Saturday 30 March 2013

Ashley's video! Watch this!!!!

Our English language assistant Ashley, has shot this video in our school, with the help of the German Assistant, to try to get into the Detroit Challenge: It's brilliant!

Well done Ashley!

And if you want to vote for her:

Saturday 23 March 2013

Game! Game! Game! And I don't mean the hunting type! (private joke for the 2nd years!)

Do you undestand this?
If you do, explain in the comments and the first one with the right answer will get a reward (a somptuous present, as always!^^)
Good luck (and may the odds be ever...ok, I stop!^^)
Mrs P.

Update: we've got a winner: it's Agie. Read the comments if you want to know the answer!

Sunday 17 March 2013

The last article (at long last!) of our "I admire..." series:

I admire... MICHAEL JACKSON !  by GoogGoo 


I admire Michael Jackson because he had a difficult childhood but it's made him  a really generous person. It doesn't mean that someone who had a bad childhood will be made  better, but Michael wouldn't let a child living a poor  childhood like him.

Michael loved nature, animals and children (friendly speaking - please no bad joke about it, it's boring... >.< ) .

For example :

The famous song "Billie Jean" was the first video clip of a black singer on MTV : it was a great event for that time !

All the money that this song brought was given to an association helping black students for their studies.

He wrote in 1984 the song "We are the world" with Lionel Ritchie gathering many singers : "USA for Africa" was born.

His amusement park Neverland was free to let poor children and disabled people who couldn't pay for it  having fun like everybody else.

He created an association named "Heal The World Fundation" and all the money of the Dangerous World Tour was given for it.
(I saw him in concert during that tour. The not so young Mrs P.)

He dreamed of equality and peace around the world, good health for everybody, and keeping our planet as wonderful as it ever was !

I love Michael Jackson (and his music !!!!!!!!!! <3 ) don't you ? ;)


Happy St Patrick's Day, Irish friends!

The river, in Chicago, yesterday!

Friday 15 March 2013

Better late than never, Imnotyou's article on someone he admires

I precise before starting, I think it’s stupid to admire someone you have never known. It’s logical to admire our own family. However, you can have models of life. Mine is Kurt Cobain.

Kurt Cobain was the lead singer and guitarist of the band Nirvana. He was born in 1967 in Aberdeen, Washington. Kurt loved punk rock and decides to create a band called Nirvana. They produced 3 studio albums from 1989 to 1993.  The band became famous with one song from the 1991 Album Nevermind which is Smells like teen spirit, I think you could have heard this once.

Kurt was very different from the other rock singers of that period. He behaved and thought differently too. He always saw the negative point of view so, like this you’ll never be disappointed. Yes, that’s a negative way to see  life but I like him because he did everything by his way. He created his own world made out of music and art like painting and sculpture, to have an idea of his “world” let’s watch the music video of “Heart shaped box”. He said that all these images came from his dreams. Personally I love the movie clip.


But, he killed himself at the age of 27, the 5th April 1994. He was depressive, he couldn’t stand to be famous and his stomach was sick, he was addicted to drugs and didn’t want his daughter to take him as model and other personal reasons. Now he belongs ,as the legend says, to the 27 aged club which includes Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones and Amy Winehouse because they all died at the age of 27.

I would have liked to meet him but it was too late. But I gave myself an idea of what he was by books and videos but he might be different of what I imagine him. The trap is with celebrities you see only one side of their personality and in general it’s the commercial side of the entertainment industry.


Thursday 14 March 2013

Happy Pie day (or shall we say Pi Day?)

Pi Day is an annual celebration commemorating the mathematical constant π (pi). Pi Day is observed on March 14 (or 3/14 in month/day date format), since 3, 1 and 4 are the three most significant digits of π in the decimal form. In 2009, the United States House of Representatives supported the designation of Pi Day.

Thank you to Mr. L., Mathematics teacher, for the inspiration!

