Monday 5 November 2012

My plans for the future, by Destiny

I want to be an English teacher.
Since I was little, I've loved English.
I read English books, I listen to English music, I watch TV series in English, one of my friends is American...
My universe is in English.
Being a teacher is for me the best thing that I can do because teachers helped me when nothing was all right in my life and I want to be like those persons and help students.
For me, it's a sort of tribute to those teachers: I want to be like them... and...I love English!
These are my plans for the future!


  1. Teacher is a beautiful job. You have to understand childs and their life, you havr to be kind but also learn them a lot of things wiches are sometimes hard.
    I think to be professor is to have a mission: make students to discover the life.
    I add that english is very important now to work, travel and be abble to speak with everyone in the world.
    I wish you to have the possibility to become what you like.
    My plans for the futur are similar.

  2. If you really want to be a teacher, then good luck!
    I couldn't ... I think I'd kill every pupil ahah

  3. I hope that you will succeed to become a teacher. It's a very good job I think.
    Amazilena, I didn't know that you wanted to be a teacher !! :)


  4. thanks :) but I think that I could kill some pupils because I'm not really patient ^^

  5. Good luck for achieve your goal ;)

  6. I'm not very patient with the children. I could not support to work in a school while I spent a lot of time during my studies there. Cockatoo

  7. Gooooood Luck

  8. thank you :) !!!
    who knows, maybe in ten years I will be the teacher of your children (loool)

  9. Waouh! It's a declaration for Mrs Papy, no?
    I joke, but your idea is so cute and I am with you! -Cactus
