Sunday 17 March 2013

The last article (at long last!) of our "I admire..." series:

I admire... MICHAEL JACKSON !  by GoogGoo 


I admire Michael Jackson because he had a difficult childhood but it's made him  a really generous person. It doesn't mean that someone who had a bad childhood will be made  better, but Michael wouldn't let a child living a poor  childhood like him.

Michael loved nature, animals and children (friendly speaking - please no bad joke about it, it's boring... >.< ) .

For example :

The famous song "Billie Jean" was the first video clip of a black singer on MTV : it was a great event for that time !

All the money that this song brought was given to an association helping black students for their studies.

He wrote in 1984 the song "We are the world" with Lionel Ritchie gathering many singers : "USA for Africa" was born.

His amusement park Neverland was free to let poor children and disabled people who couldn't pay for it  having fun like everybody else.

He created an association named "Heal The World Fundation" and all the money of the Dangerous World Tour was given for it.
(I saw him in concert during that tour. The not so young Mrs P.)

He dreamed of equality and peace around the world, good health for everybody, and keeping our planet as wonderful as it ever was !

I love Michael Jackson (and his music !!!!!!!!!! <3 ) don't you ? ;)



  1. I love all MJ's songs my brother made me listen to during my childhood, and of course I discovered a few other songs on my own (but not as much). I agree with you, I think he was a really good person :)

  2. I love all Michael Jackon's songs too! He has a particulary voice, a unique voice. Mrs P. you're so lucky!!


  3. I grew, i grow and i'll grow up with him ! For the fisrt time of my life, i was sensitiv of a celebritie's death. Why ? Because more than a singer he was a good person like you said.
    ~Amazilena~ (is back)

  4. I like MJ and all his songs but I think they talk too much about him on the TV and it bothers me a little bit .

  5. He had a phenomenal voice !! I would not say that I admired him but yes it was someone unique!!


  6. I also admire, but not to the point of being a fan. what is unfortunate is that all his life he has been disappointed by people he liked (his father who beat it and parents fan who complained it.
    This is a great personality !!


  7. The king of pop. That's all.

  8. He's just the best singer ever !
    No one can sing better than him !

  9. I don't like Mickael Jackson.. I'm not fan.. But i thinks it's a very famous singer. And a Good singer.

  10. They voluntarily discredited him with ridiculous stories of pedophilia but I think that this is a good person

  11. The king of pop it's a really artist, today i don't know if an artist can rival with him

  12. I think that the King of pop is simply one of the most famous singer

  13. Who don't know Michael Jackson nowadays!? He is just a legend!


  14. MJ is a myth for everyone, on this earth.
    His disappearance was for everyone a tragedy.
    This man stays never has in the memory of all pepole.
    Not only for his songs but also for his generosity and all his qualities.

  15. The king of pop !
    By Lala

  16. I like also michael Jackson and his music , especially his choreography
