Friday 13 January 2012

Bourges Springtime Music Festival a.k.a "Le Printemps de Bourges" , by Agie

Every springtime, this annual music festival takes place in Bourges. Since its creation 35 years ago, this festival has become a major event in France and in Europe which welcomes every year more and more visitors, on average over 200,000 people (mainly young people, 91% are under 35).
During these days, over 200 artists are present and give more or less 60 concerts. The people can also discover a lot of stalls, bars, and restaurants in the city center, and attractions and three free outdoor stages nearby.
The particularity of this festival is that it's grouping together all musical genres and it receives professionals but it also allows young talents to be discovered.
This year, for the 2012 edition, the complete programation will be revealed on February 24th. In the meantime, all the future visitors are impatient. It seems that it will be an dynamic springtime once again!

See you there,


For more information


  1. Cathy - was it in Bourges that we met by chance? Quite a surprise. I was travelling alone and happened to meet you & husband at the market. I promised to keep in touch but lost your number. The funny thing is, that's not the first time I have met someone from the YMCA W-ton days - I also bumped into Sami on the streets of Amiens. France seems like a small place sometimes!

    1. I was just telling my husband about it! i think it was in saumur, we were visiting the Châteaux de la Loire ! Thank you sooooo much for taking time to read this and commenting: I have to beg my pupils to write articles and even give points if they add commentaries. I'm the only one in the classroom interested in it! I guess it's because I'm an old woman now!!! Young ones don't see the point, it's so usual for them. With another group we mailed real letters, with stamps: they found that very interesting!!!

  2. Hi, I'm a german friend of Agie and she told me to visit this blog so i read this article because i was interested in it but i'm sad because i won't be here for this week.

  3. I was in the "Printemps de Bourges" to see rock n beat and my friends. It was a crazy party. We danced, we laughed and we all stayed at 6 am! I am a Guillaume's friend.

  4. Mrs P. now with The 602 class your not the only one who's interested in it ! ;)


  5. I look forward to go again this year !!!


  6. It's my prefer poster at Printemps de Bourges !
