Monday 11 March 2013

Meet Ashley, our American assistant! (a collective article)

Want to know more about an American young woman's view on our part of France and why your two hands come handy (lol!) when you're from Michigan?!

Last Tuesday the Extra English 1st Year class invited Ashley Gordon, for an interview.

She's from Detroit, Michigan  and it's her second time in France (she was here before, to study in Orleans when she was 21) and now she's an English Language Assistant in our school.
She has launched an English club where pupils can learn to bake cookies, play games like Taboo, and watch cool TV series like How I Met your Mother.

She likes our school and the pupils (and the teachers too)

When she introduced Mighigan to us, she put her hands up this way:

She explained the particularity of Mighigan which is composed of 2 separate peninsulas that look roughly like 2 hands:

We also learnt that Special K cereals are from Michigan too...

She has traveled a lot (to Italy; England; Ireland; Israel...).
She doesn't know what job she wants to have yet but she knows she wants to go on  speaking French...

She has been to Paris at least 20 times and she loves it there but she finds it exhausting!

She also told us that American people have clichés about us: they imagine us  wearing  a beret, a Blue and white stripped T-shirt and holding a baguette (and a Camembert cheese!)

Ashley is close to her family and she misses her nephew (Bradley) and her dog (Rocky) a lot.

She's got 2 sisters and one brother. One of her sisters is an artist, the other one studies Human Resources  and her brother is an obstetrician.

Her parents came to France to visit her for Christmas this schoolyear and the last time she was in France.

It was very nice to interview Ashley, who has so willingly answered our questions.
Thank you again, and know that you will be missed when you leave.


  1. It was really nice this moment, and I like the representation of us with this great photo!:D


  2. Yes we chose the good picture ! :D

  3. A very good assistant, who have a lot of things to learn to us :)

  4. I'll miss Ashley, it's really interresting to learn from her !

  5. She's very cute and I think she will be a good teacher .

  6. I think she's a good person, and I wish her all the best!!

  7. To have Ashley among us is really an honnour. She's dynamic, and she knows how to talk to students, when she starts to talk, it's like... she send me good vibes !
    And I think that if I was in her case, I would miss my nephews a hell lot too...(I currently don't have a dog, but I know how close we the humans can be to these animals!) Sometimes I wonder, why she choosed our town. That's a mystery for me, lol. But if she feels good, Holysnail is happy.
    Long life to english club sessions, I went once, and it rocks!


  8. I very like Ashley, she's very nice and we learn a lot of things about her and Michigan. We will miss you when you will leave!

  9. Unfortunately, we have seen Ashley only 2 times and I find her very nice.

  10. I hope you enjoyed France. Good luck with your contest

  11. I enjoyed the interview, and specially hands which represent Michigan

  12. I enjoyed the interview, and specially hands which represent Michigan.
