Monday 5 November 2012

My plans, by Jules

I'm not sure about my plans for the future.
I haven't decided yet if they can be benefic for me or if I'm going the wrong way.
I think it's too early for me to make plans for the future like my future job.
I need to discover more of the world and more about me to have then a choice that will be decisive for a part of my life.
Before making a choice about my future job, I would like to learn how to speak five languages. So like that I could travel the world and discver a new culture.
Afterwards, I may go and live in different places every year for a while.
But I don't want to do this all my life.
After travelling the world, I might choose a job in decorating, like painting old things and giving them a new life.


  1. I like your idea.
    You're right when you say that before chose a job you must learn more about the world and more about you, it's important in a life to take our time to discover who we are, who we like and understand the world and the society around us. Then you'll can decide what you want to become, what you want to do.
    Travel in the world ? My dream.

  2. Will it be possible to paint me after my death, so I can get a new life ? :D

    Have a briliant futur.


    1. You have a very special humor you know ...
      Hahaha !

    2. I know Jules, I know... T_T

  3. Now for the future we must speak many languages if we want to make our proves!


  4. Learn five languages is difficult! But if it is your desire I find it courageous and interesting! -Cactus
