Wednesday 7 November 2012

My plans for the future, by Cinnamon

I have some plan for my future but I'm a little confused about them:
I'm sure that I want to work in the fashion environment. So I will do some studies, Like perhaps a " Manaa ", to be a stylist or fashion designer and afterwards, a Fashion school. (and perhaps Artist too) .
I like drawing women's body and create clothes, so that business is perfect.
But, I don't really like the mentality which comes with the fashion environment and it's a job where it's hard to make one place and his own name .
Because of these problemes, I've searched a second way with two choices:
Artist, because I really like Arts and drawing, or/ and Wardrobe master, because I like theatre and there is stylism too .
I don't know what studies to do because these are recent ideas which are  not really sure.
I really want to do an Art school too, but is not really what I have to do for my future projects.

Moreover, Artist job isn't a real job now because we can't live just with this, we must have to do an other job next to the first .
If I can choose the place where I can studies afterwards, I want to go to London because it's the perfect city for fashion studies. (Australia is a dream too but, It's not in this land that I can be a stylist...)

You could work with Wolfgang, who wants to create his own T-shirt brand!  Mrs P.


  1. You have to believe in your dreams ! Fashion is a world which is difficult to acess and make his own place but it's not impossible... If you've got talent you can try hard working.
    I think luck can fall on everybody.

  2. We havent got the same music style but it's right: music is good for all the times.
    Yes, I think Metal is violent and i don't use to listen to it... But i enjoy some groups like Metalica.
    The most of the time, I listen to Dancehall (it's like reggae from jamaica but with a rythm quicker)
    For the rap, i agree with you.
    There's a music style for all of us, we have a big choice and it's important to search to discover all of them, because they all have a good thing to keep :)

    1. Amazilena: I don't think you're answering the right article!!!^^

  3. in my opinion mentality in fashion is "you should be thin if you want be fashion" but I completly disagree with this.


  4. if you invest yourself in what you're doing you have all your chances

  5. If the mode you're passionate about business does, no matter how people think. We must do what we love in life and then to an art school that too is possible. -Cactus
