Sunday 22 January 2012

Why we laugh, by Lil',

Hi, it's Lil',
I love to laugh, but why do we laugh?
Laughter is a reflex, mostly a sense of gaiety, it is linked to its opposite, sadness... and sometimes we cry and we laugh at the same time!
Humour, tickling or even another laugh are the main causes of the sequence of these small jerky expirations accompanied by more or less noisy inarticulate vocalizations.
The stress can also cause laughter, it's called nervous laugh.
As for me, Lil', I laugh for all reasons and especially in comical situations.
And you, what makes you laugh?

Thank you Lil' for this, not very personal, but quite informative article on laughter! We would have liked to know more about those comical situations you alluded to! Maybe next time?
And you, dear reader, what makes you laugh?
As for me, TV series like The Big Bang Theory make me laugh a lot!!!
                                                                        Mrs P.


  1. Have you heard of laughter yoga? I tried it once in a room full of people - quite therapeutic!

  2. Gad Elmaleh or Florence Foresti make me laugh a lot!

    Thanks onche_onche for the blog!

  3. For me, laughing is essential. I think also that laughing can make laughing the others persons around you! I laugh for a lot of things like jokes or tv series.

  4. My friends make me laugh a lot and my parents of course! and when you see someone laughing, you want to laugh too !


  5. I love laughing ! It is not pleasant people who do not laugh

