Wednesday 7 November 2012

My plans for the future, by Sundays

For my future, I don't know yet what I'm going to do.
My hobbies are travelling, nature and the contact with other people.
I don't wanna work behind a desk and if it's possible, I wan't to make a link between working and helping people. I think about working with children.
I want to reconcile people with nature so I can work with children and try to do what they love, nature and other people in general.
I want to try to have my BAFA but it costs a lot of money.
I have to think about it more deeply.


  1. It's difficult to say what we want do in the future but work with child is an opportunity for them to communicate with nature. I hope for you that you'll find your way.


  2. I think it's an original idea, I don't know if it's already done.
    If you like nature I advice to you to read the book "Into The Wild" I really love it and it's about a man who went to reach the Alaska by walking, his goal is to live in the forrest cut of the rest of world.
    There's the movie which is really good too.


  3. We told me to come and see this blog I did it and I love this one! Thanks to Sundays!

  4. I have already seen this movie and I liked it and I hope I can do the same one day, but less tragic.. ^^

  5. good idea Imnotyou .
    I think if you don't like reading: you could watch the movie, I find it excellent

  6. You can still think about it, but if it's really what you want to do then don't think too much and go for it, life is short, you can still change if it doesn't fit you !