Monday 11 March 2013

Meet Ashley, our American assistant! (a collective article)

Want to know more about an American young woman's view on our part of France and why your two hands come handy (lol!) when you're from Michigan?!

Last Tuesday the Extra English 1st Year class invited Ashley Gordon, for an interview.

She's from Detroit, Michigan  and it's her second time in France (she was here before, to study in Orleans when she was 21) and now she's an English Language Assistant in our school.
She has launched an English club where pupils can learn to bake cookies, play games like Taboo, and watch cool TV series like How I Met your Mother.

She likes our school and the pupils (and the teachers too)

When she introduced Mighigan to us, she put her hands up this way:

She explained the particularity of Mighigan which is composed of 2 separate peninsulas that look roughly like 2 hands:

We also learnt that Special K cereals are from Michigan too...

She has traveled a lot (to Italy; England; Ireland; Israel...).
She doesn't know what job she wants to have yet but she knows she wants to go on  speaking French...

She has been to Paris at least 20 times and she loves it there but she finds it exhausting!

She also told us that American people have clichés about us: they imagine us  wearing  a beret, a Blue and white stripped T-shirt and holding a baguette (and a Camembert cheese!)

Ashley is close to her family and she misses her nephew (Bradley) and her dog (Rocky) a lot.

She's got 2 sisters and one brother. One of her sisters is an artist, the other one studies Human Resources  and her brother is an obstetrician.

Her parents came to France to visit her for Christmas this schoolyear and the last time she was in France.

It was very nice to interview Ashley, who has so willingly answered our questions.
Thank you again, and know that you will be missed when you leave.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Friday 8 March 2013

At last, Somethingintheway's article on someone he admires...

My « hero »

 The person that I admire is the hero of my favourite novel “The escape from Hell” and his name is Vuk (said vouk).

He went to war to protect his wife and when he came back , he didn’t find her , but he didn’t become sad he remained proud and now he lives day to day , alone and he does what he likes the most : kill monsters with Motorhead in their head.

Ok, that's a short article and I must admit I'm a bit confused: does he kill monsters by making them listen to Motorhead music or does he kill them while listening to heavy metal???
You don't explain why you admire him, I'd be interested to know...            Mrs P.


Wednesday 6 March 2013

A tribute to Papy Lulu, by Amazilena

Let's talk about "Papy Lulu"!

I suppose you don't understand who he is.
But it's easy. We had to talk about someone we admire. And you know, many persons have a name in their head like "Lady Gaga" or others, but in mine, there's first my family and I chose to talk about my grandfather.
He is 80 years old but, he's still young!
He was a baker for 46 years of his life, and now he still enjoys cooking for fun!

There are many reasons for my admiration...

For example, when he was 16, he danced with an unknown girl and while he was dancing, he thought she would be his wife, the love of his life...
And now?
They have been married for 56 years and she is my grandmother.
[she has even left a comment on this blog once!]
It's a rare and beautiful story.
This story was for the romantic part of this article....

But there's also a funny side to my grandfather... He's famous for creating a very funny cake, with an original shape... I can't really talk about it here but you can ask your parents or grandparents about a famous pink pastry in the Rue d'Auron, and maybe they'll tell you about it!

More information on the famous cake!

To sum up, I think we have to be proud about our family. And don't forget, they are actually the good example to follow, maybe more than famous people.

Thank you Amazilena for this sweet (lol!) story. I've had the chance to meet Papy Lulu, and I think he admires you too, the way he talked about you, his grand-daughter, was really moving.

And if he wants to prepare cakes for us, he's more than welcome!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Blackman on admiration...

Do I admire any people? No, I don't. Only God.

My parents taught me that we can't admire a creature like us, it can be considered a sin. We should admire only God.

We can like something or someone, but we can't "admire" someone or something.

Admiring an other person rather than God can be considered like  a sin in all religions.

A very interesting view on the subject... Food for thoughts, really.  Mrs P.

Monday 4 March 2013

Who does Wolfgang admire???? You'll never guess!


Some will write an article about their father or mum , others about a famous people because they inspire them...
But I'm not like that .

