Tuesday 21 March 2017

Roots and Culture is talking to her grandchildren...

Hi everybody ! I am back for the new subject which was given to us. It’s : «  You are 95 and you tell your grand-children about your life »

- « Grandma I don’t want to return to school ! » says the little girl.
- « Why honey ? You know well that going to school is very important for your future, so that you find a good job which makes you earn enough money to live ! » answered the grandmother.

- « I have no friends, the other pupils are nasty with me and offend me and push me aside mell day long. »

- «  Why have you never told us about it, you know that it’s very dangerous? » answers the grandmother very irritated. 

- « I was afraid of talking about it » answered  the girl shyly.

- «  I’m going to tell you what happened to me at the same age than you, when I was a child, I had a problem of set of teeth for which I had to be operated rather quickly. 

The pupils began to give myself several nicknames like «rat » or « beaver ». 

At the beginning it was only mockeries, on my physical appearance, the way I got dressed. 
But over time, in the course of the months, the pupils became more and more violent.
 I said nothing, I endured the blows of others. 
My mental and physical health degraded more and more. 

But as I said nothing, my aggressors continued and became more and more numerous. 
My marks in class began  to fall and I thought even about committing suicide...

One day, I didn’t want to live any more this horrible life, I decided to write a letter to my parents and to explain them my situation. 
A few days later I was to see the police to lodge complaint again about these problems. So honey, please you're going to speak about it to your parents all right ?

- «  Yes grandma, I’m going to speak to them about it, thank you for having told me your story » answered the girl more motivated than ever.


  1. Oh.. Sad story but it may be true..
    - Chamallow

  2. What a sad story, this child is lucky to have such a great grandma to help her, give her advice and share her experiences with her.
    Great article Roots and Culture !
    See you soon, -Pegasus

  3. Very good story, it's a wonderful message against harassment !

  4. Nice! it's touching stroy.

  5. oh the story is so sad

  6. Awesome story !
    I will crying a river

  7. I really like your story Madridista

  8. Very good subject. Being victim of harassing is hard to live especially during primary school, we are more vulnerable..


  9. It shows the sad reality but I loved the form and the concept your article

  10. I really like your article because the harassment school is a very important thing which not took into consideration and it provocs many suicides... I've seen a documentary movie about this subject ''Marion, 13 ans pour toujours'' and I was very touched and irritated!!


    1. Thanks you sunflower, Thank you for your document, I shall go to have a look !

    2. That's provocs suicides and that's provocs many troubles to be a good student

  11. Sad story...


  12. It was pleasant to read that, thank you for this article!


  13. I loved your article it's very interesting. School bullying is an horrible thing and that's great you talked about it, giving a peacefull message.

    Inspector Flower

  14. I agrre with you in the point of denouncing school bullying... I suffered of it too and i'd like to encourage those ones who are living it... yse

    1. It seemed to me interesting to speak about this subject ... Thaks for your comment Yse !

  15. I love your article, harassing is very dangerous, we must denounces it !
