) !

  12. yes of course "rape me" is famous too and I like it but don't know the titlte of the album, I just know the title of the songs.


  13. I've already heard you play, and you play pretty good ! I did not know that you were looking for a singer, maybe I can.. No, it's a joke, I sing looks like a saucepan. A very old saucepan.
    Continues like this apart from that !


  14. My hobbies is also playing the guitar. And play the songs of Nirvana it's so cool! I like it! -Catus