I decided to write an article about me. Yes , about me.
You understand very well , don't worry for your eyes , you aren't dreaming .

I'm like that , a bit like Kanye West or like all these other megalomaniac , egocentric people.

As he says himself : '' You short minded niggas thoughts is Napoleon , my furs is Mongolian, my ice brought the Dodies in
Now I embody every characteristic of the egotistic
He knows, he's so fuckin' gifted ''

We are many ! In France we have Michael Vendetta too !

We all have a common point: we consider ourselves like little gods .
Modesty ? We don't know that! We are overestimated. Being condescendant with people  is our passion !

Maybe one day you will belong to this private club If you arrive at our level one day...

PS : Of course all of this is ironical , don't worry I'm not like that. Keep smiling :)

Friday 1 March 2013

Destiny wrote an article on a book she likes...

My Favorite Books! By Destiny...
The Chronicles of the Emerged World is a recent Italian fantasy saga written by Licia Troisi, and published also in several other European countries.
The trilogy is set in the Emerged World, where the evil Tyran Aster is launching a full-fledged war in order to take over the Eight Lands, and has almost taken control of all of them.
The young girl Nihal, a Half-Elf (Half-Elves are considered a whole race in this setting) lives with her friends and her adoptive father in the Land of Wind, but then, the Tyrant invades.
Armed with the precious Black Crystal sword and along with her friend Sennar and Laio and her master Ido, she begins her journey to become a Dragon Knight and fight the Tyrant and his army of monsters before it takes over the remaining free lands, and more.
The trilogy's titles are: Nihal of The Land of the Wind, The Mission of Sennar and The Talisman of Power.
The series was well-received by readers and became quite popular.
 It also spawned two sequel trilogies known as The Wars of the Emerged World and Legends of the Emerged World but they did not reach the previous series' level of popularity.

Sennar and Nihal (Principal characters of  Chronicles of the Emerged World)

Nihal of The Land of the Wind        

The Mission of Sennar  

Italian cover of The Talisman of Power      
                    French cover of  The Talisman of Power


The story takes place on the eights ground of the Emerged World:

Land of the wind (were Nihal was born)
Land of the water
Land of the sea
Land of Fire
Land the sun
Land of the night
Land of days
Large land (where Aster, the Tyran, took up residence on his black crystal castle).


Nihal is a teenager a bit special: half-elf, half-human, she has "long blue hair floating around her head, violet eyes full of life, and large ears sharp." Daughter of a gunsmith, Nihal likes to fight with other children of the "world emerged," which is now subject to the power of a terrible tyrant. Her dream is becoming a warrior recognized that will overcome evil and spread peace.
One day, Nihal loses fight against a young boy who uses magical powers. She then obtained her father's permission to study magic with her aunt Soana, a renowned magician.
Learning will be long and full of ambush, but Nihal showed courage, and met with loved ones will be useful as Sennar, another student of Soana, or Phos, a funny little elf .
Nihal's father also plays a role in the success of his beloved daughter, making her a magnificent sword crystal black, beautiful as a gem and highly efficient.
But if Nihal is a true adventurer, who fears nothing and has nothing to envy the boys her age, she can not escape, however, neither in times of great sorrow, or the hassle of adolescence: first, she must overcome the tragic death of his father.
Here it is then that falls in love with a beautiful knight named Fen, which already courting her aunt Soana ...
Licia Troisi, author of the Chronicles of the world emerged, therefore cleverly alternates scenes of extreme violence (different fighting Nihal, a prestigious school to integrate Knight for example), and passages where feelings are more prevalent as dialogues with Sennar which shows a beautiful friendship.
Despite herself, Nihal is above all human, and thus it becomes a character as touching.
Determined, courageous, sometimes violent, it is especially sensitive, generous, and began to restore justice to the world emerged.
Does she succeed?

Thank you Destiny for this article: you know you can ask the school library to buy some books, if you think they might interest other pupils... Mrs P.