Friday 15 March 2013

Better late than never, Imnotyou's article on someone he admires

I precise before starting, I think it’s stupid to admire someone you have never known. It’s logical to admire our own family. However, you can have models of life. Mine is Kurt Cobain.

Kurt Cobain was the lead singer and guitarist of the band Nirvana. He was born in 1967 in Aberdeen, Washington. Kurt loved punk rock and decides to create a band called Nirvana. They produced 3 studio albums from 1989 to 1993.  The band became famous with one song from the 1991 Album Nevermind which is Smells like teen spirit, I think you could have heard this once.

Kurt was very different from the other rock singers of that period. He behaved and thought differently too. He always saw the negative point of view so, like this you’ll never be disappointed. Yes, that’s a negative way to see  life but I like him because he did everything by his way. He created his own world made out of music and art like painting and sculpture, to have an idea of his “world” let’s watch the music video of “Heart shaped box”. He said that all these images came from his dreams. Personally I love the movie clip.


But, he killed himself at the age of 27, the 5th April 1994. He was depressive, he couldn’t stand to be famous and his stomach was sick, he was addicted to drugs and didn’t want his daughter to take him as model and other personal reasons. Now he belongs ,as the legend says, to the 27 aged club which includes Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones and Amy Winehouse because they all died at the age of 27.

I would have liked to meet him but it was too late. But I gave myself an idea of what he was by books and videos but he might be different of what I imagine him. The trap is with celebrities you see only one side of their personality and in general it’s the commercial side of the entertainment industry.



  1. Heart shaped box ! I love this song ! :D But I think you know it ..

  2. I don't really know Nirvana's songs except smell like teen spirit... But I like it !

  3. You're right, we can't admire someone we never seen or known.
    I like Nirvana, but I've already said it ^^


  4. Like SweetLisa i only know Smell like teen spirit.
    And i really agree with the begining of your article, you can't really admire someone you have never met.
    ~Amazilena~ (is back)

  5. Well... if you consider Kurt Cobain as your model, it's because, somehow, you admire him.
    And, yeah I agree with you, we can see only one side of celebreties, but I think that in a certain way, the same thing with everyone. Yeaaah I'm becoming a bit philosophical dude.


  6. maybe he was made late because "it’s stupid to admire someone you have never known"



    ps: I returned late articles too ..

  7. I like too Nirvana! You like good music!

  8. Oh Nirvana! My TPE the last years.

    I would like to correct your article. Kurt Cobain's suicide is not proven. It there's many inconsistencies. I'm not going to detail because it would take too long.I have studied the subject for a long time. His death has arranged many people.
    Especially his family ..
    To take an example: With more than 3 grams of drugs in his blood, he would have take a gun using his feet, but it is impossible for human. Of course, there's other inconsistencies...

    1. Oh! A conspiracy theory! I like them!^^

    2. Yes, but justice does not reopen the case..

    3. This is just speculation(it often happens for people who are famous, it's just things to write articles in tabloids and make money on his back). Kurt was depressive and didn't want to affect his daughter's life with his drugs troubles. For the grams of heroin, a doctor explain that, as Kurt used to take much drugs, he has about 10 sec to take the gun and draw.
      And everyone thought that it was Courtney Love (his wife) who killed him.
      Although, now is gone for 19 years in 2 days (he died the 5th but they found his body the 8th) and we all should let him rest in peace.
      His case is very difficult because too many things influence the verdict.
      For me he committed suicide.

  9. I like this band

  10. I love this band, however it is the world of music and especially Rock with its advantages and drawbacks. "Stay away" and "Territorial pissings" are my favourite songs from them

  11. I very like this band because it's different from others
    I think Kurt Cobain was a good guy

