Friday 27 January 2012

A sound of thunder, a short story by Ray Bradbury, with a Time machine and dinosaurs! Collective writing

We've studied A Sound of Thunder, a short story by Ray Bradbury.
In that short story, a man, Eckels who lives in 2055, decides to do a time safari; to travel in the past and kill a dinausaure.
The hunters arrive sixty million two thousand and fifty-five years before President Keith; they try to kill a Tyrannosaurus rex but an unexpected event changes everything. When they come back in their own time they understand that it will never be the same .

Some of us liked the story:
-"The suspense is good" (Fafa)
- "I liked it because..." (The furious Skyline)" [We would like to know! Note from Mrs P.]
- "I like it because the idea of going to the past is a good idea and it uses well the Time Travel paradoxes, that is to say if you destroy something in the past it changes the future." (Cockatoo)
- "I liked it because we discover the things of the past; it's a good idea but it's difficult to understand everything" (Nana)
- "Because there was a paradox and suspense" (Lil)
-"I liked the story because it was interesting but I didn't like the ending, it was a bit frustrating because it's too open. we don't know what happened." (Agie)

Some didn't:
- "I didn't like it because I think it's too complicated: he just killed a butterfly! The chain of events was too much!" (Ghost Wolf)
- "It was too science-fictional, almost like fantasy" (Jules)
-"I didn't like the story because its storyline was poor" (Guiz18)

And what about the 80s film for television adaptation??

Similarities: The film follows the story quite faithfully.

Diffences: There are no helmets in the film ( in the book they were used to prevent polluting the past). The T-Rex is less impressive in the film than in the story. It's ridiculous because the special effects are cheap. The film has less suspense than the story.

-"I didn't like the film because the suspense is absent, the special effects are ridiculous. When we see the T-Rex it's like a toy whose closed up with the camera to pretend the T-Rex is big" ( Fafa )

-"The adaptation from the novel is very bad : There aren't specials effects, the T-Rex is baddly done, it's not terriflying but the novel is better because we can imagine the scene ; which shows the short story is very imaginative" ( the furius skyline )

-" I didn't like the film because the special effects are very old, the T.Rex looks like a toy. In the text, it's described like the biggest animal in the world but in the movie it's ridiculous." ( Jade )

- "The film is not very good but i liked the way the path was shown (it was difficult to imagine in the short story)" (Mrs P.)

And what about the message conveyed by this story???
We musn't go to the past, it's dangerous beacause there is a risk to change everything in a  future and the present.
If we kill a butterfly  we can change the politic of a country into dictature.

Ghostwolf:"I don't understand the consequence of the murder of a butterfly, and a few elements were not really logical, I don't like it."

Nana: "I like this story but it's very complex and we don't understand all. The subject is interesting."

Onche_onche: " A Sound of Thunder is very interesting because going to the past is a dream for many people. It is good or bad? We don't know."

As you can see, this topic raised a lot of questions!
What is your opinion about it?
Thanks for reading us,

                                                                                            Mrs P.


  1. I agree with Ghost Wolf, he just killed a butterfly... in my opinion consequences couldn't be like this...


  2. The picture with the butterfly make me think about silence of the lambs

